

A Research on Ways of Communication of Ci-verses in Tang & Song Dynasties

【作者】 钱锡生

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 前此的唐宋词的研究,较少从传播学的角度来进行考察。然而唐宋词之所以能代代相传、流传至今,恰恰是依靠了传播的力量。本文将唐宋词的传播方式作为研究对象,希望从一个新的角度来研究唐宋词兴盛的原因,并通过对唐宋词各种传播方式的具体考察,探寻其在唐宋词史的进程和唐宋词风的演变中所起的重要作用。本文序论部分主要对唐宋词传播方式研究的现状进行了述评,指出了唐宋词传播方式研究的意义和价值之所在,并概要介绍了唐宋词传播方式研究的主要内容和方法。第一章:唐宋词的传播背景和传播阶段。唐宋词的传播背景是唐宋词传播研究的基础,其传播背景一是城市化,这为唐宋词的欣赏提供了庞大的受众群;二是商业化,这为唐宋词的消费提供了适宜的温床;三是“去道德化”,这为唐宋词的创作摆脱了精神的束缚。从传播的角度来看,唐宋词大致可分三个阶段:“乐人之词”、“诗人之词”和“词人之词”,它们分别和词的声音传播、文字传播和印刷传播密切结合。第二章:唐宋词的歌舞传播。唐宋词的歌舞传播方式对唐宋词的创作产生了深远的影响,它初步确立了唐宋词的主体风格,增加了唐宋词的艺术魅力,扩大了唐宋词的社会影响。本章首先考察唐宋词歌舞传播的主要场所,其次考察唐宋词歌舞传播的表演主体,三则考察了唐宋词歌舞传播的演唱方式。通过对各种材料的排比组合和详细分析,还原了唐宋词歌舞传播的艺术时空。第三章:唐宋词的吟诵传播。吟诵传播和歌舞传播一样,都是声音传播,吟诵传播虽然没有歌舞传播那样迷人的魅力,但却有简捷、方便、通俗化的特点。唐宋词起初主要靠歌唱,但也不排斥吟诵,后来在词乐失传后,其声音传播便主要靠吟诵。本章首先论述唐宋词吟诵传播的方式,其次论述唐宋词吟诵传播的特点,再次则论述唐宋词吟诵传播的效果。第四章:唐宋词的手写传播。手写传播是最古老的传播方式,虽然唐五代以来印刷书籍开始兴起,但手写传播却并没有退出历史舞台,这和人们的文化观念和物质条件有关。手写作品作为最原始的创作材料,有其特殊的作用。本章首先论述唐宋词手写传播的类别,其次研究唐宋词手写作品的价值,最后探索唐宋词手写作品的传播效用。第五章:唐宋词的题壁传播。无处不在的各类墙壁给唐宋词人们提供了天然的、方便的创作实践机会,满足了他们发表作品的欲望,并扩大了词作的社会影响;题壁也给一般读者提供了观摩学习和欣赏评论其词作的空间,这是唐宋词繁荣的又一群众基础。本章首先考察唐宋词题壁的一般场所,其次探索唐宋题壁词大量产生的原因,再次分析唐宋词题壁的主要传播内容,最后对唐宋词题壁的主要场所进行举例说明。第六章:唐宋词的石刻传播。石刻可以传之久远,有很强的生命力。石刻还作为印刷的前身,有大量复制的便利。唐宋词人善于利用石刻这一重要媒介来提升自己的影响力。本章首先论述唐宋词石刻的传播分类,其次论述唐宋词石刻的传播方式,再次研究唐宋词石刻的传播价值。第七章:唐宋词的印刷传播。唐宋词从一开始就几乎与印刷术的发展齐头并进,两者结合后,唐宋词如虎添翼,得到了迅速而广泛的传播。本章首先论述唐宋词印刷传播渠道的多样化,其次论述唐宋词出版传播形式的多样性,最后论述唐宋词书籍流通的便利性。唐宋词发展到南宋时期,随着词学地位的提高,印刷词集成为了一种普遍的现象,词的印刷传播也逐渐成为唐宋词的主导传播方式。第八章:唐宋词的创作和传播是一个双向互动的过程,本章论述了唐宋词传播方式对唐宋词创作所起到的推动作用。首先论述歌舞传播方式与唐宋词体性形成之关系,其次论述唐宋词音乐与文学的矛盾斗争和唐宋词传播方式的改变之关系,最后论述唐宋词的“雅化”和传播方式演进之关系。

