

Coupling Relationship between Land Consolidation and New Countryside Construction and Its Pattern Innovation

【作者】 高明秀

【导师】 赵庚星;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国家重新提出土地整理10年来,土地整理在实现耕地总量动态平衡,改善生产条件,提高农用地产能,保障粮食安全等方面发挥了巨大作用。但由于土地整理目标过分强调增加耕地数量,忽视了土地整理推动农村建设综合功能的发挥,限制了土地整理和农村建设的健康协调发展。因此,在国家提出实施新农村建设战略的背景下,进行土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系及其模式创新理论与方法研究,厘清土地整理与新农村建设的耦合关系,并据以调整土地整理目标,优化土地整理功能,创新土地整理模式,已成为当前修编土地整理规划,重构土地整理布局,改进土地整理措施,推进土地整理事业健康发展,保障社会主义新农村建设战略顺利实施的重要课题。本文采用地理信息系统技术及数学定量分析方法对土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系及其模式创新的理论和方法进行了系统的研究。论文主要研究内容和结论如下:1.在系统分析、总结国内外土地整理与农村建设研究及实践和相关理论基础上,提出了土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系的内涵,分析了耦合关系研究的理论基础,提出了耦合关系的研究内容,包括内容耦合、模式耦合和管理耦合。2.研究认为,土地整理与新农村建设的耦合关系,既表现为手段与目标的关系:土地整理是手段,新农村建设是目标,土地整理的内容确定、模式设计与运作管理,都应以新农村建设为目标;又表现为相辅相成、互相促进的协调共进关系:土地整理具有推进新农村建设的功能,其效果如何取决于土地整理所确定的目标、内容、模式和管理的状况;土地整理促进了新农村建设,才能获得新农村建设为其提供的更大发展空间。系统分析土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系的内容耦合、模式耦合和管理耦合,构建了二者耦合关系框架模型。认为土地整理与新农村建设的内容耦合可以通过土地整理强度、土地整理功效与新农村建设的耦合来定量反映。提出了实现我国土地整理与新农村建设协调耦合的保障机制。3.研究了新农村建设水平评价及其监测的理论与方法,以新农村建设目标内涵分析为根本依据,研建了包括限制条件、发展水平、可持续性3个方面11类54项指标组成的新农村建设水平评价及监测指标体系;综合考虑指标对新农村建设目标的影响确定权重,建立了基于指数和法的综合评价模型,设置水平等级划分标准;提出了新农村建设进程单因素监测和综合监测方法;引入GIS方法辅助数据获取和结果空间表达。4.提出土地整理强度的概念,认为它是土地整理活动对被整理土地作用的强弱程度。提出了土地整理强度及其与新农村建设耦合研究方法:确定土地整理强度影响因素及指标,构建项目土地整理强度、区域土地整理强度数学模型,在GIS支持下对土地整理强度现状类型、动态类型进行空间分析;通过回归模型分析土地整理强度与新农村建设耦合规律;在GIS支持下对土地整理强度与新农村建设现状类型耦合、动态类型耦合进行空间分析;建立土地整理与新农村建设动态耦合系数模型进行分析。5.提出土地整理功效的概念,认为土地整理功效是土地整理功能效果的综合反映。分析土地整理功效的内涵和影响因素,构建了5个方面32项指标组成的土地整理功效评价指标体系。提出了土地整理功效评价及其与新农村建设耦合研究方法:分析土地整理功效影响因素,构建评价指标体系,确定指标权重,建立综合评价模型;计算土地整理功效与新农村建设耦合系数,采用方差分析方法检验新农村建设变动系数在不同土地整理功效、不同项目类型下的差异性。6.以土地整理与新农村建设模式耦合为指导思想,提出了面向新农村建设的6种土地整理新型模式及其适用性,包括现代农业发展型整理模式、生态环境治理型整理模式、基础设施改进型整理模式、适应城镇建设型整理模式、适应工矿发展型整理模式、协调人地关系型整理模式;提出了面向新农村建设的土地整理模式创新研究方法:分析新农村建设对土地整理模式的要求,建立GIS空间属性数据库,确定土地整理模式的适用性,在GIS支持下进行空间配置。提出了土地整理创新模式实现的保障机制。7.以泰安市岱岳区为例,进行了新农村建设水平评价及其监测研究应用。结果表明,2006年岱岳区新农村建设总体上处于中级发展水平;12个乡镇处于中级发展水平,6个乡镇处于初级发展水平,全部乡镇可细分为5个类型。2000-2006年岱岳区新农村建设总体呈上升趋势,但发展速度不快;各乡镇可划分为3个动态发展类型:4个乡镇属于快速发展型,6个属于中速发展型,8个属于慢速发展型。8.以岱岳区为例,进行了区域土地整理强度与新农村建设耦合关系的实证。结果表明,2000-2006年,岱岳区土地整理快速发展,由重开发向重整理为主过渡;空间分布体现出丘陵区大平原区小的特点。经回归分析发现,除新增耕地实现率与人均农林牧渔总产值年均增长率、土地整理绝对强度和土地整理强度与新农村建设综合指数年均增长率可用复合曲线拟合,土地整理相对强度与新农村建设综合指数年均增长率可用双曲线拟合外,整理潜力实现率、新增耕地实现率、潜力投资兑现率与人均农林牧渔总产值年均增长率、人均农业产值年均增长率、人均农村经济总收入年均增长率以及农民人均纯收入年均增长率均可用三次方程进行拟合。岱岳区各乡镇土地整理强度现状类型可划分为强度整理型、次强整理型、中度整理型和弱度整理型4类;土地整理强度与新农村建设的现状耦合可划分为弱度影响耦合型、中度影响耦合型、次强影响耦合型、强度影响耦合型4种类型。各乡镇土地整理强度动态类型可划分为剧变型、缓变型、相对稳定型、稳定型4种类型;根据土地整理强度与新农村建设动态耦合系数,土地整理强度与新农村建设动态耦合也可划分为强度影响耦合型、次强影响耦合型、中度影响耦合型和弱度影响耦合型4种类型。9.以岱岳区5个已实施土地整理项目区的23个行政村及基础条件相似的5个无项目行政村为例,进行了土地整理功效评价及其与新农村建设耦合应用研究。结果表明: 23个行政村可划分为高效整理型、中效整理型和低效整理型3种功效类型;不同项目类型下土地整理功效基本存在国家级>省级>市区级的规律。28个行政村可划分为剧变型、缓变型、相对稳定型、稳定型4种新农村建设变动类型;不同变动类型下土地整理功效表现为剧变型>缓变型>相对稳定型>稳定型的规律,土地整理功效越大,新农村建设变动越大。方差分析结果表明,不同功效类型、不同项目类型对新农村建设的影响差异显著:不同功效类型下新农村建设变动系数均值变化规律为高效整理型>中效整理型>低效整理型,不同项目类型下新农村建设变动系数均值变化规律为国家级>省级>市区级>无项目,均与土地整理功效均值变化规律一致,说明土地整理功效大小可直接反映土地整理对新农村建设的作用大小;土地整理功效与新农村建设耦合系数在不同功效类型、不同项目类型下差异极显著,可以反映土地整理与新农村建设的耦合关系。10.以岱岳区为例进行了面向新农村建设的土地整理模式应用研究。结果表明,岱岳区土地整理现代农业发展型整理模式主要分布于土地条件和农业发展基础较好的区域,总面积90861.13hm2;生态环境治理型整理模式主要分布于环徂徕山区域,汶河沿岸土地沙化退化区、工矿集中区以及水源保护区,总面积68309.94hm2;基础设施改进型整理模式主要分布山地丘陵区交通不便、农业生产基础较差的区域,总面积66817.76hm2;适应城镇发展型整理模式主要分布粥店、天平办事处大部和16个乡镇驻地,总面积23551.55hm2;适应工矿发展型整理模式主要分布于满庄、北集坡、大汶口、粥店、天平、山口、范镇等工矿集中区域,总面积23384.15hm2;协调人地关系型整理模式主要分布于良庄、徂徕、下港、黄前、祝阳、道朗等乡镇地形复杂经济欠发达区域,总面积41349.64hm2。本文通过对土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系及其模式创新的理论、方法及其应用研究,初步构建了土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系及其模式创新的理论体系框架,提出了土地整理与新农村建设耦合关系及其模式创新研究的技术方法,并以岱岳区为例进行实证研究,取得了较理想的应用成果。