

A Study of Science and Technology Industrial Parks

【作者】 刘乐

【导师】 杨学成;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 国内外实践证明,高新技术产业开发区(以下简称“高新区”)是发展高新技术产业、调整经济结构、改造传统产业、推动产业升级的重要基地和辐射源;是科技创新和体制创新的示范区和实验区;是一个国家和地区的最具活力的新经济增长点。但是,在我国高新区发展过程中存在着诸如招商引资秩序混乱、创新能力不强、产业集群发展水平低、土地利用不合理等突出问题,严重地制约了高新区的健康和可持续发展。本文试图在既有研究成果和管理实践的基础上,以泰安高新区为例,探索高新区发展的运作机理和实践中的突出矛盾,提出了具有针对性和可操作性的政策建议,为我国高新区的健康和可持续发展尽微薄之力。我们认为:发展能力是高新区发展问题的灵魂或核心;科技创新和体制创新是高新区可持续发展的两大动力;产业集群的培育和壮大是高新区快速发展的基础;土地集约利用和失地农民补偿安置是现阶段影响高新区科学发展的两个突出问题。因此,本文以高新区发展能力为全文统领和逻辑主线,分别从科技创新、制度创新、产业集群、土地集约利用和失地农民补偿安置等方面对高新区发展问题展开深入研究。形成了“导论-总论-分论-附论-结语”的论文结构。主要内容如下:第一章为导论,主要是高新区发展问题研究动态和成果综述。第二章为总论,主要是对高新区发展能力进行数量化的分析和研究。通过对国内外高新区发展历程及现状的分析,提出了评价高新区发展能力的指标体系,包括科技创新、体制创新、产业集群、土地集约利用和社会环境五项一级指标和二十八项二级指标。运用这一指标体系对泰安高新区发展能力进行数量化分析和研究后发现:在山东省14家高新区发展能力综合排名上,泰安高新区位列第9位。与山东省东部沿海发达地区的高新区相比,泰安高新区在多个方面都存在较大差距;相比山东省中西部的高新区,泰安高新区的整体优势虽不明显,但在产业集群、科技创新、土地集约利用等关键指标上领先。第三章至第六章为分论。第三章是对泰安高新区科技创新体系的研究。通过实地调研发现泰安高新区科技创新体系还存在科技经费投入不足、投入结构不合理、风险投资机制不完善、创新人才和科技中介缺乏等问题,因此,应该大力培育科技创新主体,建设以企业为中心的科技创新体系,同时应该在资本、人才、中介服务等方面完善高新区科技创新体系建设的政策。第四章是对泰安高新区管理体制的研究。泰安高新区管理体制在外部制度环境和内部运行机制两个方面存在的主要问题是:高新区行政主体地位不明确、授权不到位、向旧体制复归、政企不分、招商引资恶性竞争等。因此,应该从完善法律体系、转变政府职能和加快培育市场体系等方面进行高新区管理体制创新。第五章是对泰安高新区产业集群的研究。研究发现,在泰安高新区产业集群培育和发展方面普遍存在产业规划水平低、企业集聚性脆弱、集群机制缺失等问题。因此,必须充分利用和依靠现有的产业基础,提高自身实力和参与产业分工的能力,同时以产业链为中心进行招商引资,建设特色产业园区,成立相关行业协会以加强企业之间的交流合作,促进高新区产业集群高水平发展。第六章是对泰安高新区土地集约利用的研究。研究发现,片面追求地方利益、扭曲的政绩观、规划不合理以及征地制度不完善等是造成目前高新区土地快速出让、总体利用效率不高、投资强度低等核心问题的主要因素。从实际出发,解决土地粗放利用问题的基本思路是:改变考核方式,制约政府官员的圈地冲动;加强规划职能,充分发挥规划控制监督的作用;盘活存量土地,提高土地使用效率;运用市场机制配置土地资源,加强用地项目的监督管理。第七章为附论,是对泰安高新区失地农民补偿安置问题的研究。通过对大量第一手调查资料的分析发现,泰安高新区失地农民补偿安置整体情况良好,农民失地前后生产和生活状况发生了积极的变化。同时我们认为,虽然高新区失地农民生存状况近期不足虑,但远期令人忧。因此,在高新区发展过程中,必须妥善地处理因土地征收引发的各种利益关系,切实保障失地农民的合法权益,并通过建立失地农民的就业安置和社会保障制度从根本上解除失地农民的后顾之忧。第八章为结语,主要是展望了高新区未来的发展前景。

