

Theory and Practice on the Building of Agricultural Product Brands in China

【作者】 张可成

【导师】 杨学成;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农产品是人类赖以生存的主要商品,也是质量隐蔽性很强的商品。传统品牌理论认为质量隐蔽性严重的商品需要利用品牌进行产品质量特征的集中表达和保护。可现实中,农产品品牌建设严重滞后于工业产品品牌和服务产品品牌。研究农产品品牌建设的特点,探讨农产品品牌建设理论,总结农产品品牌建设实践,对实现我国由农业大国向农业强国的转变有着重要的理论和实践意义。本文综合运用微观经济学、农业经济学、品牌学、管理学等理论和文献法、调查法、主成份分析法、整体分析法、个案分析法等研究方法,对农产品品牌建设要素、建设流程、建设主体等理论问题和我国农产品品牌建设的现状、问题及对策进行了深入系统的研究。主要研究内容与结论(观点)如下:1、农产品品牌建设一般分析。笔者认为:(1)西方的“Brand”不等于中国的“品牌”。中国“品牌”的概念应该是西方“Brand”加上“Quality”的总和。(2)农产品品牌有广义和狭义之分。广义农产品品牌由质量标志、种质标志、集体标志和狭义农产品品牌(农业企业申请注册的企业产品品牌)构成。(3)农产品品牌的主要特征是:品牌表现形式的多样性,品牌效应的外部性,品牌形象的脆弱性。(4)农产品品牌对消费者的作用主要是降低信息收集成本和选择成本,消除农产品市场的逆选择现象;农产品品牌对农业企业的作用主要是降低产品推介成本,增加企业利润,促进企业永续发展;农产品品牌对农户的作用主要是增加收入和持续经营能力;农产品品牌对政府的作用主要是降低管理成本,促进管理目标的实现,提升中国农产品国际化水平。2、关于农产品品牌建设要素。农产品品牌建设要素包括质量满意度、价格适中度、品牌信誉联想度、品牌知名度等四个要素,这四个要素由13个分析指标构成。其中,质量满意度要素包括质量标志、集体标志、外观形象和口感4个指标;价格适中度要素包括定价适中度、调价适中度2个指标;品牌信誉联想度要素包括信用度、联想度、企业责任感、企业家形象4个指标;知名度要素包括提及知名度、未提及知名度、市场占有率3个指标。3、关于农产品品牌建设主体。其中,广义农产品品牌建设主体包括狭义农产品品牌建设主体和农产品品牌建设参与主体两部分。狭义农产品品牌建设主体是指直接从事农产品品牌建设的农业企业,而参与主体是指参与农产品品牌建设的政府、农业行业组织和农户。农业企业在农产品品牌建设中的主要职能是决定农产品品牌定位,申请注册农产品品牌,控制农产品质量,申报农产品的质量标志,制定和调整农产品价格等;政府在农产品品牌建设中的职能是制定品牌农产品的质量标准,倡导和督促农产品品牌的建设,为农业企业建设品牌提供服务和支持,管理农产品品牌和质量标志的申报注册,促进农产品品牌的国际化等;农业行业组织的职能主要是实施集体品牌的申报与管理,支持行业内农业企业的品牌建设,帮助行业内农业企业进行市场开拓,加强行业自律维护品牌农产品经营企业的利益等;农户在农产品品牌建设中的职能主要是提供初级农产品,保障初级农产品质量。在农产品品牌建设中农业企业、政府、农业行业组织和农户之间是竞合关系。为了提高农产品品牌建设水平和效率,各农产品品牌建设主体应加强合作和沟通。4、关于农产品品牌建设流程。农产品品牌建设流程包括四个阶段十七项主要工作。分别是品牌规划阶段、品牌创立阶段、品牌培育阶段和品牌扩张阶段。其中,品牌规划阶段的主要内容依次为品牌产品选择、品牌经营环境分析、品牌建设目标确立、品牌目标市场确定、品牌定位规划等;品牌创立阶段的主要内容依次是品牌识别系统设计和品牌注册、品牌产品上市、品牌文化内涵的确定等;品牌培育阶段的主要内容是培育农产品品牌的四个要素13个指标,使品牌水平得到全面巩固和提高;品牌扩张阶段的主要内容是品牌保护、品牌延伸、品牌连锁经营和品牌国际化等。农产品品牌建设要素和品牌流程有机组合形成了农产品品牌建设的二维模型。该模型系统地描述了农产品品牌建设纵、横两个维度的建设内容。5、关于农业企业农产品品牌建设之实践。目前,农业企业的农产品品牌建设在取得一定进步的同时仍存在不少问题。主要表现在品牌定位不清,品牌标志建设水平不高,企业负责人质量意识低于消费者,企业普遍没有建立符合消费者心智的调价制度、低价竞争严重,企业品牌质量管理机构不健全、人才缺乏,初级加工农产品品牌发展慢于深加工农产品品牌等方面。因此,明确农产品品牌定位,重视农产品质量标志和集体标志的申请,加强农产品加工过程的质量管理,建立科学合理的定价和调价机制,塑造品牌信用度和企业家良好形象,制定和实施正确的广告策略,扩大农产品品牌知名度是推进农业企业品牌建设的重要途径。6、关于政府、农业行业组织、农户参与农产品品牌建设的实践。政府在农产品品牌建设中存在着农产品质量标准建设落后,对农产品品牌建设扶持力度不够,认证结果公信力不高,对农产品品牌的保护力度不足等问题。因此,政府应该加强农产品质量标准体系建设,增加农产品品牌建设财政投入,加大对农业企业的扶持力度,理顺政府农产品品牌管理体制,提升农产品品牌认知的公信力,做好农产品品牌保护工作。农业行业协会在农产品品牌建设中存在着农产品质量的行业自律较差,对企业品牌建设的服务、协调不够,集体品牌保护和管理不利等问题。因此,农业行业协会应该在这些方面强化职能、做好工作。农户在农产品品牌建设中最主要的问题是提供的初级农产品质量不高。因此,应该加大宣传、培训力度,提高农民的农产品质量安全意识和能力,增强农民的组织化程度,完善农产品生产供应体系,改进监管制度、提高监管效率,加大执法力度、提高违法成本。7、农产品品牌的个案研究。通过对“燎原”品牌建设过程的考察和建设水平的评价,发现了该品牌建设存在的问题,并提出了对策。通过这一案例研究,不仅使农产品品牌建设理论得到进一步的应用和验证,而且对农产品品牌建设实践有了更为具体的认识,从一个侧面达到了理论与实践的统一。

【Abstract】 Agricultural products are not only the main commodities for human life but also the commodities with strong concealment of quality. Traditional brand theory believes that quality features of commodities with strong concealment of quality should be collectively expressed and protected through brands. However, in reality, the brand building of agricultural products seriously lag behind that of industrial products and service products. Therefore, further research on the features of the the brand building of agricultural products, discussion on the theories of the brand building of agricultural products and summarizing their practical conducts are of thoretical and practical importance in guiding the transformation of our country from a major agricultural producer to an angricultural power. This dissertation aims at a profound and systematic study on the theories relating to the essential factors, procedures, the principal parts, etc., that exist in the brand building of agricultural products, as well as on the current research status, problems and solutions in the brand building of agricultural products in China, through various research methodologies from microeconomics, agri-economics, brand science and managerial economics. These methodologies include documentary methodology, investigation methodology, major factor analysis, overall analysis and case analysis.Main contents and conclusions (perspectives) are as follows:1. General analysis on the brand building of agricultural products. In my opinion, the term of“brand”bears different meanings in the western culture and the Chinese culture. (1) Chinese brands shall be the combination of western brand and quality. (2)Agricultural products have both general meaning and narrowed meaning. An