研究成果对在新农村建设背景下,协调土地整理与新农村建设关系,创新土地整理模式,推进新农村建设具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 During the past ten years since land consolidation was again put forward by our nation, land consolidation has made a great achievement in realizing the dynamic equilibrium of the gross cultivated land, improving production conditions, increasing agricultural land comprehensive productive capacity, and ensuring grain safety. However, due to the overemphasis on the aim of increasing cultivated land area, and the neglect of the integrated function in promoting countryside construction, the coordinate development of land consolidation and countryside construction was limited. Therefore, under the new socialist countryside construction strategy of our country, studying the theory and method of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction and its pattern innovation, clarifying their coupling relationship, so as to adjust the aim, to optimize the function and to innovate the pattern of land consolidation, have been an important and urgent task for the purpose of revising the programming, reconstructing the layout, improving the measures of land consolidation, and promoting the healthy development of land consolidation and ensuring the implementation of new socialist countryside construction.Supported by GIS techniques and mathematic quantitative evaluation models, this dissertation systematically studied the theory and the method of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction and its pattern innovation. The main study contents and conclusions are as follows:1. By analyzing and summarizing the land consolidation and countryside construction researches at home and abroad, the dissertation proposed the essence of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction, analyzed its theory foundation, and considered that coupling relationship included content coupling, pattern coupling, and management coupling.2. The coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction is not only that of means and objectives: land consolidation is an important means of new countryside construction, and new countryside construction is the aim of land consolidation. The determination of the content, the design of the pattern and the management of land consolidation should be based on new countryside construction. In addition, they are also supplementing, promoting each other and harmoniously developeing together: Land consolidation has the function of promoting new countryside construction, and its effectiveness depends on the aim, content, pattern and management of land consolidation; only when land consolidation promotes new countryside construction, will new countryside construction provide greater space for land consolidation development.The content coupling, pattern coupling, and management coupling between land consolidation and new countryside construction are systematically analyzed, and a framework of the coupling relationship was put forward. The content coupling can be quantificationally studied by analyzing land consolidation intensity and efficiency. The security mechanism was brought forward to ensure the coordination of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction.3. The theory and method of level evaluation and its dynamic monitoring of new countryside construction was studied. According to the aim of new countryside construction, the evaluation index system was set up, which included 54 indexes in 11 categories of 3 aspects, namely, constraints, development and sustainability. Weight of index was reckoned on the index’s effect on new countryside construction, integrated evaluation model was set up, and the gradation and classification criterion was determined. The dynamic process monitoring method of new countryside construction was put forward, and GIS technique was introduced to acquire data and to express the results.4. The concept of land consolidation intensity was put forward, which was regarded the degree of land consolidatoin activities influence on the land. The study method of land consolidation intensity and its coupling relationship with new countryside construction were proposed. Indexes were set up based on the affecting factors. The mathematical models of land consolidation project intensity and regional land consolidation intensity were set up. The spatial analysis of land consolidation intensity actual types and dynamic types were carried out with the GIS techniques. Coupling relationship was explored in the latter ways: coupling law was analyzed by setting up regression model, spatial analysis of actual type coupling