

A Study on the "Su-style" Arts & Crafts of Mid & Late Ming Dynasty

【作者】 郑丽虹

【导师】 张朋川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文结合明代中晚期这个特殊的时代背景,考察“苏式”工艺美术的发展状况,从其孕育的历史传统、生成的社会经济基础、成熟的表现来探询“苏式”工艺美术形成的具体过程;剖析“苏式“工艺美术的文化内涵;揭示“苏式”工艺美术独特的生产与经营方式;考证“苏式”工艺美术与其他区域的互动关系;廓清“苏式”工艺美术的传播渠道和影响等等,从多层面、多维度、多视角展开研究,以期探寻其发生和演变的规律,重在剖析其风格形成的动力机制,以及这些机制之间的相互关系。明代中晚期是“苏式”工艺美术形成的关键时期。苏州工艺美术不仅已由地方工艺美术生产重镇上升为全国工艺美术生产中心,品类齐全、规模宏大,而且显示出鲜明的风格特征,具备了典范意义;同时,其工艺美术理论也已成熟。由此可见,“苏式”工艺美术的文化内涵包括三个层面:应古趋新是“苏式”与时俱进、向前发展的动力核心;“苏式”之美的形成既有历史的原因,又是时代和地方文化的产物,其恬淡秀美、雅俗相渗、文心画境和材精工美的独特风格,更使“苏式”工艺美术散发出无穷的魅力。同时,“苏式”工艺美术的生产组织和经营方式也表现出一些新的时代特色,他们合力推动了“苏式”工艺美术的发展与壮大。由于“苏式”是一种开放的样式,所以她还与其他地方工艺美术有着密切的联系,尤其是徽州和北京这两个地区,在“苏式”的形成和传播过程中发挥了重要的作用。不仅如此,藉多层次和范围广阔的传播渠道,“苏式”工艺美术的影响日弥月高,在引领明代社会风尚的同时,形成了对其他区域的强力辐射,不但造就了清初工艺美术发展的高峰,还极大地促进了苏州区域文化地位的提升。总之,在商品经济和文化新因素两种力量的共同作用下,“苏式”表现出强有力的时代性和地方特征;见证了中国官方的、经典的工艺美术向民间的、地域的工艺美术流动的过程;代表了明以后中国工艺美术发展的主流方向;而她卓尔不群的精神价值,更是创造了那个时代的最高典范。

【Abstract】 This thesis which combines the particular background of Mid & late Ming Dynasty, has reviewed the development status of "Su-style" Arts & Crafts, seeking the concret formation of "Su-style" from three aspects as the historical traditions of estation, the social economic basis and the mature representation; anatamyed the culture connotation; illuminated the manufacture and management; textual researched on the interaction between "Su-style" Arts & Crafts and other areas; revealed the spead methods and influence, etc, deepening the research on multiaspects, multidimensionaly, to find out the rules of transformation ,emphasis on anatamying the momentum system and the relations between them.Mid &Late Ming was found as the key formative period of the "Su-style" Arts and Crafts by this research. While Suzhou has been promoted as the nationwide hub for Arts & Crafts manufacture with complete varieties and large scale. Whose charactaristic style can be looked as an apotheosis. At the same time, the theory of the Arts&Crafts has matured. After deepening the research, three culture connotations has been presented as: the achivements of predecessors and seeking innovation is the momentum of "So-style". The formation of "Su-style" easthetics was based on the historical background and local culture. The gracefulness & peacefulness, refiness & popularity, artistic conceptions and exquisiteness composes the enchantment of "Su-style". The manufaturing organization and means of management of "Su-style" was endowed with a time spirit, which accelerating its development and grandness. For the sake of its the openess, "Su-style" got close ralation with the Arts & Crafts from other areas, especially Huizhou and Beijing which played important role. Moreover, the influence of "Su-style"was getting deeper and deeper by means of its dimensional spead, which represented the public good of Ming Dynasty, encouraged the coming of the peak of Arts& Crafts in Qing Dynasty, enhanced the position of Suzhou regonal culture.All in all, effected by commodity economy and new culture factors, "Su-style" shows a strong time spirit and reginal charactar; witenesses the flowage from officialy classical Arts & Crafts to folk regonal Arts & Crafts; represents the mainstream of Arts & Crafts after Ming Dynasty. Its unparalleled spiritual value Has been regarded as the most accomplished apotheosis.

【关键词】 明代中晚期“苏式”工艺美术
【Key words】 Mid&late Ming Dynasty"Su-style"Arts & Crafts
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期