

The Narration of "the Cultural Revolution" in the Novels of "the New Era"

【作者】 黄河

【导师】 王尧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对新时期中的“文革题材”小说进行深入全面的论述和考察。二十世纪八十年代以及九十年代以来,对二十世纪的大事“文革”进行“追问”的“文革”题材小说大量涌现,构成了中国当代文学不可忽略的景观。本文借鉴海登?怀特的后现代历史叙事学理论、热拉尔·热奈特的叙事学理论、读者反映批评理论及泛意识形态理论对新时期小说中的“文革”叙事进行梳理;采用综合的理论视角(小说叙事学层面的、思想内容、语境影响层面的;叙事特征研究与社会文化研究结合),从叙事学意义上,社会学意义上关注历史再现叙事(小说)对“文革”的叙述,也关注时代对“文革”的叙述,是“文革文学”(即“文革时期”文学)的顺延性研究。本文对新时期的“文革”叙事与历史之关系的这种社会文化影响综合研究,在国内是首次。本文期望在理论上有益于重新确立理解二十世纪中国文学和思想文化的新角度,在实践上有益于建构健康、和谐、发展的中国当代文学。全文共分四章——第一章论述新时期文学与“文革”的关系。着重论述的是新时期与“文革”,新时期文学与“文革”的生成、发生关系。第二章论证叙事与历史的关系,讨论新时期以来的“文革题材”小说的文化语境与叙事类型:八十年代与“文革”的政治叙事;九十年代的新意识形态与“文革”叙事,并讨论文化、文学从八十年代向九十年代的过渡。第三章对新时期以来的“文革题材”小说中使用的对比叙事策略、对泛政治化反拨的增删策略、从隐性集体创作到个人话语、从英雄传奇到英雄末路的还原策略进行论析,并分析几种具体的叙事方式与后现代话语。第四章为了凸显“重要的是讲述故事的年代”这一预设论题,更好地厘清问题,把宏观的社会文化研究、中观的叙事特征研究与微观层面的文本细读结合起来,重点解读某一类“文革”叙事中最具代表性的文本:跨时代比较的;尝试了意识流、重写、戏仿、语言游戏等新质素,戏谑、解构、反讽、狂欢等后现代手法的以及叙事特征突出,比如使用了元叙事的。目的是以木见林,察微知著。结论部分认为“文革题材”小说的讲述主要受到讲述故事的年代的影响;作为文类的历史与事实的历史是有区别的;历史再现具相对性;历史永在言说中。

【Abstract】 This dissertation makes a detailed and whole study to the novels of“The Cultural Revolution”after 1976.In the eighties and ninties of Twentieth-century ,a great deal of novels which explore“The Cultural Revolution”form landscape of Chinese contemporary literature.In this dissertation,based on Narratology and socialism,using such theories as the Postmodern Historicism of Hayden White,Narratology of G.Genette,the Reader-response Criticism and Theory of Ideology,the author tries to probe into the Cultural Revolution Literature from the“new era”to now.The author also explores the profound impact of both novels to“The Cultural Revolution”and“era”to the Cultural Revolution Literature.So this dissertation makes a detailed and whole study to the relation of History and the novels about“The Cultural Revolution”from 1976 to today,by the influence in the social cultural area for the first time.It is the author’s wish that this research could be a helpful edification for us to set up a healthy environment for the development and the flourishing of the Chinese Contemporary Literature. There are four chapters in this dissertation.Chapter one elaborates the realition of the“new era”Literature and“The Cultural Revolution”.It focuses on discussing the realition coming into being which is between the“new era”, the Literature of the“new era”and“The Cultural Revolution”.Chapter two discusses the cultural circumstances and the narrative patterns of the novels of“The Cultural Revolution”for the past thiryies years which incloud the political narration and the eighties;the market narration and the ninties;which also incloud the transition between the eighties and the ninties.In theories, this chapter analyses the relation of History and the Narration.Capter three analyzes the discourse of narrative and the strategy of narration.The author of this dissertation attempts to make a deep interpretation on the strategy of comparing, the strategy of increasing and reducing to politic in general terms;He also analyzes the hidden collective creation and the personal discourse;the strategy that from the heroic characters to the heroic death and the other several style of narration, the strategy of post-modern.Capter four analyzes several novels which focues on the anticipation of“The era is the key factor,if you will tell a story.”so the author put the research in the social cultural area, the study in the narrative characteristic and the analysis of the text together.this study focues on the literary works which are the sample of the novels on“The Cultural Revolution”such works as a compare between two eras,a new attempt on the Consciousness River ,Rewriting, Parody,the Game of discourse,the other novels which focusing on Irony,General Irony, Anti-structure,Revelry.The conclusion intends to disclouse the profound impact of an era upon the the novels on“The Cultural Revolution”.It also intends to disclouse the difference between history writing by a novei and History . The conclusion here we draws is that History is telled for long.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期