and dynamic type coupling were carried out with the GIS techniques, and coupling coefficient model of land consolidation intensity and new countryside construction was established.5. The concept of land consolidation efficiency was put forward, which was a comprehensive manifestation of function and the effect of land consolidation. The meaning and the affecting factors of land consolidation efficiency were identified. Evaluation index system of land consolidation efficiency was set up, composed of 32 indexes in 5 aspects. Research method of land consolidation efficiency and its coupling relationship with new countryside construction were studied. The affecting factors of land consolidation efficiency were analyzed, and the evaluation index system was set up. The index’s weight was reckoned. The integrated evaluation model and coupling coefficient model of land consolidation efficiency and new countryside construction were set up. The coupling coefficient of land consolidation efficiency and new countryside construction was calculated. Change coefficient situation of new countryside construction in different efficiency and different project types was analyzed with analysis of variance.6. Based on the pattern coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction, 6 new countryside construction oriented land consolidation patterns and their applicability were proposed, including the modern agricultural development pattern, the eco-environment improvement pattern, infrastructure improvement pattern, adapting to town construction pattern, adapting to industry construction pattern and harmonizing men-land relationship pattern. Study method of land consolidation pattern innovation was explored. Demand of new countryside construction for land consolidation pattern was discussed, and new countryside construction oriented land consolidation patterns were designed accordingly. Spatial attribute database was built with GIS. The influencial factors and applicability of each pattern were analyzed. The spatial collocation of these new patterns was carried out with GIS techniques. The security mechanism was brought forward to ensure the realization of the new pattern.7. Taking Daiyue District as an example, new countryside construction level evaluation and its dynamic monitoring were demonstrated. The result indicated that the new countryside construction level of Daiyue District was on the intermediate level of development on the whole in 2006; 12 towns were on the intermediate level of development, 6 towns were on the primary level of development, all the towns could be classified into 5 types. The new countryside construction level in Daiyue District was on the rise from 2000 to 2006 overall, but the pace of development was slow; the towns in Daiyue District could be divided into 3 types of dynamic development: 4 belonged to the high-speed development type, 6 belonged to the medium-speed development type, 8 belonged to the low- speed development type.8. Taking Daiyue District as an example, regional land consolidation intensity and its coupling relationship with new countryside construction was demonstrated. The results showed that land consolidation in Daiyue District developed rapidly from 2000 to 2006, the emphasis was transiting from land exploitation to land consolidation; the spatial distribution in hill regions was far more than that in plain area. Coupling curve type between the realization additional cultivated land rate and the average annual growth rate of gross national products in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was compound curve. Coupling curve types among absolute land consolidation intensity, land consolidation intensity, and the average annual growth rate of the integrated index of new countryside construction were compound curve. Coupling curve type between land consolidation relative intensity and the average annual growth rate of the integrated index of new countryside construction was hyperbola curve. Coupling among the realization rate of land consolidation potential, the realization rate of additional cultivated land, the realization rate of investment potential, and