Agricultural product brand in general meaning consists of quality mark, germ plasm mark, collective mark and narrowed brand (brands of products applied for registration by agricultural enterprises). (3) Main characteristics of agricultural product brands: diversified manifestations, externalities of brand effect and vulnerability of brand image (4) What agricultural product brands benefit consumers is that it reduces the cost of information collecting and selecting, and eliminates the phenomenon of adverse selection; agricultural product brands benefit agricultural enterprises in the way it reduces the cost of promoting; agricultural products brands benefit farmers in the way it increases their income and enhance their continued viability; agricultural product brands also benefit the government in the way it reduces the management cost, accelerates the realization of management goals and enhances the international level of Chinese agricultural products.2. On essential factors in the brand building of agricultural products. Four essential factors include degree of quality satisfaction, degree of affordable prices, degree of the brand credit association, degree of brand popularity, etc., with 13 indicators involved: 4 indicators to quality mark, collective mark, the exterior image and taste regarding degree of quality satisfaction, 2 indicators to the moderate degree of pricing and the moderate degree of price adjustment regarding the degree of affordable prices, 4 indicators to the degree of credit, the degree of association, corporate responsibility, the image of entrepreneurs regarding the degree of brand credit association, and 3 indicators to mentioned popularity, non-mentioned popularity and market share regarding the degree of brand popularity.3. On principal part of the brand building of agricultural products. Brand building of agricultural products in general sense includes two principal parts. One is the principal part of narrowed brand building of agricultural products and another is the main bodies participating in the brand building, i.e., governments, organizations in agricultural industry and farmers. Principal parts of narrowed brand building of agricultural products refer to the agricultural enterprises directly participating in the brand building. The main functions of agricultural enterprises in the brand building are to determine brand positioning, to apply for registration, to control the quality, to apply for the quality mark, to price and adjust the price, to build the brand culture, to shape the image and to popularize the brand of agricultural products; the main functions of governments in the brand building are to formulate quality standards of brands of agricultural products, to advocate and supervise the brand building, to provide service and support to the brand building, to manage the application for and registration of agricultural products brands and quality marks and to accelerate the internationalization of agricultural products brands; the main functions of organizations in agricultural industry in the brand building are to implement the application and registration of collective brands, to support the brand building in agricultural industry, to assist the agricultural enterprises in market developing and to emphasize the self-disciplined protection of the benefits of corporate operating in brand agricultural products; the main functions of farmers in the brand building are to provide primary agricultural products and ensure their quality. The relationship between the agricultural enterprises, governments, organizations in agricultural industries and farmers is competition-cooperation relationship.4. On the procedures of the brand building of agricultural products. It covers four stages and seventeen main themes of work. Four stages are: the stage of brand planning, the stage of brand establishing, the stage of brand cultivating and the stage of brand expanding. The main work in brand planning stage includes: selection of brand products, environment analysis of brand operation, goal establishment of brand building, market determination of the brand goal and brand positioning and planning; the main work in brand establishing stage include: design of the identification system of the brand and brand registration, brand products listing, brand