

【作者】 金序能

【导师】 徐金发;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着2002年安然事件曝光以及随后的施乐、世通以及我国银广厦丑闻的相继披露,社会信用水平跌至谷底,原本一直被社会所忽视但却客观存在于企业之间的声誉差异逐渐被显性化,迫使企业不得不重视自身的声誉建设和维护。中介企业作为连接供需双方的中间环节,作为解决市场交易信息不对称问题和降低交易双方道德风险的重要第三方,其声誉问题显得更加重要。然而,我国的中介企业却面临着严峻的道德考验。在企业之间的竞争已经逐渐从产品竞争、质量竞争、价格竞争、服务竞争上升到更高的阶段,在声誉资产日趋关系到竞争成败的今天,我国仍然缺乏有效的声誉管理理念和方法。现有的声誉理论研究没有能够较好的解决企业的现实需求,给中介企业的声誉管理实践工作带来了巨大的挑战。因此,如何运用好声誉资产使其为企业经营服务,成了新时期塑造成功企业的一个崭新的问题。本研究从企业声誉理论出发,结合经济学领域对企业声誉成因的宏观解释和管理学领域对企业声誉构成的微观探索,以我国中介企业作为研究对象,探讨了企业声誉对中介企业参与市场活动和行业竞争的意义所在,进一步界定了中介企业声誉的内涵与外延,明确了中介企业声誉存在和发展的前提条件及影响因素,并在此基础上归纳总结出中介企业声誉的形成机理。该研究与以往企业声誉的研究相比,实现了以下五点突破:一是采用了利益相关群体细分的方法,正视了由于利益点差异和信息不对称造成利益相关者对企业声誉感知不同的问题,进一步深化拓展了中介企业声誉的认知结构;二是在中介企业、利益相关者和外部环境之间建立起动态的联系,在以往静态的声誉研究中增加了时间维度;三是把握住了企业声誉的客观存在性与中介企业进行声誉管理的主观能动性之间的联系,正是由于企业声誉是利益相关者对企业历史行为的主观反映,这种反映的客观存在性是不以企业意志为转移的,这就意味着企业只能通过发挥自身的主观能动性去提高、改善自身的声誉,发挥声誉的积极作用。四是将中介企业声誉的形成过程划分为企业可管理的三个重要环节,帮助中介企业建立起一套有效的声誉管理流程,实现中介企业对声誉问题的自觉管理。五是以“实现有效管理”为目标,通过实证方法得出了影响中介企业声誉的驱动因素并按照管理重要性划分为四种类型;同时,按照不同的环境将中介企业声誉投入意愿划分为四种类型。为中介企业的声誉管理提供了重要的参考依据。在理论研究的基础上,本研究还综合运用访谈、问卷调查、案例研究方法,在Spss和Lisrel统计工具辅助下,首先,探索、验证了中介企业声誉的驱动要素和构成要素的指标结构,并在二者之间建立了路径关联;运用层次分析法求出了不同利益相关者对总体声誉贡献的权重;同时将各驱动要素按照影响程度和提升空间双维度进行了划分;其次,运用独立样本T检验证实了社会信用压力环境和中介企业规模对中介企业声誉投入意愿强弱的影响,并按照内部、外部两个维度对中介企业声誉投入意愿进行了划分;最后,在中介企业的声誉投入和绩效产出之间建立了数量联系,帮助中介企业创立了一套用以指导声誉实施的流程方法。通过一系列研究工作,本文得出以下结论:(1)中介企业的主要利益相关者构成中包含客户、内部员工和社会公众,三者对中介企业声誉的贡献度依次减弱。中介企业的“客户导向”、“产品/服务质量”、“企业质量”和“服务可靠性”四个指标维度显著驱动了客户对中介企业声誉的感知;“经营能力”、“员工成长机会”、“工作条件”、“领导能力”和“员工待遇”五个指标维度显著驱动了员工对中介企业声誉的感知:“广告宣传”、“社会责任”和“外在吸引力”三个指标维度显著驱动了社会大众对中介企业声誉的感知。根据不同驱动因素对利益相关者感知的作用程度不同和提升空间不同,将中介企业声誉的驱动因素划分成:事倍功半型、事半功倍型、努力保持型和基础保障型,研究得出客户导向、员工成长机会和社会责任三个因素对提升中介企业声誉最为重要。(2)社会信用压力环境和中介企业规模能够显著影响中介企业声誉投入的意愿。当社会信用压力较大时,中介企业的声誉水平与绩效水平相关度较高,企业在谋求未来高绩效的利益驱使下会产生声誉投入冲动;相反,当社会信用压力较小时,中介企业的声誉水平与绩效水平相关度较小,声誉投入很可能成为不经济的投入。同样,在中介企业声誉水平与绩效水平的相关度问题上,较大规模企业比较小规模企业表现出了更高的相关性。因此,中介企业应该根据自身成长所处的阶段进行适度的声誉投入。根据中介企业外部信用环境和企业成长规模两个维度将企业声誉投入愿望划分为内生激励型、高度关注型、外生压力型和缺乏动力型四种类型。(3)证实了通过对声誉驱动要素的调节,能够按照预先料想的作用路径改变中介企业的声誉水平,进而改变企业的绩效水平这一研究设想。使得中介企业可以通过对驱动要素的投入控制来获得预想的产出效果。在案例研究中,通过对3个客户驱动要素、2个员工驱动要素和3个公众驱动要素的改变,实现了目标企业在财务、客户、内部流程、学习/成长四个角度的绩效变化。最后,本研究在中介企业声誉形成机理和中介企业声誉管理三个关键环节分析基础之上,为中介企业树立科学的声誉管理理念提出了四点重要的对策建议,分别是建立有效的声誉识别机制、培养主动的环境辨别意识、坚持投资决策的科学化和保持公司上下的一致性。