new countryside construction indexes were fit by cubic equation.In Daiyue District, the actual land consolidation intensity of towns could be divided into 4 types: intensity consolidation, hypo-intensity consolidation, moderate consolidation, and feeble consolidation. There are 4 types of actual coupling: feeble effect coupling, moderate effect coupling, hypo-intensity effect coupling, and intensity effect coupling. There are 4 dynamic types of land consolidation intensity: exquisite change, slow change, relatively steady and steady. The coupling between land consolidation intensity and new countryside construction could be divided into 4 kinds: intensity effect coupling, hypo-intensity effect coupling, moderate effect coupling, and feeble effect coupling.9. Taking 23 villages of 5 land consolidation projects implemented and 5 non-project villages which were similar in infrastructure conditions in Daiyue District as examples, land consolidation efficiency and its coupling relationship with new countryside construction was demonstrated. The result showed that 23 villages could be divided into 3 land consolidation efficiency types: high efficiency, moderate efficiency and low efficiency. The order of land consolidation efficiency in different project types was: national > provincial > city (District). 28 villages could be divided into 4 new countryside construction change types: exquisite change, slow change, relatively steady and steady; the order of land consolidation efficiency in different change types was: exquisite change > slow change > relatively steady > steady. The greater land consolidation efficiency, the greater the change of new countryside construction. Analysis of variance result showed that the impact of the different efficiency type and different project type on new countryside construction change was of significant differences; the order of new countryside construction change rates in different efficiency types was: high efficiency > moderate efficiency > low efficiency; the order of new countryside construction change rates in different project types was: national > provincial > city (District). Coupling coefficient was of significant differences in different efficiency types and different project types, which could reflect the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction.10. Taking Daiyue District as example, new countryside construction oriented land consolidation pattern innovation was demonstrated. The result indicated that modern agricultural development pattern mainly distributed in the regions with good land condation and agricultural basis, with a total area of 90861.13 hm2. The eco-environment improvement pattern mainly distributed in the regions of mountain Culai, along the bank of Dawen river, industry concentrated area and conserved water area, with a total area of 68309.94 hm2. The infrastructure improvement pattern mainly distributed in the hilly regions that with poor transport facilities and poor agricultural production, with a total area of 66817.76 hm2. The adapting to town construction pattern mainly distributed in most regions of Zhoudian, Tianping, and in the 16 townships, with a total area of 23551.55 hm2. The adapting to industry construction pattern mainly distributed in the industry concentrated area, with a total area of 23384.15hm2. The harmonizing men-land relationship pattern was mainly located in the economically underdeveloped regions of Liangzhuang, Culai, Xiajiang, Huangxian, Zhuyang, Daolang, etc, with a total area of 41349.64 hm2.With the study of the theory, method and application of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction and its pattern innovation, this dissertation proposed the theory frame of the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction, suggested the research methods, and achieved ideal results of application in Daiyue District. The research achievements will have great theoretical value and practical significance in harmonizing the coupling relationship between land consolidation and new countryside construction, innovating land consolidation pattern, and promoting the new countryside construction.
