

The Study of the Motif of Forming Friendship in Mongolian Heroic Epic

【作者】 关金花

【导师】 呼日勒沙;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文以蒙古族英雄史诗的结安答母题为研究对象,系统地研究了它的历史演变轨迹、社会对它的解读以及它在史诗研究中的重要性。研究了结安答母题从简单到复杂,由单元母题发展到安答母题系列(类型),甚至构成结安答独立主题过程。史诗中所反映的结安答习俗产生于氏族社会末期,在漫长的口传过程中不断地得到发展与变异,具备了有社会共性和地域特性。通过研究与结安答母题有关的战争、婚姻、宣誓、战马劝告以及结努克尔(?)等描述,得知结安答是战争的异化,婚姻是缔结结安答的依赖。蒙古史诗中的结安答母题具有很深的文化含义和象征意义。史诗中的英雄们经常在战争中结安答,在寻找妻室时结安答,由战马的劝告而结安答,向神宣誓结安答,在搏斗中力臂相等而结安答,在互相交换信物后结安答,这些结安答方式中隐伏着远古崇拜意识和文化渊源。结安答习俗是饮血同魂的原始思维、语言崇拜和英雄崇拜等的产物,也是蒙古先民的历史、文化的一种载体。结安答习俗具有社会功能的,在蒙古史诗中象征着团结友好,是氏族社会部落联盟的体现。论文由绪论、主要内容和结论组成。在绪论中交代了选题的理由、目的、意义以及研究对象、研究范围。第一章,论述了结安答母题产生于单篇型史诗中,在串联复合型史诗中得于发展,在并列复合型史诗中构成独立主题的演变过程。第二章,分析了结安答习俗的文化渊源及其所包含的深层含义。结安答与战争、婚姻有内在联系,结安答有各种方式,比如,饮血、牙咬刀剑、交换信物、对苍天发誓等,这些都有一定的象征意义。通过研究结安答的各种方式,指出了结安答习俗的原始思维是灵魂观念。第三章,以历史人物结安答为例,对结安答习俗在蒙、汉民族中存在的历史和文化差异以及宣誓习俗和结安答习俗的差别做了比较研究,同时也对安答(?)和努克尔(?)之差进行了比较研究,探讨了产生差异的根源。宣誓是表达人与神的关系,结安答是表达人与人的关系,安答是努克尔(?)的古代称呼。第四章,阐述了结安答习俗对社会所起的作用。

【Abstract】 The motif of forming friendship in Mongolian heroic epic is a study of an object in this paper , a systematic study of the historical evolution of its trajectory, its interpretation of society and its important place in the epic research. the motif of forming friendship is from simple to complex, from the development of unit Motif to a Motif of forming friendship On series (type), and even composing an independent subject.of forming friendship. A custom of forming friendship appeared in the epic arises from the end of clan society, in the long process of word of mouth continue to receive development and variation, with the society commonness and geographical characteristics. with researching the description of war, marriage, oath, horse advice and努克尔(?) related to forming friendship , and was informed that the forming friendship is an alienation of war, conclusion of marriage is a dependence of forming friendship.the motif of forming friendship in Mongolian heroic epic with deep cultural meaning and symbolic significance. The heros in the epic was often forming friendship in the war、when looking for their wives、by the horses advice、making a vow to God、the force of arm equal at the fighting、After the exchangeing token, these ways of forming friendship hidden the awareness of ancient worship and cultural origins. A custom of forming friendship is a product of drinking blood with the soul of the original thinking、language worship and hero worship, and the vector of the early Mongolian history、culture too.Thesis include the preface, the main contents and summary of the composition. In the preface gives an account of the reasons for selection, purpose, significance, and research objects, the scope of the study.The first chapter discusses the evolution process of motif of forming frinendship derived from single-type epic, developed in the serial epic of a compound, constituting a independent subject in the parallel epic of a compound .ChapterⅡ, analyzes a cultural origins and the deeper meaning contained in a custom of forming friendship.Forming friendship is intrinsically linked to marriage and war, Forming friendship has a variety of ways, such as drinking blood、teeth biting swords、and the exchange token、vowed to God which must have a symbolic meaning. With researching of a variety of the ways, pointing out that original thinking of the custom of forming friendship is the soul of the concept.ChapterⅢ, As an example with historical figures, to do a comparative study about the custom of forming friendship is different in Mongolian and Han nationalities in the history and the cultural differences in two nationalities about forming friendship, as well as the differences between oath of custom and forming foriendship and the (?) and努克尔(?). Oath is to express the relationship between man and God, forming friendship is an expression of interpersonal relations , an ancient name of努克尔(?) is . (?).ChapterⅣdescribed the custom of forming friendship is acting on the society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】219