

Reads the Tang Song Verse from the Popular Song Angle of View

【作者】 宋秋敏

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 从一定意义上讲,当代流行歌曲可以视作唐宋词的隔代延伸与变异,而反观唐宋词的本质属性与基本风貌,则也可以视作那个时代的流行歌曲。正是从这两点出发,本文拟从流行歌曲的视角对唐宋词进行重新审视和重新诠释,并希望将古老的唐宋词与流行歌曲作一番“古今勾连”和“比较研究”,这样的研究,或可突破纯学术的研究而萌生新意,将唐宋词的研究引向“面向现实”与“有补于世”的新境地。第一章:唐宋词“流行歌曲”的属性论证。曲子词是我国诗歌与音乐结合的新形式,而燕乐作为隋唐时期的新兴俗乐,它的流行是“倚声填词”的前提。倚声填词,一方面,由于音律和声律的双重束缚,词受到了比近体诗更多的限制;但另一方面,也是更为重要的是,在音乐的影响下,词体形成了句法灵活、韵位多变等特点,这就较近体诗更为解放,也更容易为大众所接受。而且,在歌曲流传的过程中,唐宋词又形成了“独重女音”的审美风尚,并逐渐建立起“别是一家”的协律理论系统,这又进一步确立了它在中国音乐文学史上的重要地位。作为当时的流行歌曲,唐宋词的流行性也相当突出,表现出创作主体阵营的扩容与创作者身份的多元化、“平民”氛围的营造与受众主导地位的确立,以及传播手段的大众化和多样性等特点,这也更加明确了其大众文化的归属。第二章:“流行歌曲”视角下唐宋词的“另类”社会功能和文体特性。唐宋词具有与现代流行歌曲相似的商业功能、娱乐功能和社交功能等实用功能,以及艳情性、通俗性、时尚性等“另类”特性。作为当时的流行歌曲,唐宋词的可歌性和流行性等属性通过改变社会文化心理来影响唐宋词的整体风貌和发展方向,最终促成了这些“另类”社会功能和文体特性的定型;而反过来说,也正是由于这些词体特性的彰显,唐宋词的流行歌曲属性进一步强化,从而最终确立了它在我国古代流行歌曲史上的特殊地位。第三章:词与乐关系的发展变化及词体的演进。词与乐的结合是中国音乐文学史上最典型的形态之一。一方面,词受制于乐,词的体制特性和声律特点都受到燕乐的深远影响,词与乐一度关系密切,水乳交融;另一方面,由于诗歌与音乐具有不同的艺术特征,诗歌又不可能完全成为音乐的附庸,在“主音”与“主文”的矛盾冲突中,词与乐的关系不断发展变化,音乐性从强势到逐渐淡化,而文学功能则不断增强,词体由原来的音乐附庸,最终演变成为独立的新型抒情诗体。文人词摆脱音乐最终独立,这从音乐的角度讲,固然是一种遗憾,但从文学的角度讲,则又未尝不是一种解放或创新。对音乐的疏离虽然消弥了歌词“别是一家”的特立性,但同时却也确立了它在文学史、诗史上的独特地位,这正是词体文学性不断发展完善的必然结果。第四章:唐宋词与当代流行歌曲的比较研究。从文化归属上来说,唐宋词与当代流行歌曲都属于大众文化。因此,二者具有着较为相似的“另类”社会功能和文体特性。不仅如此,它们在主题选择和“包装策略”上,也表现出惊人的一致性和共同的倾向。情爱主题和怀旧主题乃是中国古典文学所最常表现的主题,以男欢女爱和伤春悲秋为主旋律的唐宋词,其中就尤多男女之情和怀旧情绪的倾诉。而纵观新时期以来的中国流行歌曲,此类主题也占有相当大的比重。唐宋词与当代流行歌曲中的情爱主题和怀旧主题,既有一脉相承之处,又散放出了各自不同的时代气息和展现出了面貌各异的文学景观。而且,由于情爱主题和怀旧主题乃是唐宋词与当代流行歌曲所包孕的丰厚人生意蕴中的一个分支,所以通过对词中此类主题的审视和剖析,也就有可能以点窥面地感知当代流行歌曲之于唐宋词在题材内容方面的传承与变异。这不仅具有文学方面的价值,也体现出一定的文化意义。商业包装是现代流行歌曲商业化生产过程中必不可少的重要环节,而作为当时“流行歌曲”的唐宋词,其风靡于社会各个阶层,最终成为“一代之文学”,也同样离不开它在传播方式、情境营造、题材选择和情感取向等方面成功的“包装策略”。并且,从一定意义上讲,现代流行歌曲所采用的不少“包装策略”都可以在唐宋词中找到源头。第五章:请君莫忘前朝曲,旧阙新翻总关情――唐宋词对当代流行歌词创作的借鉴意义。当代流行歌曲与唐宋词有着一脉相承的“血缘关系”,这就使得两者之间有了很多“共同语言”。当代流行歌词若能向唐宋词诗意化的词境、词心回归,不但有助于扩展当代流行歌词内容,有助于提高创作者和欣赏者的文化品味,而且有助于保持民族艺术的独立性,这对于当代流行歌词未来的发展,意义重大。并且,从一定意义上说,唐宋词又是一部形象化的“心灵百科全书”,而大多数唐宋词人,则是当时的文化精英,也是善于将人生诗化的行家里手。他们对于世事的沧桑变化、人生的悲欢离合以及自然山水的关照和反思,使作品充满了理性的光芒和哲思的力量,这些精神财富即使在当代,也能给人们以深刻的启迪,使心浮气燥、追名逐利的当代人,得到心灵的净化和抚慰。此外,本文又在附录中收录了一部分借鉴和传承了中国古典诗词与传统文化、且较为成功的歌词实例,以资参考。

