

The Research on Li Dingyi and His Literature

【作者】 李文倩

【导师】 刘祥安;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “鸳鸯蝴蝶派”是我国近现代通俗文学的重要流派。民国初年活跃于文坛的李定夷作为早期“鸳鸯蝴蝶派”的健将和代表人物之一,与徐枕亚、吴双热并称为该派的“三鼎足”,在当时文坛具有较高的声誉。他主要于1912年至1923年间从事创作、翻译与新闻报刊事业,短短十余年的文学生涯中创作和翻译了二十多部长篇小说、近八十篇短篇小说、五百多则笔记作品及数十余篇的政论文,是我国近代少有的高产作家之一。他的文学,有其独特的价值和意义。然而,对于李定夷,由于种种原因,目前学界还缺乏专门的研究,甚至有关他的生平和创作的基本状况还没被全面地发掘和整理,更绝少从整体、宏观的角度加以系统研究的学术论文和著作。本文选取李定夷及其文学作为研究对象,力图从人生和文学两方面综合研究。本文分四章。第一章讨论李定夷的生平创作道路。以时间为序,将他的人生经历分为“南洋公学”、“《民权报》”、“《小说新报》”和“离沪北上”四个时期,详细考察他各个阶段的思想脉络及对创作的影响。从中可以看出:政治上,李定夷是一个进步的民族民主主义革命者,他拥护国家独立和共和,反对侵略,提倡民主、法律及人权;文化思想上,李定夷主张保留国粹,坚持建立在情感基础上的忠孝节义等伦理准则,对传统的继承多于批判,带有鲜明的过渡时期的特征,对西方文化,他持谨慎态度,比如“自由”“平等”等理念,不主张绝对地吸收;文学功用观方面,李定夷继承了传统中国文人对文学“小道”普遍看法,不把文学当作终身的职业和艺术去追求,缺乏五四作家文学自觉的意识。第二章至第四章研究李定夷的文学创作。第二章讨论李定夷的长篇小说。李定夷的长篇创作以言情小说为主,这是为李定夷赢得文名也是争议最大的一类作品。小说从不同的侧面反映了清末民初的社会现实及辛亥革命前后个人悲剧性的复杂存在,在对情感、家庭、国家、个人生命价值等方面展示了处于“过渡时期”的知识青年男女的特殊心态和人生经历。此类作品情感性较强,以情节构思见长,表现了鲜明的创作个性:小说语言方面,李定夷较有探索精神,骈文和白话的创作尝试都走在了时代风尚之前,颇受读者欢迎;情节安排上,在承袭传统的基础上设置了“恶母拨乱”模式,增强了小说的可读性和教育意义;叙述方法上,借鉴了西方小说以倒叙为主的叙事策略,渲染悲情氛围的同时强化了悲剧的震撼力。第三章讨论李定夷的中短篇小说。作品主要分为历史、言情、社会三大类。历史类短篇从“表忠扬烈”和“批判揭露”两方面实践着李定夷的“国史”构思,作品流露的法律和人权观念体现了李定夷的现代意识;言情类短篇最重要的是“言情+现形记”和“言情+道德批判”两种叙述思路,典型场景、细节、对话等多种描写手段和多种叙述手法的尝试体现了李定夷在现代短篇小说技巧方面的可贵探索;社会类短篇多取材于道听途说,善于跟踪社会热点,具有鲜明的“报人小说”特点,政治干预色彩较强,其中对社会弱势群体比如边民、侨民、灾民的关注和作品采用的第一人称的限知叙述及书信体的呈现方式值得充分肯定。第四章讨论李定夷的笔记作品。笔记是一种古老文类,民初进入报刊杂志以后实现了现代转型,李定夷的此类创作数量颇巨。内容主要涉及历史、现实、侠义、消闲博闻等方面,这些作品,尤其是前三类,体现了强烈的政治性和现实针对性,是李定夷笔记的最大特征。形式上,笔记非学术的边缘性文体特征使其在写法上言之有物而随意自由,较好地传达了李定夷简练文字下的情怀别抱。

【Abstract】 "Yuanyanghudie" is an important school of the modern literature in our country. As one of the representatives of the school, Li Dingyi was active in the literature field in the early years of Republic of China period. He was also one of the sect’s three most leading figure, while the other two were Xu Zhenya and Wu Shuangre, and thus gained a high position in the literature field of that time. Li Dingyi worked on writing, translation and news edition enterprise from 1912 to 1923. During his barely ten years of literature career, he wrote and translated more than 20 pieces of long novels, nearly 80 pieces of short stories, five hundred of notes works or so, and over 20 political proses. He was one of the few prolific writers and his literature, has its own unique characters and worthiness.However, at the current, the literature field pays a little attention on the specific investigation of Li Dingyi for some reasons. What’s worse, even the fundamental conditions of his life and writing haven’t been fully explored, not to mention investigate his works systematically in a whole and macroscopic angle. This text chooses Li Dingyi and his literature as its investigative object, trying to investigate him from life and literature two sides.This text consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter makes a discussion of Li’s writing road. His life experiences can be divided into 4 periods in order of time, they are: Nanyang Gongxue, Minquan Bao, Xiaoshuoxin Bao and Leaving Shanghai for Beijing. Investigating his thinking and its influence to his writing of every period at length, we can see: Politically, Li was an advanced revolutionist of ethical democratism, he was in favor of the nation’s independence and republication, democracy, laws, human rights, and was against aggression; Inwardly, Li insisted on the retaining of our best nation’s culture and those ethical rules such as loyalty, fealty and so on, which carried on a vivid character of interim. Li held a cautious attitude towards occidental culture and against those who absorbed it completely; In the function of literature, Li, inheriting those traditional Chinese scholar’s general view towards Literature, didn’t regard literature as a life-long career or arts, thus lacking the Wusi writers’sense of self-awakening.It talks about Li’s literature writing from Chapter 2 to Chapter 4. Chapter 2 deals with Li’s long novels.The majority of his long novels were love stories which brought him both reputation and controversy. His novels revealed the social reality of the interim and the existence of personal tragedy around The Revolution of 1911 from different sides. The youths’special moods and life experiences in that interim were also presented in Li’s novels. This king of novels were noted for its well-arranged plots and showed a fresh writing personality: In terms of language, Li was full of the sprit of exploration and thus gained a warm welcome from readers; In terms of its plots arrangement, his novels’educational significance was enhanced by making a bad mother form which was based on the inheritance of traditions; In terms of its narration means, Li learned flashback from Western novels, exaggerating both its tragical atmosphere and power at the same time.The third chapter probes into Li’s nouvelle and short story. This kind of his novels can be divided into 3 types: History, love and society. History Class, he practiced his National history idea through glorifying loyalty and heroism and criticizing the reality of society. Li’s modern sense was also presented by the conception of laws and human rights revealed in his works; Love Class, there were two most important narration ideas, love with social criticism and love with moral criticism. His trying on varied description and narration means, such as typical scene, detail, dialog, was proved Li’s previous exploration on the skill field of contemporary novels; Society Class, with a character of topicality and actual intervention, Li’s social short stories also won a high praise by the adopting of first person epistolary fashion in his works concerning social vulnerable groups.Chapter Four handles Li’s notes works. Note, as an ancient genre, realized its transformation to modernity after it was published on newspapers and magazines in the early years of Republic of China. Li’s notes works were not only well known on its large amount, but also had a wide range of themes concerning heroes, history reality, etc. This kind of Li’s writing presented unscientific marginal characteristic very well which was considered the most important character of notes works.

【关键词】 李定夷鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学
【Key words】 Li DingyiYuanyanghudieLiterature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期