

The Research on Fishery Development and Fishermen’s Lives of Southern Jiangsu in Modern Times

【作者】 李勇

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 和全国任何区域相比,苏南发展渔业在水资源、气候资源、水生动植物资源和劳动力资源方面都具有“比较优势”。近代,苏南不仅拥有扬子江——太湖淡水渔业区,还据有舟山渔场的一部分,兼有淡水渔业和海洋渔业之利,资源优势在全国绝无仅有。从生产方式的进步看,近代苏南最先在全国开始渔业机械化,近代化的渔业公司最早在这里成立和运作,中国最大的专业鱼市场也坐落于此,渔业经济发展所必需的资本和技术条件也非常优越。渔业发展赋予苏南农业经济鲜明的区域特色:促进了当地水产市场的繁荣,衍生出独具苏南水乡和渔乡气息的“渔文化”。受渔业生产的影响和“渔文化”的辐射,苏南渔民日常生活、宗教、习俗、信仰也因此独具特色。渔业经济的发展,给苏南的经济、文化乃至整个社会系统都烙上了鲜明的烙印,增添了浓郁的渔乡气息。近代的市场化、公司制和渔业立法等为苏南渔业经济发展提供了新的“制度供给”,苏南因此获取渔业发展的新“基因”。近代苏南有中国最大的专业鱼市场,这种“统一的鱼市场”既是水产品交易的机制,又是渔政机构,还是股份有限公司。从交易机制来看,受价格机制“看不见的手”的自发调节,市场近代化运作,使渔业资源的配置效率大大提高。但因市场中普遍存在着的垄断力量,和渔业资源的“不可分拨性”,以及渔业生产的巨大“负外部性”的存在,导致市场机制转移资源能力不足。纠正“市场失灵”的力量只有政府进行干预,政府组织渔政机构,进行渔业立法,倡导建立渔业公司和渔业合作社,以提高“效率”和促进“公平”,发挥“看得见的手”应有的责任。由于半殖民地半封建社会,生产资料以私有制为主体,社会经济浸透着官僚资本主义和封建主义的体液,新制度的优越性难以充分发挥,甚至经常遭到“排异”。所以,晚清和民国政府都不可能从根本上解决渔业经济活动中的“市场失灵”、“政策失灵”以及滥采滥捕、收入分配“不公平”等社会问题。近代苏南渔业经济发展的同时,渔民贫困和愚昧的面貌并没有根本改观。旧中国,农民所受的剥削和生活贫困在人类历史上是罕见的,而渔民所受的盘剥更多,处境更差。从渔民的生活看,他们的日常生活习俗、宗教信仰具有独特性,与物质生活贫困、政治上孤立无助、科学文化知识贫乏等紧密相关。因为经济贫困,社会地位较低,渔民受尽了束缚和盘剥,许多人对现实充满绝望,所以寻求精神解脱的出路,而水神、天主教、基督教甚至一些邪教就是他们精神慰藉的工具。特别值得指出的是,近代苏南渔民对天主教的信仰广泛而又虔诚,他们的身体漂流在“风口浪尖”之上以求生,而精神却逃避到天堂中去了,这是他们精神生活中的一大特色。旧中国渔民的生活不是艺术作品上的“点点渔火”和悠扬的渔歌,而是破旧的连家船,年复一年、日复一日都是衣不蔽体、食不果腹、随风雨而飘摇的“流民”。研究近代苏南渔业发展和渔民生活,有助于深入地理解科学发展观提出的历史渊源以及构建和谐社会的现实意义,进一步拓展了苏南经济史研究的领域,同时有利于探讨吴地文化形成的特殊性及其发展变化的历程,因为在中国传统文化的发展史中,江南的吴文化占据着极其重要的地位,具有典型意义。这一研究必然有助于了解中国传统文化发展变化的历史进程,深化对国情的认识,有利于弘扬中国传统的优秀文化。