【Abstract】 In the past ,there are a few researches on Tang-Song ci from the view of communication. However, it is really through communication that Tang-Song Ci have been handed down. This thesis aims at researching on communication ways of Tang-Song Ci with a kind of new view, and tries to find out the important role communication has played in the developing process of Tang-Song Ci and its changing styles through detailed analyses on various communication ways of Tang-Song Ci.The preface of the article provides a general description of the current situation of researches on communication ways of Tang-Song Ci, points out the significance and values of such researches, and briefly introduces the main content and methods used in the researches.ChapterⅠ: The background and the phases of Tang-Song Ci communication. The communication background of Tang-Song Ci is the basis for any research on it. The first one we should consider is urbanization, which provided massive recipients who possessed the capacity of appreciating Tang-Song Ci; The second is commercialization, which guaranteed ideal soil for Tang-Song Ci consumption; the third is demoralization ,which made Tang-Song Ci authors free from spiritual restrain. From the view of communication, Tang-Song Ci can be divided into such three phases as "verses of musicians" , "verses of poets" and "verses of Ci writers", which have closed connection with voice communication, literal communication and print communication respectively.ChapterⅡ: Communication of Tang-Song Ci (COTSC) through dancing and singing. This method had placed an profound impact on Tang-Song Ci, which initially established its main style, added attractions to it and multiplied its influence among the society. Firstly, this chapter would research on the common places where communication of Tang-Song Ci took place through dancing and singing, the players, and the ways of singing.With detailed comparison and analyses of various materials, this chapter presents a vivid picture of communication of Tang-Song Ci through dancing and singing at that time.ChapterⅢ: Communication of Tang-Song Ci by means of intoning. Like COTSC through dancing and singing, COTSC through intoning is also a kind of voice communication . Although the latter is not so charming as the former, it is more convenient and vulgarized. Initially, COTSC was mainly through dancing and singing, and seldom through intoning, Afterwards, songs of verses were disappeared, so intoning became the main way of voice communication.This chapter would analyze means, features and effects of the communication of Tang-Song Ci through intoning.ChapterⅣ: Communication of Tang-Song Ci by hand-copied books. COTSC by hand-copied books is a communication way with the longest history. Although since Tang V the printed books have been popular, hand-copied books have still taken their own position on the stage due to the cultural philosophies and material conditions of people.As a primary material, Hand-copied books are of special function. This chapter would research on categories, values and effects of hand-copied books in COTSC.ChapterⅤ: COTSC through wall records. Walls, which can be found everywhere, provided convenient opportunities for poets in Tang & Song Dynasties to practice their writing skills and met poets’ desire to publish their own works, in addition, enhanced its social influence . Wall records also provided rooms for ordinary people to study ,to appreciate and to comment on those Ci works, which was also contributed to the prosperity of Tang-Song Ci. This chapter would make researches on the sites that wall records of Tang-Song Ci existed and the reasons lying behind the emergence of large quantities of such works, analyze their major contents and cite some places where wall records of Tang-Song Ci appeared.ChapterⅥ: COTSC by stone inscriptions. Stone inscriptions can be maintained for a long time. As the ancestor of print, it is convenient to make copies in large quantities. Poets of Tang-Song Ci possessed a good command of taking stone inscriptions as an important media to enhance their own social influence .In this chapter, the author would expound categories, means, and values of stone inscriptions in COTSC.ChapterⅦ: COTSC through printing. From the very beginning, Tang-Song Ci has been developed enjoying the same pace as print. Aided by print technology, Tang-Song Ci have been spread rapidly and massively. This chapter would talk about diversified channels for COTSC, varied forms for publishing works, and convenience of the circulation of such books. Till the Southern-Song Dynasty, with enhanced social status of Ci verses, the printed Ci gatherings have become a common phenomenon, and gradually developed into a major media for COTSC.ChapterⅧ: The production and the communication of Tang-Song Ci are interactive with each other, in this chapter, the author explores the role that various ways of COTSC played in promoting the production of Tang-Song Ci. Efforts would be made to discuss the relations between ways of dancing and singing & the forming of Tang-Song Ci, the combat of musical part and literature part of Tang-Song Ci & the evolution of COTSC, and the relations between its elegancing & the evolution of COTSC.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期