

Society·Region·Family: The Study of ChangZhou Ancient Prose and Prallel Prose in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 路海洋

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 清代常州府为有清一代古文与骈文重镇,古文之“阳湖派”,骈文之“常州派”,都是曾经推动、影响甚至引导、转变文坛风气的重要文学流派,但是目前学界对常州古文、骈文的研究,仍显不足,特别是骈文方面,亟需进一步加强。文章在前人研究成果的基础上,在社会、地域、家族彼此交叉、三位一体的广阔视野中,对清代主要是乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝常州的古文与骈文,进行了较为系统深入的探讨。全文主体计有六章,大体分为三个部分:第一、二章为总论,勾勒了清代常州古文与骈文的地理人文和家族文化背景;第三、四章为常州古文研究;第五、六章为常州骈文研究。常州古文研究以“阳湖派”为中心。恽敬、张惠言是“阳湖派”的领军:恽敬古文根柢儒术、综取百家,以峻大、简隽两种风格见长;张惠言所为文章,精神出于经史,以渊雅沉劲取胜。恽、张而外,李兆洛、陆继辂、张琦也是“阳湖派”的代表作家:李兆洛古文所擅长,在于淑世多情;陆继辂则擅以婉挚多情之笔,抒写人生感喟;张琦以数篇史论文的成就最高,其议论卓特而辞气俱盛。常州骈文研究,揭示了清中期常州骈文之所以兴盛的原因,并对其代表作家的骈文成就进行了系统研究。洪亮吉、孙星衍是所谓骈文“常州派”的领袖:洪亮吉骈文“具兼人之勇,有万殊之体,篇什独富”,以“清新”见长,而兼擅其他多种风格;孙星衍骈文古奥渊雅、用心深隽,诚为名家手笔。洪、孙以外,刘嗣绾也是“常州派”代表作家,其骈文赋物纤新、写情沉绵、议论明通;方履篯骈文众体兼工,而以情长、气壮两者最为擅胜;董基诚、董祐诚兄弟骈文“儁不害窕,缛而有则”,写景、抒情、议论兼长。在背景研究和个案研究的基础上,文章对清中期常州古文与骈文在清代文学史上的地位进行了论述。古文方面,作为常州古文主体的“阳湖派”,是清代古文史上唯一可与“桐城派”在一定程度上相抗衡的文学流派;骈文方面,常州骈文在作家群体规模、骈文创作的数量与质量以及影响力等各个方面,都称得上是清代骈文王国中的一支劲旅。

【Abstract】 Changzhou of Qing Dynasty is the key place which famous for its Ancient Prose and Parallel Prose. Yanghu school who famous for its Ancient Prose, and Changzhou school who famous for its Parallel Prose, are both the key schools that had promoted, impacted even leaded, transformed the culture current of that times. However, the academic circle attaches little attention to the Ancient Prose and Parallel Prose of Changzhou, especially the latter. This thesis, basing on the former research and with the help of the background and complex of the society, region and family, focuses on the Ancient Prose and the Parallel Prose of Changzhou School in the Qing Dynasty especially during the period of Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang.The context of this thesis is composed of six chapters and divided into three parts. Chapter one and two are the pandect which introduce the background of the geography and the humanity and the family culture of the Ancient Prose and the Parallel Prose of Changzhou School. Chapter three and four focus on the Changzhou Ancient Prose, While chapter five and six on the Changzhou Parallel Prose. The research on the Changzhou Ancient Prose is centered on the Yanghu School, and the key writers of Yanghu School are Yunjing and Zhang Huiyan. Yunjing’s Ancient Prose is based on the Confucianism and absorbed the other Schools’characteristics, forming the character of strong, simple and beautiful styles, while Zhang Huiyan’s Prose is character by elegant, profound and strong which due to inherit the spirit of Confucianism and History. In addition to the above two writers, Li Zhaoluo, Lu Jihe, Zhangqi are also the main writers of Yanghu School. Li is good at describes his affection, Lu is used to express his ideas about the life in indirect and affectionate way, while Zhang is famous for his historical comments which are full of eloquent and powerful words.The Research about the Changzhou Parallel Prose reveals the reasons why it come the prosperity in the middle of Qing Dynasty. Then the research analyses the achievement of the main writers’Parallel Prose. It’s no questions that Hong Liangji and Sun Xingyan are the leaders of the Changzhou Parallel Prose School. Hong’s Parallel Prose is character by its vigor; tolerance, quantity, so clean writing and combing are the merit of his prose. Meanwhile, Sun’s Parallel Prose is profound and hard understanding. Besides Hong and Sun, Liu Siwan’s prose is character by its meticulous describing, indirect affection and direct discussion; Fang Lvjian is good at all kinds of prose styles and character by deep affection and powerful vigor and Dong Jicheng, Dong Youcheng are good at handle the structures of the prose and combine the description, expression and discussion together. All of them are also the key writers of Changzhou School.Basing on the research of the background and the concrete writers, this thesis discusses the Changzhou School’s status in the Qing Literature and gives same conclusion and expectation on this School in the fields which beyond the capacity of the author because of the poor materials.

【关键词】 社会地域家族常州古文常州骈文
【Key words】 SocietyRegionFamilyChangzhou Ancient ProseChangzhou Parallel Prose
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期