【Abstract】 After the exposure of companies’ scandals like Enron, Xerox, Worldcom and China’s Yinguangsha, the credit of the total society fell to the bottom of the valley. The differences between corporate reputations that were neglected by social common in the past began to gain more and more attention today. Under the social stress, companies had to focus on the building and maintaining of their reputation. As a key link linking demanders and suppliers, and as the main third part to solve the problem of information asymmetry and to reduce the moral hazard, the medium company’s reputation is much more important. But this day, native medium companies were facing austere test of moral. The competition between companies has experienced the period of product competition, quality competition, price competition and service competition, and is coming to a higher stage now. Although the reputation assets increasingly influence the firm competition, our firms still lack the effective methods to manage corporate reputation. The reputation theories up to date still have not fulfilled the demand of firms, which remains the biggest challenge for our practice of reputation management. Therefore, how to make use of the reputation is becoming a new problem when companies want to make success.This research was based on the theory of corporate reputation. It compounds the macro-explanation about reputation by economics and the micro-research on the structure of reputation by management. It discussed the significance of corporate reputation for medium companies to participate in the market activities and the industry competition, defined the meaning of corporate reputation, clarified the precondition and factors of medium corporate reputation, and brought forward the mechanism of reputation’s forming. Compared with former researches, this research made five breakthroughs. Firstly, it enriched the meaning of corporate reputation through the subdivision of the stakeholders. Secondly, it established the relationship among medium companies, stakeholders and environment. Thirdly, it established the relationship between the objective exist of the corporate reputation and the activity of medium companies. Fourthly, Dividing the process of reputation for the medium company into three key links, this article helps the native medium companies establish a effective procedure for reputation management. Fifthly, under the goal to achieve effective management, this article gain key factors driving the reputation of medium companies and divide them into four types. Offering important references to reputation management for medium companies.Based on the theoretic research, this research also used multifold methods to discover the driven factors and the structure factors of medium corporate reputation, and approved that the environment and scale can influence companies’ decision of reputation investment. Help native medium companies establish a process to implement the reputation management. This research came to many conclusions as follow.(1) The main stakeholders of medium companies included clients, employees and social common. Four factors, client-oriented, service quality, company quality and service reliability, are remarkably correlative to the clients. Five factors, management ability, grow-up opportunity, working condition, leadership and salaries, are remarkably correlative to the employees. Three factors, Ad, social responsibility and attractiveness, are remarkably correlative to the social commons.(2) Social credit stress and company scale are remarkably correlative to the willingness of company’s reputation investment. When the social credit stress is high, the reputation quotation is remarkably correlative to the performance. When the scale of medium company is high, the reputation quotation is remarkably correlative to the performance.(3) This research approved that medium companies can improve their corporate reputation by adjusting the driven factors of reputation. In case study, author changed three client-driven factors, two employee-driven factors and three common-driven factors, and achieved performance improvement.Finally, this research brought forward four advices: building effective mechanism to identify reputation, cultivating consciousness to identify environment, insisting scientific investment decision, keeping consistency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期