

Study on the Problem of Policy-Based Agricultural Insurance Development in China

【作者】 李海军

【导师】 胡继连;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农业是人们利用植物、动物、微生物的生长机能,通过人工控制和培育以获得产品的基础产业,容易受到多种自然灾害和环境变化(如旱、涝、风、冰雹、寒潮、病虫害等)的影响。我国作为农业大国和自然灾害频发国家,探索建立符合中国国情的政策性农业保险制度,分散农业风险,保护农业生产者利益,既是降低农业生产系统性风险、保障农业健康持续发展的客观要求,也是发展现代农业、建立现代农村金融制度的迫切需要。本论文试图运用准公共产品理论、博弈理论、制度变迁理论等作为分析工具,系统总结研究我国政策性农业保险的发展历程,比较分析国内外政策性农业保险典型模式,并专门考察山东省政策性农业保险试点探索情况。在此基础上,对影响我国政策性农业保险发展的重大问题进行深入研究和理性思考,提出相关政策建议。本文的研究内容和主要结论如下:(一)梳理了政策性农业保险生成与发展的相关理论基础,认为建立政策性农业保险制度事关农业稳定持续发展,既有坚实的理论支撑,也是一项重要而又紧迫的现实问题。准公共物品理论分析表明,无论是多风险或一切险,农业保险都具有准公共产品的基本特征,需要政府在制度供给、环境营造和财政补贴等方面发挥不可或缺的作用,这是政策性农业保险生成的根本原因。博弈论分析表明,政府的支持和引导,可以有效调动农业保险经营者开办业务、农民参加保险的积极性和主动性,是实现政府、农业保险经营者、农民三个相关行为主体互动平衡的主导因素。制度变迁理论分析表明,制度在发展中处于基础和根本的地位,研究发展问题必须把制度建设作为重点,突出制度设计和实施的相关内容,其中政府推动农业保险制度变迁的动力最强,可以运用行政、经济或法律手段诱导和强制农业保险制度变迁,并履行相应的职责。福利经济学理论分析表明,政府支持开展政策性农业保险,可以大大增加社会总福利。农业弱质性理论、国际贸易理论和农业多功能理论分析表明,政策性农业保险属于政府对自然灾害的补偿和救济内容,实施的意义广泛而重要,并且对国际贸易不产生扭曲作用,是WTO框架下政府加强对农业支持保护的重要措施。(二)按照政府干预和扶持力度的强弱,可将我国政策性农业保险的发展历程大体划分为早期波折阶段(1950-1993年)、制度缺失阶段(1994-2003年)和恢复试点阶段(2004年至今)。其中,1994年以前的农业保险是政策性农业保险的一种萌芽形态和简单形式,2004年是商业性农业保险和政策性农业保险的另一个重要分界时点。通过分析我国政策性农业保险发展历程、曲折成因及其启示表明,对于政府、农业生产者和保险公司三个行为主体而言,政府财政补贴等相关优惠政策的实施力度,决定着政策性农业保险的实际供给水平和农民有效需求水平。没有政府的积极介入和有力支持,我国政策性农业保险就很难有稳定、持续发展,更难以摆脱曲折、徘徊、萎缩的发展困境。这一历史实践也启示我们,政府采取合理的方式积极介入,尽快确立政策性农业保险的法律地位,不断加大财政补贴和政策支持力度,完善相关配套政策措施,是促进政策性农业保险健康发展、不断在更高水平上实现供求均衡的关键。(三)2004年以后,我国多个省份开展了政策性农业保险的试点探索,主要形成了上海安信、黑龙江垦区阳光相互制、吉林安华、新疆建设兵团中华联合、浙江共保体等五大典型模式。这五种模式的相同点体现在:地方政府主导推动政策性农业保险发展、兼顾运用市场和行政手段实现保险规模扩张、采取有效措施预防和分散风险以及实行“以险养险”等方面,这些制度设计有效推动了试点工作的开展。同时,受经济发展水平和政策性农业保险基础开办条件的限制,五种模式在区域特色、经办主体、保险对象、保障方式与程度、政府扶持力度、扩散效应等方面有所差异。这些发展模式的探索实践启示我们,制度设计是否合理、财政补贴是否有力是影响政策性农业保险发展的重要因素。(四)2006年,山东省正式启动政策性农业保险试点工作。从对山东省政策性农业保险试点探索情况的专门考察来看,试点取得了较好效果,特别是在帮助试点地区农户分散农业风险、推动农业生产等方面发挥了积极作用。但由于政策性农业保险属于新生事物,在山东省刚刚起步,制度设计还不够成熟和完善,仍存在不少问题,主要体现在行政色彩比较浓厚、巨灾风险准备金制度不够完善、保险责任与农民实际需求有一定差距、个别险种保险责任认定困难、农民群众保险意识淡薄且消费能力有限等诸多方面,特别是农户、保险公司、政府三者相互平衡关系还没有完全建立的问题,成为制约今后山东省政策性农业保险发展的主要因素。(五)从世界范围看,约有40多个国家推行政策性农业保险,较为典型的有以美国、加拿大、日本、法国为代表的发达国家模式,以菲律宾为代表的发展中国家模式,以及前苏联模式。这些国家的实践证明,要想实现政策性农业保险的可持续发展,需要健全的法律保障、强有力的政府支持、完善的再保险和巨灾风险分散机制、专设的管理机构、适合本国国情的发展模式。另外,由于自然条件和经济社会发展水平的差异,各国的政策性农业保险在险种与承保范围、保险责任、实施方式等经营层面上也有显著不同。这些国家政策性农业保险的实践启示我们,应积极借鉴国外发展政策性农业保险的有益经验和一般规律,结合国情,加强制度创新,健全完善法律和政策支持体系,推动我国政策性农业保险健康发展。(六)在我国建立科学、有效、完善的政策性农业保险制度,是一项长期而复杂的系统工程,不可能一蹴而就,需要立足中国国情,大胆探索,抓住关键,勇于实践,积极推进,逐步建立具有中国特色的政策性农业保险制度。这其中的关键因素和环节主要包括:加强立法,尽快完善政策性农业保险法律制度;设立农业风险管理机构,统筹全国政策性农业保险发展;健全政策性农业保险财政补贴制度,提高财政资金使用效率;建立农业巨灾风险分散转移制度,多渠道分散农业生产的自然风险;完善政策性农业保险税收制度,促进承保公司可持续发展;建立政策性农业保险与农业信贷投放相结合制度,实现农村银保互动发展;坚持自愿与适度强制相结合,为提高参保率提供制度保障;建立政策性农业保险保费资金使用与监管制度,确保资金保值增值。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is a basic industry, which is to obtain products through the growth function of plant, animal, and microbial with artificial control and cultivation, and vulnerable to natural disasters and environmental changes (such as drought, waterlogging, wind, hail, cold, pests, and etc.). China is a large agricultural country, in which natural disasters frequently happen. Therefore, to explore and establish policy-based agricultural insurance system in accordance with Chinese situation to disperse agricultural risks, and protect the interests of agricultural producers, is not only an objective requirement to decrease the risk of agricultural production system and safeguard and promote the sound and sustainable development of agriculture, but also an urgent need to develop modern agriculture and establish modern rural monetary system.This dissertation attempts to adopt Quasi-Public Goods Theory, Game Theory,Institutional Change Theory and Welfare Economics Theory as theoretical analysis tools, to review the development course of the policy-based agricultural insurance system in China, to make a comparative analysis on the typical models of domestic and international policy-based agricultural insurance, and to conduct a special investigation to the pilot of Shandong policy-based agricultural insurance. On this basis, the dissertation makes an in-depth research and rational reflection on the problem of policy-based agricultural insurance in China, and puts forward relevant policy recommendations.The dissertation’s main contents and conclusions are as follows:I. Based on the related