cultural connotation determining; the main work in brand cultivating stage is to cultivate the "four essential factors" and "thirteen indicators" of brand agricultural products, as stated above, to consolidate and enhance comprehensively the brand level; the main work in brand expanding stage include: brand protection, extension, chain-operation and internationalization. Essential factors and procedures of agricultural products brand building combine organically to form a two-dimensional model of agricultural products brand building, which systematically specifies the vertical and horizontal building content of agricultural products brands.5. On the practices in brand building of agricultural products. Currently, although great achievements have been made in the brand building of agricultural products, many problems remain to be solved. Many problems are revealed through the following examples: the awareness to product quality possessed by agri-enterprise managers is inferior to that of consumers; brand positioning is unclear; brand building level of agricultural enterprises is low; enterprises generally have not established price adjusting system in line with the psychological needs of consumers in front of severe price competition; brand building level and brand credibility are generally low; primary processing develops slower than deep processing of agricultural products; quality management agencies of agricultural product brands are not perfect and are short of human resources. Consequently, important approaches to accelerating the brand building of agricultural products are to place emphasis on the application for quality mark and collective mark of agricultural products, to strengthen the quality regulation in processing agricultural products, to establish scientific pricing and price adjustment mechanism, to enhance the reputation of agricultural products through brand culture, to define brand position specifically to establish brand credibility and good image of entrepreneurs, to formulate and implement proper advertisement strategy, and to expand brand popularity of agricultural products.6. On brand building practices by governments, organizations in agricultural industries and farmers. In the process of brand building, governments have such problems as lag behind in establishing quality standards for agricultural products, not providing enough support for brand building, low public credibility of certification results and not giving enough protection for agricultural products. Therefore, governments should strengthen the establishment of agricultural products quality standards, perfect brand service system, increase financial budget in the brand building, add more support to the agricultural enterprises, make clear the management system of agricultural products brands, enhance the credibility of certification of brands and do well the protection work of agricultural products. In the process of brand building, associations in agricultural industries have such problems as low self-discipline about the quality of agricultural products, not investing enough service and coordination in the brand building, and showing improper protection and management of collective brands. Therefore, associations in agricultural industries should strengthen their functions and do work well in those aspects mentioned above. Farmers’problems appear when they provide the primary products of low quality. Hence, governments should strengthen the propagation and training in order to increase farmers’ quality-safety awareness as well as capacity of agricultural products, enhance the degree of organization of them, perfect the production-supply system, improve supervision regulations, enhance supervision effects, strengthen law enforcement and increase the cost of breaking the law.7. On the case study of agricultural product brands. After investigating the building process of "Liaoyuan" brand and assessing its building level, we discovered some problems existing in the building process and we proposed our countermeasures. Through this case study, we not only have further applied and confirmed agricultural products building theories, but also obtained more concrete cognition of the building practices of agricultural products, realizing the unity of theory and practice from one side.