【Abstract】 In a certain sense, contemporary popular song can be regarded as the Tang Song verse generational extension and variation, and the nature of Tang Song verse contrast with the basic style, which also can be regarded as the era of the popular song. It is starting from two points in this paper from the perspective of the Tang Song verse to re-examine and re-interpret, and I look forward to the ancient Tang and Song verse and popular song for a“collusion between the ancient and modern”and“comparative studies”. Such research, or pure academic research breakthroughs and new initiation, the study will lead the Tang Song verse“facing reality”and“being benefit to reality”in the new situation.Chapter 1: The popular song Attribute demonstration of the Tang Song verse. Ci is the word rhymes, and a new form of music, and the Sui and Tang Dynasties period Yanyue emerging as a popular music, its popularity was "Reliance sound Lyrics" premise. Reliance sound Lyrics, on the one hand, due to the double temperament and sound legal constraints, by the words of the poem more than in recent restrictions, but on the other hand, is more important is that under the influence of music, the word became shape flexible syntax , Yun-volatile characteristics, which close Poetry more liberation, it would be easier for the public to accept. Moreover, the song spread in the process of formation of the Tang Song verse and“independent-woman tone”aesthetic fashion, and gradually established”, it is a“legal theory of the Association, which further established its music literature in China history of the important position. At that time, as pop songs, the Tang and Song Dynasty epidemic are quite conspicuous, showing creativity and expansion of the main camp as creators of pluralism,“civilians”and create an atmosphere of the dominant position of the established audience, as well as the means of dissemination and popularization Features such as diversity, it also has become clearer ownership of its mass culture.Chapter 2: the popular song View of the Tang Song verse "alternative" social function and stylistic characteristics. The Tang Song verse and modern popular songs similar to a commercial function, social function and entertainment features such as functional, as well as love of popular, fashion, etc.“alternative”feature. At that time, as popular songs, songs of the Tang Song verse and the epidemic can be attributes such as social and cultural change through the psychological impact of Tang Song verse to the overall outlook and direction of development, and ultimately contributed to these“alternative”social function and style of stereotypes;Conversely, it is precisely because of the characteristics of these words highlight, and the Tang Song verse attribute to further strengthen and eventually established its popular music in the history of ancient China’s special status.Chapter 3: verse and Music changes and the development of relations between the evolution of the verse. The combination of verse and music is the history of Chinese music literature one of the most typical form. On the one hand, subject to the verse music, the term structure of acoustic characteristics of law are subject to the far-reaching impact Yanyue, words and music were close harmony; On the other hand, poetry and music with different characteristics of the art of poetry without may be totally become a vassal of music,“frontman”and the“proper”in the conflict, the relationship between words and music constantly evolving, from the musical to gradually reduce the strength, and function continuously enhance literature, the term of the original music client, and ultimately become independent of the new lyrics.Scholars final word from the independent music, from the perspective of music, of course, is a pity, but the perspective of literature, and never is not a liberation or innovation. Although the alienation of music bridging the lyrics“Do not, which is a”special legislation, but it has also established a literary history, the history of the unique status of poetry, which is the word of literary continuously developed and refined the inevitable result.Chapter 4: Contemporary popular music of the Tang Song verse and the comparative study. From the cultural ownership, Tang Song verse and contemporary popular culture belong to the public. Therefore, the two are more similar to the“alternative”social function and stylistic characteristics. Not only that, in the theme of their choice and“packaging strategy”, but also shows a startling consistency and common tendency.Love theme and the theme of nostalgia is the most classical Chinese literature by the performance of the theme, the tang song verse is especially on the more nostalgic and love talk. A general review of the new era of China since popular songs, has a theme of such a large proportion. Tang Song verse and contemporary popular song and the theme of love in the nostalgia theme, the same strain of the existing, scattered released their different flavor of the times and show a different face of the literary landscape. Moreover, the theme of love and nostalgia is the theme of contemporary pop music by the Tang Song verse and the rich Meaning of Life in a branch, through the words of the theme of this review and analysis, and is likely to face a point to see Perception Contemporary pop music in the Tang Song verse in the content of the heritage theme and variation. This not only has the value of literature, but also a certain cultural significance.Modern commercial packaging is popular song in the commercial production process indispensable important link, and then as the popular of Tang Song verse, in its popular of all social strata, and ultimately become a“generation of Literature”, the same can not be separated from its mode of transmission, creating a situation, the choice of subject matter and emotional orientation, and other aspects of the success of“packaging strategy”. And, in a certain sense, modern popular song used by many of the“packaging strategy”in the Tang Song verse can be found in the source.Chapter 5: inviting former Intercessors-old sentence up the new customs - Tang Song verse lyrics of contemporary popular creation learn.Tang Song verse and contemporary pop music have the same strain of“blood relationship”, it is between a lot of“common language.”If the lyrics to contemporary popular poetry of the Tang Song verse, the word heart return, will not only help expand the contemporary pop lyrics content creators and contribute to appreciate the cultural tastes, but also help maintain national arts independence, which is contemporary pop lyrics future development is of great significance. And, in a certain sense, the Tang Song verse is a stylized“spiritual Encyclopedia”, and most of Tang and Song verse, it was the cultural elite, will also be good at poetry of life, the incumbent. They are the vicissitudes in the world is, life and natural landscape care and reflection, so that works with the radiance of a rational and the strength of philosophizing, even in the contemporary spiritual wealth, but also give people a deep enlightenment, seeking fame and wealth in contemporary, received spiritual purification and a comforter.In addition, the paper also included in the appendix to draw part of the Chinese heritage and classical poetry and traditional culture, and the lyrics of the more successful examples form of corroboration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期