

A Study of the Language Contact between Putonghua and Nanchang Dialect

【作者】 江燕

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 关注当今语言生活和生活语言的变化,可以预测生活语言的发展态势和走向,保持语言生活的和谐与健康。普通话推广半个多世纪以来,中国的大中城市绝大部分由“单语社会”转变成“双语社会”,方言和普通话从零接触到广泛接触,两者之间发生着纷繁复杂的消长、融合和变异,给语言生活带来了一系列深刻的变化。本研究以本人土生土长的南昌市为调研点,把国外语言学中的系统演变理论、中介语理论、语言迁移理论、标记理论和词汇扩散理论运用到南昌话和普通话的接触研究实践中,运用结构语言学和社会语言学的研究方法,通过对大量语言事实材料调研得出以下结论:时下南昌是一个典型的双语社会,大多市民具备南昌话和普通话双语能力,在不同的场合有规律地选用不同层级的语言交际。随着普通话和南昌话长期、广泛和深入的接触,引发了两种语言功能和结构的变化。首先是普通话的使用比例逐渐增多,使用能力日益增强,正在取得优势地位;南昌话的使用比例不断萎缩,使用能力日趋退化,其地位日益式微;其次普通话和南昌话的系统结构在接触中发生着“同构”和“互协”,语言面貌和以前也不尽相同。这又表现为一方面是母语南昌话影响普通话产生了不标准的、带有南昌话口音的普通话中介语;另一方面是强势语言普通话影响南昌话产生了不够纯正的新派南昌话。而传统方言学描写的方言和普通话往往是假设它们为一个纯的、理想的、不变的事物,对于这些不那么纯的、运动变化着的活的生活语言却关注不够。本研究就是对南昌语言生活中正在接触变化着的生活语言的现实关照,通过对结构中语言变项的解析,展现出一个普通话和南昌话相互影响、“你中有我、我中有你”的生动接触画面。南昌话和普通话接触是“语言接触”外延(“语”是广义用法,既包括“语言”又包括“方言”)在我国语言生活的扩大和应用,是对国外语言学接触和演变理论在本土的重新诠释和实际应用。研究表明“南昌口音普通话”和“新派南昌话”是典型的语言接触性演变产物,南昌话和普通话的接触类型分别属于“语言兼用”、“结构干扰”和“深层影响”。通过对两种语言结构系统演变的研究后得出几点启示:语言接触是语言结构系统性演变的诱因之一,结构的自我调节是语言结构系统性演变的内在目的,语言迁移和词汇扩散是语言结构系统性演变的重要机制。本研究的价值主要在于两方面:一是提供了大量最新的、翔实的南昌语言生活和生活语言素材,具有一定的材料价值;二是南昌话和普通话接触的“同构——互协”模式为方言和普通话接触研究提供了一个生动的语言接触模式,具有一定的方法论意义。这些材料和方法对于我们探索新时期条件下如何培养一种“和谐共生,共同发展”的新型语言生活,具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 It is possible to predict the development and direction of situational language and maintain language situation in harmony and health on condition that we are concerned about today’s changes in language situation and situational language. The vast majority of cities in china have turned from a“monolingual society”into a“bilingual society”since the popularity of Putonghua for more than half a century. There are various and complex growth and decline, integration and variation between dialects and Putonghua since they underwent the zero-contact-to-contact process, which have brought a series of profound changes to language situation. The dissertation attempts to study the language contact between Putonghua and Nanchang Dialect, which is also my dialect.The dissertation is carried out by means of traditional Structure linguistic and Sociology linguistic research methods as well as some western linguistic theories such as System Evolution Theory, Inter-language Theory, Language Transfer Theory, Markedness Theory and Lexical Diffusion Theory. After lots of research, we find that today’s Nanchang is a typical bilingual society and a large number of residents in Nanchang city are capable of speaking Putonghua and Nanchang dialect as well as regularly choosing appropriate language on different occasions. With the long-term, broad and in-depth contact between Putonghua and Nanchang dialect, there are changes between them in language function and structure. Firstly, Putonghua is being used in a large scale and even in a dominant position. Residents’capability of speaking Putonghua in Nanchang city is increasingly greater as well. On the contrary, Nanchang dialect is being used in a small scale and even decreasing. Secondly, Nanchang dialect is not the same as before. The system structures of Nanchang dialect and Putonghua are undergoing the process of“isomorphism”and“co-ordination”in contact with Putonghua. On one hand, a non-standard Putonghua inter-language with Nanchang dialect accent comes into being under the influence of Nanchang dialect; on the other hand, an impure Nanchang dialect appears with the impact of strong language Putonghua. The traditional dialect study often assumes Putonghua and dialects as pure, ideal, unchanged languages, and pays little attention to those not so pure, ever-changing situational languages. The dissertation tries to investigate the in-contact and changing situational language and show a vivid picture of the interaction between Putonghua and Nanchang dialect by analyzing changes in situational language structures.Language contact between Putonghua and Nanchang Dialect is the extension of“language contact”, which has been broadened and applied in language situation in China and is also the reinterpretation and practical application of western Language Contact and Evolution theories in China. The research shows that“Putonghua with Nanchang Accent”and“New Nanchang Dialect”are typical products of the language contact, the contact types between Nanchang dialect and Putonghua can be classified into“language combination”and“structure interference”and“in-depth influence”. After research, it can be concluded that language contact is the incentive of the systematic change in language structure, the self-regulation of language structure is the internal purpose of the systematic change in language structure, language transfer and the lexicon diffusion is the important mechanism of the systematic change in language structure.The new points are as follows: firstly, the research is data-based. The dissertation is based on a large number of up-to-date, detailed data of language situation and situational language in Nanchang; Secondly, the researching method and findings are capable of providing guidance for future study. These data and methods are valuable for exploring how to cultivate a new ,“harmonious coexistence, mutual development”language situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1351