theories about formation and development of policy-based agricultural insurance, it concludes that the establishment of the policy-based agricultural insurance system concerns the agricultural steady and sustainable development, which has a solid theoretical foundation, and is an important and urgent issue. According to the Quasi-public Goods Theory, regardless of risk or all risks, agricultural insurance has the basic characteristics of quasi-public goods and needs government to play an essential role in institution supply, environment creation, and fiscal subsidies, which is the fundamental reason why policy-based agricultural insurance comes into being. According to the Game Theory, the government policy support and introduction can effectively promote the enthusiasm and initiative of agricultural insurance business operators’and farmers’participation, which is a dominant factor to realize the interactive equilibrium of the government, agricultural insurance operators, and farmers. According to the Institutional Change Theory, the institution is at the basic and underlying position in the development, and therefore the research on development must attach importance to institutional construction and focus on institutional design and implementation. The government has the strongest force to promote agricultural insurance system change. It may induce or force the change through administrative, economic and legal means, and bear corresponding responsibility. According to the Welfare Economics Theory, the government can greatly increase the total social welfare if it supports the policy-based agricultural insurance. According to the Agricultural Inferiority Theory, International Trade Theory and the Agricultural Multi-functional Theory, policy-based agricultural insurance is kind of subsidy and relief payment by government to natural disasters, whose meaning is important and widespread. Policy-based agricultural insurance does not twist international trade, but also is an important agricultural support and protection measure under the framework of WTO.II. According to the extent of the government intervention and support, the development process of policy-based agricultural insurance has experienced three stages: Early Twist Stage (1950-1993), Institution Deficiency Stage (1994-2003), and Pilot Restoration Stage (2004-). Before 1994, agricultural insurance was the original and simple form of policy-based agricultural insurance, and the year 2004 was another important watershed between commercial agricultural insurance and policy-based agricultural insurance. Through the analysis on the development course of China’s agricultural insurance, and the causes and inspiration of tortuous development, it shows that to government, agricultural producers and insurance companies, the implementation of such related preferential policies as government financial subsidies determines the actual supply of policy-based agricultural insurance and farmers’effective demand. Without government active involvement and strong support, the policy-based agricultural insurance is difficult to have the stable and sustainable development, and more difficult to get rid of the winding, wandering, atrophy development dilemma. This historical practice also inspires us that government intervention in a reasonable manner, rapidly establishing the legal status of the policy-based agricultural insurance, gradually increasing financial subsidies and policy support, and perfecting the relevant supportive measures, are the key to promote the healthy development of policy-based agricultural insurance and to realize the equilibrium of supply and demand of insurance at higher level continually.III. Since 2004, several provinces have explored the pilot in the development of the policy-based agricultural insurance and formed such typical modes as Shanghai Anxin, Heilongjiang Province Sunshine System, Jilin Anhua, China United of Xinjiang Construction Group, and Zhejiang Coinsurance. The similarities of these five modes are as follows: the local government leading and promoting policy-based agricultural insurance development, application of market and administrative measures to carry out insurance market expansion, and taking effective measures to prevent and disperse risk and implement "risks raising risks", etc. These institution designs have effectively promoted the pilot work. And meanwhile, restricted by the economic development level and basic development conditions of the policy-based agricultural insurance, these five modes have difference in regional characteristics, organization of operation, insurance object, security patterns and degree, government support, and diffusion effect, and etc. The practice of these development modes reveals that reasonable system design and the power of fiscal subsidy are the fundamental factors to the agricultural insurance development.IV. In 2006, Shandong government formally initiated the pilot on policy-based agricultural insurance. From the special investigation on the pilot, we can see that the pilot has achieved better effects, especially playing a positive role in dispersing agricultural risks and promoting agricultural production. However, due to the fact that policy-based agricultural insurance is still the new thing, and has just started in Shandong province, the institutional design is not perfect, and there still exist many problems such as strong administrative intervention, imperfect catastrophe risk reserve system, certain gap between farmers’actual demand and insurance responsibility, difficulty in recognizing responsibility of some risk, farmer’s weak insurance consciousness and limited consumption ability, and etc.. Especially, the balanced relationship between farmers, insurance companies, and government has not been established, which will become the main factor to hinder the development of policy-based agricultural insurance in Shandong province.V. From a global perspective, about 40 countries have implemented policy-based agricultural insurance. There are some typical modes, such as developed nations’modes with the United States, Canada, Japan, and France as representatives, developing nations’modes with Philippines as representative, and the former Soviet mode. The policy-based agricultural insurance in these countries has the common features: improving the legal protection, strong government support, perfect reinsurance and mechanism of catastrophe risk dispersion, special management organization and some development mode suitable for the situation of a country. These above features are the important factors to promote and maintain the stable and healthy development of policy-based agricultural insurance. Moreover, because of difference in natural conditions and social economic development, those countries’agricultural insurance modes have significant difference in risks, insurance liability coverage, implementation fashions, and etc. The foreign successful practices of policy-based agricultural insurance reveal that we should learn beneficial experience and general rules from them, and promote the healthy development of policy-based agricultural insurance by enhancing institutional innovation and perfecting law- and policy-supporting system, in light of our country’s situation.VI. To establish the scientific, efficient and perfect policy-based agricultural insurance institution in China is a long and complex project and cannot be finished in one day. It has to be done step by step with brave exploration and practice according to the actual condition of China. The key elements and issues include: to enhance legislation to improve the relevant legal institution; to establish the agricultural risk administration to develop the policy-based agricultural insurance; to improve the grant-in-aid institution to enhance the efficiency of the financial fund usage; to found the dispersal mechanism of the catastrophe risk to disperse the natural risks of the agricultural production; to improve the tax institution for policy-based agricultural insurance; to enhance the sustainable development of the insurance company; to build institution to combine policy-based agricultural insurance and agricultural credit supply;to achieve developmental-interaction of the country bank assurance; to insist on the combination of volunteering and appropriate enforcement to enhance insurance participation; to establish the institution to supervise the use of the premium fund of the policy-based agricultural insurance; to guarantee the value of the fund and realize its appreciation.
