

Sixue and Literature in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 童岳敏

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 唐代教育有官学、私学之分,私学是指与官学相对应的一种民间教育形式,主要包括私人讲学、家学以及私塾、书院等教育。唐代私学兴盛,究其原因,在于官学的式微与科举导向的影响,与官学相比,唐代私学教育形式多样,内容丰富,具有广泛的社会性,在一定程度上弥补官学教育的不足,作为文化传承赓续的重要途径之一,私学的作用是毋庸置疑的。本文拟以唐代的私学为研究切入点,来探讨私学与文学之间的互动关系,并以专题的形式对一些文学现象作一定的私学阐释,其中涉及到文学嬗变的学术背景、文学的地域性、家族性等内容。此外,文人的文化心态研究也是侧重点之一。其一,私家讲学与文学。唐代的私学讲学,规模较大的有王通的河汾之学,中唐的《春秋》学派以及唐初的《文选》学。王通河汾设教,主要内容为经学的传授,其经世致用的文学观也多为唐初史家、政治家所继承,并对唐初文学观的建构也产生了一定的影响。中唐时期,时代剧变引起了社会上求新、求变的改革思潮,在此背景下,啖、赵、陆《春秋》学派登上历史舞台,其“学以干政”的政治批判精神对当时的元、白等人的讽喻诗派及古文运动皆有很大的影响。此外,唐初《文选》学兴盛,加之科考以文取士,文人皆奉《文选》为圭臬,几乎家有其书,他们在创作上自然也多齐梁之风。其二,家学与文学。家学是私学的重要组成部分,受科考取士的影响,唐代的世家大族皆致力于诗赋的教育,家训中有着浓厚的劝学崇文意识,如杜甫《宗武生日》、杜牧《冬至日寄小侄阿宜诗》、卢仝《寄男抱孙》等。另外。诗文传家也使得唐代文学家族极为兴盛,父子兄弟竞称为文的现象也甚为普遍,如博陵崔氏、弘农杨氏以及平陵窦氏皆以文名著称一时,成了当时文学世家的典范。其三,唐人隐读与文学。安史之乱以后,社会动荡,官学式微,士子多隐居山林,修文习业以备科考。受传统隐逸观念和佛、道思想的影响,隐读文人的创作主要表现山林之趣及其孤寂落寞的情怀。另外,在唐人小说中,许多题材皆是描写文士隐读山林时的各种际遇,对此作详细的分析,有助于我们进一步理解隐读的文化意蕴。另外,唐代书院、私塾蒙学等初级教育,虽非私学的主要模式,但其对文学的影响也是显而易见的,如书院为文人读书治学之所,习业之余,文人也多有创作,其诗作既有对功名的向望,也有一定的隐逸情怀。再者,私塾、蒙学等初级教育对唐代诗文的普及与传播也起着很大的推动作用。总而言之,唐代的私学,无论是私人讲授,还是士子的隐读山林等其它形式,皆重视诗文的教育与学习,这也为文学的传播与接受提供了契机,当然,唐代文学的兴盛,其原因纷繁复杂,但毫无疑问,唐代私学重文的文化传统肯定是其重要的因素之一。

【Abstract】 The education in Tang Dynasty was hold by both the government and the society. The former system is called guanxue, while the latter sixue. As its name suggests, sixue is a type of civilian education in contrast to the official one. Mainly it takes the forms of personal lectures, family teaching, private schools or colleges, etc. The thriving business of sixue, by research, derived from the decline of guanxue and the influence of imperial examinations. To some extent, sixue supplied a gap of guanxue by its variety of forms, abundance of content and its social popularity. As an important means of cultural transmission, the role of sixue is indubitable.As sixue as the point of view, the dissertation is to explore the interactive relationship between sixue and literature. Particularly, some literary phenomena will be elucidated in the view of sixue, which would concern the academic background of literary evolution, localization and familialization of culture, and so on. In addition, the cultural psychology of literati will be well considered.Firstly, personal lectures and literature. The schools of academic lectures, in terms of scale, were represented by Hefen School of Wangtong, Spring and Autumn School in mid-Tang and Anthology School in the early age of Tang. The lectures held by Wangtong in the area of Hefen mainly taught the Classics, from which the practicability of literature was handed down by the historians and politicians in the early age of Tang. The upheavals during mid-Tang brought about innovational thoughts. Under the trend of thoughts, different wings of Spring and Autumn School, namely Dan, Zhao and Lu, ascended the historical stage. Their critical spirit of politics, namely "to learn is to care politics", exerted great influence on the school of allegorical poetry and the movement of ancient prose led by Yuan (Yuan Zhen), Bai (Bai Juyi) and many others at that time. The Anthology School got its prime time in the early age of Tang. Moreover one’s talent was judged by his literary accomplishment in the imperial examinations, therefore the literati all took Anthology as a classic to such a degree that the book was possessed almost by everyone so that their writings carried the style in Qi and Liang Dynasties.Secondly, familial education and literature. Familial education was an important part of sixue. Influenced by imperial examinations, the well known clans in Tang Dynasty all dedicated to the teaching of verse and they formed a dense atmosphere of learning encouragement by the aid of familial disciplines such as in Du Fu’s On My Son’Birthday, Du Mu’s To My Nephew A’Yi in Midwinter, and Lu Tong’s To My Son ’Having Offspring, to name just a few. Otherwise, the families and family members well known for literature were prevailing as examples as Family Cui in Boling, Family Yang in Hongnong and Family Dou in Pingling. Thirdly, reclusive learning and literature. After An-Shi Civil War, with social disorder and guanxue’s decline, most scholars retreated to mountain areas to prepare for imperial examinations. Nevertheless, their works mainly took serenity and solitude as themes, obviously affected by the traditional escapism, Buddhism and Taoism. In addition, many novels of Tang Dynasty narrate the adventures and fortunes of the reclusive scholars. Through the close examination, we can further the understanding of the cultural connotation of reclusive learning.Furthermore, the private (primary) schools or colleges, although not the main form of sixue, cast salient impact on literature. The colleges served as the place for learning and research, at the same time, for publication of the learners who expressed their desire for merits as well as their reclusive affections. Incidentally, the private (primary) schools or colleges promoted the dissemination and transmission of literature of Tang.All in all, sixue of Tang Dynasty, whatever the forms it took, attached great importance to the teaching and learning of poetry and literature, which provided opportunities for transmission and acceptance of literature. The prosperity of Tang’s literature, of course, is a complicated matter; however, it is undoubted that sixue and its literature-oriented tradition are very important causes.

【关键词】 唐代私学文学地域家族
【Key words】 Tang DynastySixueLiteratureRejoinClan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期