

The Research of Chinese Modern Charities

【作者】 黄鸿山

【导师】 王卫平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 慈善事业在中国有着悠久的历史,明清时期善会善堂的兴起,更是中国慈善事业史上引人注目的现象。在鸦片战争之后,随着社会形势的急剧变化和西潮的冲击,中国慈善事业也发生了较大的变化。不仅传统慈善组织的职能和救助办法发生显著变化,一系列新型慈善组织也纷纷出现。本文以晚清江南地区为中心,沿着“传统慈善组织的近代发展”和“近代以来新型慈善组织的出现”这两条主线开展研究,力图揭示中国近代慈善事业的运营实态和近代转型历程。本文的研究显示,江南不但是明清中国慈善事业最为兴盛的地区,也是最早开始慈善事业近代转型的地区。在晚清时期,特别是在太平天国战争以后,不但义仓、栖流所之类的传统慈善组织发生了明显变化,借钱局、洗心局、迁善局、济良所之类的新型慈善组织也纷纷在江南及其周边地区首先出现,继而在全国各地产生广泛的影响,并在后世的制度建设中留下了明显痕迹。与明清慈善事业相比,近代慈善事业承担的任务更为复杂、救助对象的范围大为拓展、救助办法更加积极有效,表现出鲜明的时代特征。在梳理史实的基础上,本文对近代慈善事业发展过程中体现的“教养兼施”、国家与社会的关系、传统与现代的关系等问题进行了再探讨,对以往流行的一些看法作了补充和修正。文中指出,“教养兼施”不仅指兼顾生活和教育救助,同时还带有矫正和强制的意味,新中国成立后出现的“劳动教养”制度,便是从“教养兼施”的提法逐步衍变而来。从清代苏州慈善组织的管理和收入看,晚清时期的“社会”并没有真正独立于“国家”,强国家、弱社会的基本格局并没有改变,慈善事业并不能视作近代中国的“市民社会”或“公共领域”。从借钱局、洗心局、济良所及教养局等慈善组织的事例看,近代慈善组织中许多颇为“现代”的救助办法,其实都可以在“传统”中找到根源,即便是一些直接从西方移植而来的慈善组织,同样也受到传统的重大影响,将传统和现代完全割裂看来的观点是有失偏颇的。最后,通过考察近代慈善事业的发展历程和总结其经验和教训,本文对当前的社会保障制度和慈善事业建设提出建议,希望今人能够汲取近代慈善事业的有益经验,同时能够避免近代慈善事业的某些弊端。

【Abstract】 The charities have a long history in china. The rise of charity organizations during the Ming and Qing dynasties is a noticeable phenomenon in the history of Chinese charities. After the Opium War, with the quick change of social context and the impact from the Occident, Chinese charities show a lot of transformations. Not only the traditional charity organizations’functions and relieving measures develop greatly, but also a series of new charity organizations appear. Focusing on the south of Yangtze river during the late Qing dynasty, taking“the traditional charity organizations’development”and“the new charity organizations’appearance”as thought way, the dissertation tries to probe into Chinese modern charities’operation and course of transformation.The dissertation reveals that the south of Yangtze river is the pioneer of charities’modern transformation. During the late Qing dynasty, especially after the Taiping Rebellion, the traditional charity organizations, such as charitable granary and Qi Liu Suo, show some noticeable changes. The new charity organizations, such as Jie Qian Ju , Xi Xin JU, Qian Shan JU and Ji Liang Suo, appear one after another in the south of Yangtze river or its nearby districts, then produce countrywide and long-term influence. Comparing with the charities during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the modern charities show obvious characters: its task is more complicated, relieving object is wider, relieving measures are more active.Basing on clean up the historical facts, the dissertation discuss the questions such as“both support and education”,“state and society”and“traditional and modern”, renew and repair some prevalent opinions. The dissertation point out,“both support and education”has the meaning of rectification and compulsion, its the root of“reeducation through labor”system which appears in the 1950’s.In the charities during the late Qing dynasty, the“society”isn’t independent of the“state”, the charities can not be viewed as“civil society”or“public sphere”. Many“modern”charity organizations or relieving measures can find their roots in the“tradition”, the view of separate“tradition”and“modern”completely is biased.At last, by researching modern charities and summarizing their experience and lesson, the dissertation brings some advices to current construction of social security and charities. The author hope today’s people can absorb some beneficial experience from modern charities, and avoid their shortcomings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期