

Evaluation and Linkage of Cultivated Land Quality for Different Geomorphic Regions and Scales

【作者】 袁秀杰

【导师】 赵庚星;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 土地资源是人类生存的基本条件,耕地是土地资源中最重要的部分,其存量和质量是决定国家安全度的重要方面。进入20世纪90年代以来,由于人口增加和经济发展对水、土和生物资源的压力越来越大,土地质量问题日益引起世界各国、国际组织和科学家的普遍关注。耕地资源是粮食生产的重要基础,具有作为人类活动承载空间、物质生产和生态服务等基本功能,保护耕地对保障国家粮食安全、维护社会稳定、促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。耕地质量的高低直接影响到农业的可持续发展和粮食安全,开展耕地质量评价,摸清耕地质量及其影响因素,是加强耕地质量建设和合理利用土地的重要基础。本研究针对当前耕地评价中不同地貌区和不同空间尺度指标体系的统一和衔接这一关键技术问题,采用传统的土壤调查方法与地理信息系统技术相结合,选择山东省茌平县(平原区)与章丘市(丘陵区)作为评价区域,对耕地质量评价指标体系及评价结果进行系统研究,探索不同地貌区评价指标体系的统一和衔接。同时,选择乐陵县为研究区,通过对不同类型指标空间变异性的研究,分析不同取样数对耕地质量评价结果的影响,建立不同尺度耕地质量评价指标体系。具体研究成果如下:1、在GIS支持下,利用土壤图、土地利用现状图叠置划分法确定区域耕地质量评价单元,分别建立茌平县(平原)和章丘市(丘陵)两个地貌类型的耕地质量评价指标体系及其模型,运用层次分析法和模糊数学方法对耕地质量进行了综合评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。2、分别对茌平县和章丘市采用不同指标体系的评价结果进行分析,建立了两套指标体系及结果的线性函数衔接模型。运用灰色关联度、回归分析、层次分析法等对平原区和丘陵区的评价指标进行分析,筛选出对耕地质量影响较大的指标,建立统一的耕地质量评价指标体系。经过验证,采用统一指标体系的评价结果与采用原有的指标体系评价结果一致,即统一评价指标体系既保证了评价结果与原有工作成果的一致性,又解决了不同指标体系间的差异,使区域内耕地质量评价结果统一。3、运用地统计学、Kriging插值理论,对样点数据进行分析,确定不同土壤养分指标的空间变异特征,确定合理的取样个数。4、分析不同尺度下取样对耕地质量评价结果的影响,确定最适宜的取样尺度。5、在县级耕地质量评价的基础上,根据土壤养分及其他影响因素的空间变异状况,筛选地市级、省级耕地质量评价指标,建立了不同尺度的耕地质量评价指标体系。6、以茌平县和章丘市作为样区,对不同尺度耕地质量评价指标体系评价结果进行对比分析,结果证明不同尺度耕地质量评价指标体系评价结果基本一致。

【Abstract】 Land resource is the main source of human survival. Cultivated land is the most important of land resource, and its quantity and quality is an important aspect of the national security. Since 1990s, the pressure of water, soil and biology has been increasingly great. Land quality is paid more attention by all over the world, international organizations and scientists. Cultivated land resource is the basic of grain production, and it can provide spatial, material production and ecological service. Protection of cultivated land has important significance for guaranteeing nation grain safety, maintaining social stability, and promoting economic all-round, harmonious, sustainable development. The quality of cultivated land will directly affect agricultural sustainable development and grain security. Developing cultivated land quality evaluation, clarifying cultivated land quality and its influencing factors is important basis for quality management of cultivated land and rational use of land.According to the key technical problems of non-uniform evaluation index systems in different geomorphologic and different scale regions, using traditional methods of soil investigation and geographic information system technology, this paper studies on the index system and results of cultivated land quality evaluation, researches unification and connection between different geomorphologic regions. In the case of Leling County, we studies on the spatial variability of different nutrient index, analyzes the effects of evaluation results with different sampling number, establishes cultivated land quality evaluation index systems of different scales. Detail research results are as follows:1. Based on GIS, overlapping soil map and land-use map and getting evaluation units of cultivated land quality evaluation, we established respectively index systems of cultivated land quality evaluation in Chiping (plain) and Zhangqiu County (hill). Using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy mathematics method, we evaluated cultivated land quality and analyzed results of evaluation.2. Respectively analyzed results of evaluation with different index system in Chiping and Zhangqiu County, and established linear model that may link plain and hill index system. Using grey correlation, regression analysis and analytic hierarchy process, we analyzed plain and hill index system, selected important influence factors, and established uniform index system of cultivated land quality evaluation. Results of evaluation with uniform index system and its original index system are accordant through test. Uniform index system eliminates difference of different index system and realizes the uniform results of cultivated land quality evaluation.3. Using geo-statistics and kriging interpolation, analyzing data of sample point, we educed spatial variability character of soil nutrient index, and made certain rational number of sampling points.4. Analyzing results of cultivated land quality evaluation with different sampling scale, we determined the rational sampling scale.5. Based on the cultivated land quality evaluation of county level, according to spatial variability character of soil nutrient and other factors, we selected evaluation index of city level and provincial level, and established index system of cultivated land quality evaluation of different scales.6. In the case of Chiping and Zhangqiu County, we analyzed the results of cultivated land quality evaluation with different scale index system and approved the accordance of the results.

  • 【分类号】S159.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】990