【Abstract】 It has been proved by the practices from both our country and abroad that the Science and Technology Industrial Parks (abbreviated as STIP or STIPs hereafter) are the important bases and sources of radiation for the development of newly high industries, the adjustment of economic structures, the innovation of traditional industries and the motivation for industry upgrading. They are also the experiments and models for science and technology creation and system innovation, and as well the liveliest points for economic increase in an area and a country. However, there are some prominent problems in the course of development of the STIPs in our country as the disorder of introduction of investments, the incapability of innovation and creation, the low level of development of industry groups and the irrational utilization of lands, which severely constrain the healthy and continuous development of the STIPs.On the base of both the results of the previous study and practices of administration, with the STIP in Tai’an City as a case study, this dissertation attempts to explore the internal laws and mechanisms of operation of the STIP, putting forward specific and operative suggestions for policy-making, hoping to contribute a little for the healthy and continuous development of the STIP in our county.As we consider it, developing capacity is the soul or core part of the problem of STIP development; science and technology creation and system innovation are the two pushes (motives) for the continuous development of the STIPs; the cultivation and strengthening of the industry groups are the bases for a rapid development of them; and the economical utilization of land and compensational deals with the farmers who the losing their lands are the two prominent problems affecting the scientific development of the STIPs at the present stage. Therefore, with the developing capacity of the STIPs as the logical leading clue, dealing respectively with the topics as science and technology creation, system innovation, grouping of industries, economical utilization of land and compensational deals with the farmers who the losing their lands, the dissertation explores the problems of the development of the STIPs in depth, forming an“Introduction--- General-view--- Detailed-views--- Attached-View--- Conclusion”framework of the dissertation. The main content of the thesis is as follows:The first chapter is the introduction, mainly dealing with a literature review of the results and future tendencies of the researches on the problem of the development of the STIPs. The second chapter is a general view, mainly dealing with the analysis and study of the capacity of the STIP both in quantity and quality. On the base of the analysis of the history and current state of the STIPs both at home and abroad, the thesis puts forward an index system for the assessment of the developing capacity of the STIPs, including five first-level indexes as science and technology creation, system innovation, grouping of industries, economical utilization of land and social environment, followed by twenty-eight second-level indexes. It has been found by applying the index system for analysis that Tai’an STIP ranks the 9th in developing capacity among the 14 STIPs in Shandong Province. Compared with the STIPs in the east areas along the coast, there are large gaps for Tai’an STIP in many aspects; while compared with the STIPs in the middle and the west areas in the province, Tai’an STIP takes a lead in several major indexes as the grouping of industries, science and technology creation and economical utilization of land, although its advantages are not much obvious. Chapter three to six are the detailed-views.Chapter three studies the system of science and technology creation in Tai’an STIP. It has been found by on-the-spot investigation that such problems still exist as insufficient investment in science and technology, irrational structure of the investment, imperfection of the system of risk investment, shortage in both talents and intermediaries. Therefore, major efforts should be devoted to cultivate subjects for science and technology creation, enterprise-centered system of science and technology creation should be constructed, and at the same time, policies should be perfected to deal with such aspects concerning science and technology creation as capitals, talents and intermediary services.Chapter four studies the administrating system in Tai’an STIP. Problems in administrating system in Tai’an STIP concerning both the policy environment outside and operating mechanism inside include indefiniteness of administrating subject status, ill-certificated authorities, restoration to old systems, non-division between administration and enterprises, galloping competition in introduction of enterprises and investment. Therefore, creations in administrating system should be performed in such aspects as perfecting the law system, converting of the functions of the government and quickening the cultivation of market system.The fifth chapter deals with the study of industry-grouping in Tai’an STIP. It has been founded by study that problems in both cultivating and developing concerning industry-grouping still exist such as low-level in industry-programming, fragility in enterprise assembling, and shortage in grouping mechanism. Therefore, the present industry base should be fully facilitated and depended on to raise their own strength of the industries and their capacity to participate industry differentiations, and at the same time to introduce enterprises and investments, to construct characteristic industry parks, to perfect the cooperating mechanism combining production, learning and research, to establish associations of relevant trades so as to strengthen the communication and corporation between enterprises, till in the end, a high-leveled development of the STIP can be achieved.Chapter six focuses on the study of the economical utilization of land in Tai’an STIP. It has been found by study that the major elements which lead to the present core problems as high-speeded transfer of land in the STIP, overall deficiency of utilization and low intensity of investment are the unilateral seeking for local profits, the distorted mentality on official achievements, unreasonable programming and imperfect requisition policy, etc. The basic notion of solving the problem of extensive utilization of land must be based on reality: to change the present cadre check-up mode and constrain the officials’impulse for land enclosure, to enhance and exert the programming function for a full controlling and monitoring, to take stock the reserved land and improve the efficiency of land use, to use market mechanism for land disposition and enhance the managing and monitoring of land-use programs.The attached-view in chapter seven is an on-the-spot study of helping to settle down the farmers in Tai’an STIP who are losing their land and the compensation for them. It has been found by analyzing the first-hand data that the farmers concerned are settled down and compensated very well, and their life have been changed for better after their land had been required. At the same time, we consider that the living conditions of the farmers concerned are beyond any worry in the near, however, in the long run, it is really worthy of some worry. Hence in the process of the development of any STIP, various interest relationships must be dealt with properly so as to guarantee practically and effectively the rights and interests of the farmers. It will be better to free once for all the farmers from fear of disturbance in the rear via establishing rules and regulations for employment and settlement and social ensuring of the farmers concerned.Chapter eight, as the conclusion of the dissertation, looks ahead for a bright prospect of the STIPs.