【Abstract】 As compared with any other region in China, Southern Jiangsu has its“comparative advantages”of water resources, climate resources, aquatic animals and plants resources, and labor resources in developing fishery industry. In modern times,“theYangtze River-the Taihu Lake Fishing Zone”and some part of“Zhoushan Fishing Ground”were located in Southern Jiangsu, containing both freshwater fishery and sea fishery. Therefore, its advantage in fishery resources was unique at that time. From the perspective of the advanced mode of production, Southern Jiangsu first started the mechanization of fishery industry and established the modem fishery companies. Besides, the largest professional fishery market was situated here. The conditions for developing fishery industry, including technique, capital and so on, were superior in modern China. The development of fishery economy not only built distinct regional characteristics of the agriculture economy in Southern Jiangsu, but stimulated the prosperity of local aquatic markets, form which the“fishery culture”with strong flavor of water and fishing village in Southern Jiangsu were derived. Greatly influenced by the fishery production and“fishery culture”, the daily lives, religions, customs and beliefs of fishermen formed their own features, too. The development of fishery economy marked the economy, culture, even the entire social system of Southern Jiangsu a bright brand of the times, enhancing the strong flavor of fishing village.The modern market, system of company and the legislation of fishery provided the fishery development in Southern Jiangsu with a new“institution supply”, which was also a new“gene”to the development of fishery industry. The professional fishery market in Southern Jiangsu was the largest one in modern China. It was a united market which functioned both as the trading mechanism of aquatic products and the community dealing with fishery business. Besides, it was a limited company. From the aspect of trading mechanism, the operation of modern market, influenced by“the invisible hand”, the self-adjustment of price mechanism, greatly improved the efficiency in allocation of fishery resources. However, due to the pervasive monopoly in the market, the“in-appropriable nature”in fishery resources, and the huge“negative externality”caused by fishery production, the marker mechanism appeared inefficient in transforming resources. It seemed that only the government’s intervention could be the remedy for the disorder of the market. Therefore, under the leadership of government, fishery communities were organized, fishery laws were passed through and fishery companies or cooperatives were proposed to establish so as to enhance the efficiency, promote the equality and exert the influence of“visible hand”. Since modem China was a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, most of the means of production were private-owned; its economy was filled with the fluid of bureaucrat-capitalism and feudalism. Hence, the new institution was hard to bring its advantages into a full play, and sometimes, even resisted. The government in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China could not solve those deep-rooted problems of market failure. Government failure disordering, excessive fishing, and inequality of distributing in fishery economic activities.Meanwhile, with the development of fishery economy in Southern Jiangsu, however, the poor conditions and benightedness of fishermen did not change at all. In modem China, the exploration and poverty that peasants had to bear were unprecedented in human’s entire history. The more exploration fishermen got, the worse their conditions became. As far as fishermen’s lives were concerned, the distinctiveness in their daily lives, customs, religions and beliefs wore closely related to the poverty in material lives, to their isolation from politics, and to their lack of knowledge. Poverty resulted in lower social status of fishermen. They suffered from all kinds of restrictions and exploration so much that many of them felt despaired about the reality. Thus, seeking the spiritual consolation appeared necessary and urgent. Water God, Catholicism, Protestantism and even some evil religions became their choices. What should be pointed out here is that the fishermen of Southern Jiangsu in modern China were devout Catholics. Although their bodies were floating on the rivers or lakes, striking for the mere survival, their spirits were in heaven, escaping from the cruel realities, which formed the distinct feature of fishermen’s spiritual lives. Actually, their lives were not the same as what some art works had described, which was decorated by dots of fishing lights or graceful fishing songs. Instead, they were refugees who had to live in their shabby boats day by day, and year by year, swaying in the wind, being almost naked and hungry.Therefore, to study fishery development in Southern Jiangsu and fishermen’s lives would help to better understand the significance of the historical origin of“scientific development”and“construction of the harmonious society”, broaden the scope of the research on economic history in Southern Jiangsu. Meanwhile, it promotes to investigate the peculiarity in the formation of“Wu culture”and the procedure of its development, for“Wu culture”is typical and has played an important role in the development of Chinese traditional culture. In addition, this research will also definitely improve the understanding of the historical evolution of Chinese traditional culture, the current national conditions, and carry forward the essence of Chinese traditional culture as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期