

The Study on the Relation between Song Ci and Pavilions

【作者】 王慧敏

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 由于诸种原因,文学与亭台楼阁自古便结下了不解之缘,因此无论诗歌还是散文都产生了为数不少的咏写亭台楼阁的优秀作品。而且到了宋词,因宋词和亭台楼阁同属于休闲享乐文化的范畴;再加上“登临生悲”的传统抒情模式又与宋词的感伤色彩相契合,故而宋词与亭台楼阁之间存在着诸多的相通点与相似性,从而使得宋词创作越发有得于亭台楼阁之助。鉴于以上认识,本文试图从史实和理论两方面分析论证了宋词与亭台楼阁之间的密切关系,以及亭台楼阁对宋词艺术风貌和主题生成的重要作用和影响。德国启蒙运动时期的文艺理论家莱辛在他的名著《拉奥孔》中就特别强调“把多种美的艺术结合在一起,以便产生一种综合的效果”,那么通过探讨宋词与亭台楼阁之间这种珠联璧合的关系,进一步证明了“文学之美其实是一种综合艺术之美”。文章第一部分“实证篇”主要考订了宋词中所涉及的有具体实名的景观类亭台楼阁六十余个,其中亭二十余个;台十二个;楼十八个;阁八个,凡有具体文献记载的,本文皆竭力对其进行考证,考订的内容主要依据词前小序及词中的具体描写,并参考宋人及以后的方志、史料笔记、诗文集等,主要考订它们的地理位置、建造时间、建造主人、周围主要景观、文化渊源以及它们在宋代及宋代以前的兴废等。当然,因文献有限,以上诸条在具体的考订过程中或许不能全部涉猎。因为本篇考证的目的除了为下篇的立论打下坚实的文献基础外,更重要的是为了说明宋词和亭台楼阁确实有着极为密切的关系,因此除了文中详考的六十余个亭台楼阁外,本篇末还附加了一附录列表,列出未能考出但在宋词中出现过的其它亭台楼阁的名称以及相关作品。第二部分“论析篇”从两方面探讨了亭台楼阁对宋词的作用和影响。一方面,因亭台楼阁自古就与文学结下了不解之缘,在长期的文学实践中,它们已逐渐变成了蕴蓄着特定情感内涵的意象符号而积淀在中国文人的审美心理结构之中。因此本篇首先从意象的角度分别探讨了宋词中“亭”、“台”、“楼(阁)”意象(主要侧重于泛指的,无具体实名的亭台楼阁)的审美内涵以及词境营构艺术,以此来看亭台楼阁对宋词艺术风貌的作用和影响;另一方面,亭台楼阁作为词人抒情言志的重要平台和媒介,自然对宋词主题内容的生成具有影响。而且由于亭台楼阁所处自然环境不同,四时景物各异,有的还融会不同的历史文化、逸闻故事以及神话传说,词人登临时的心态也因社会状况与个人遭际而千差万别,这就促使了宋词主题内容的生成更为丰富多样,尤其是一些有具体名字的著名的亭台楼阁,诸如建康赏心亭、吴江垂虹亭、镇江北固亭、苏州姑苏台、严子陵钓台、金陵凤凰台、镇江多景楼、岳阳楼、当阳仲宣楼、南昌滕王阁等等,因其皆具有独特的文化内涵,经文人们的一再题咏,往往会指向特定的主题。因此本篇选择了宋词中涉及的若干著名类亭台楼阁及其所表现的特定主题之间的关系进行个案研究,以此证明亭台楼阁对宋词主题生成的作用与影响。

【Abstract】 For many reasons, literature and pavilions have built a close relationship from of old. Therefore, a large number of excellent literary works depicting pavilions have been produced in both poetry and prose. When it comes to Song Ci, the relationship between the two is even closer. And the reasons are twofold. On the one hand, pavilions and Song Ci both belong to the culture of leisure and entertainment; on the other hand, there is a correspondence between the traditional mode of expressing emotions by way of mounting high and the sentimental color of Song Ci itself. The above two reasons explain why there are many connections and similarities between Song Ci and pavilions. In view of the above understanding, the present dissertation attempts to demonstrate the close relationship between Song Ci and pavilions based on theoretical analysis and historical facts. Meanwhile, it also intends to examine the role pavilions have played in the creation of Song Ci and their influences exerted on its artistic style and theme. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, a German literary theorist of the enlightenment period, put special emphasis on“the combination of various beauties to produce an integrated effects”in his famous work Laocoon. Through the analysis of the close relationship between pavilions and Song Ci, the present dissertation further bears out that the beauty of literature is a comprehensive artistic one just as what Lessing has claimed.The first part of the dissertation is an empirical study of pavilions appearing in Song Ci. There are altogether more than 60 pavilions with concrete names which include about 20 Ting (kiosk), 12 Tai (platform), 18 Lou (storied building), and 8 Ge (cabinet). The author of the present dissertation goes all out to do the textual research on each pavilion which was documented in history. The textual research is mainly based on the prefaces to each literary piece and specific descriptions within. At the same time, the author of the dissertation also refers to local records of Song Dynasty and afterwards, historical materials, poetry collections, etc., to examine their locations, the construction time, the builder, the sight around them, the cultural roots, as well as their rise and fall in or prior to Song Dynasty. However, because of the limitation of space and documents, there is still room to be desired concerned the above-mentioned issues, some of which may not be covered in this dissertation. As the main purpose of the first part is to lay a solid foundation of literature for the second part as well as to demonstrate the close relationship between Song Ci and pavilions, an appendix of others pavilions which this research failures to find detailed information is also attached.The second part is the analytical part which mainly discusses the role and impact of pavilions on the creation of Song Ci. On the one hand, pavilions and literature have formed a close connection for a long time. Along with the literary practice and accumulations, pavilion has gradually become an image with specific emotional connotations and instilled into the Chinese literati’s psychological structure of literary appreciation. So in this part, the author of the dissertation firstly probes into the aesthetic connotations and the creation of artistic conception of pavilions (in a broad sense) from the perspective of imagery with the aim to show the role and impact of pavilions on the artistic style and features of Song Ci. Then, the impact of pavilions on the theme or content of Song Ci is also discussed. Pavilions, the major medium or channels of expressing emotions for Ci writers in Song Dynasty, is sure to exercise important influences on the theme and content of Song Ci. Because of the differences in natural environment, sceneries, and histories, cultures, anecdotal stories, legends that each pavilion is connected with, the mentality of Ci writers will not be the same together with the differences in social environment and their own life stories. It is the above-mentioned differences that contribute to the richness and variety of the theme of Song Ci. Some famous pavilions with concrete names such as Jiankang Shangxin kiosk, Wujiang Chuihong kiosk, Zhengjiang Beigu kiosk, etc., all have their unique cultural connotations and are often endowed with a specific theme along with the repeated use by different people in the literary circle. So this part takes some famous pavilions that frequently appear in Song Ci as examples in order to demonstrate the relationship between pavilions and the theme of Song Ci, especially the impact of the former on the latter.

【关键词】 宋词亭台楼阁意象艺术主题
【Key words】 Song Cipavilionsimagearttheme
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期