

Study on Huilinyinyi Quoted Rujiajingdian

【作者】 杨思范

【导师】 王继如;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《慧琳音義》成書於中唐時期,是佛經音義集大成之作,也是漢語言文字學的一大寶庫。所援引的群籍極為豐富,共徵引了700多種古籍,很多已失傳。《慧琳音義》引用儒家經典的有《周易》、《尚書》、《詩經》、《周禮》、《儀禮》、《大戴禮記》、《禮記》、《春秋左傳》、《春秋穀梁傳》、《春秋公羊傳》、《孟子》、《論語》、《爾雅》、《孝經》,其中所引經文4368條,傳、注、音義等文6138條,二者共10506條,約占全書的六分之一。在《慧琳音義》所引的10506條儒家經典及傳、注、音義等文中,有2008條在阮元校刻《十三經注疏》中找不到原文,成了佚文。能夠和阮元校刻《十三經注疏》對應的部分,則很有校勘作用。由於慧琳所採用的群經大多是隋末唐初的寫本,其所引的儒家經典引文與今本頗多不同,可據此校補今傳本,它的價值遠在一般的宋元精槧之上。因此,通過對《慧琳音義》引用儒家經典的研究,不僅可以糾正今傳本十三經的訛誤脫漏,而且還能輯佚今已失傳的經注,勾勒出唐元和三年(公元808年)前儒家經典大致概貌,對於經學文獻學的研究具有重大的價值。本文共分六章,第一章簡單介紹了前修時賢對《慧琳音義》引用儒家經典的研究概況,以及說明本文研究的意義、研究的方法、研究步驟。第二章主要探討了《慧琳音義》引儒家經典的體例,文中指出《慧琳音義》除了一般體例外,另外一些特殊的體例,如:意引例、節引例、互訓例、明引與暗引相結例、彙集注家注語例。第三章介紹了《慧琳音義》引儒家經典價值。從校勘、輯佚、版本三方面闡述它的價值,從保存儒家經典之本字、佐證先賢之成說、據知傳本之誤改三方面來闡述校勘價值,從補歷代書志目録之阙載、提供失傳之古籍、提供儒家經典經文之佚文、提供失傳之古注、提供失傳之古音義五方面闡述輯佚價值。另外還討論了《慧琳音義》引儒家經典的版本價值。第四章從校勘學的角度探討《慧琳音義》的不足之處。指出《慧琳音義》所引儒家經典之舛誤:有正文誤入注文,注文誤入正文,因倒文而誤,因形近而誤,因記憶而誤五方面的訛誤。第五章《慧琳音義》引儒家經典校正。本章將《慧琳音義》所引儒家經典全部列出,與阮元校刻《十三經注疏》一一比勘,在前人已有成果的基礎上,利用現有的條件作了詳细的校正,指出《慧琳音義》引儒家經典的價值及部分失誤。第六章《慧琳音義》引儒家經典有数條引文疑難,收至“待質録”中俟考。

【Abstract】 Huilinyinyi is not only one of the classics of the Buddhist which interpret pronunciations and meanings,but also a famous work for Chinese linguistic study.The quotations of Huilinyinyi are extremely abundant,more than 700 various ancient works aretotally cited which among them a lot of had already Iost.Huilinyinyi cited Zhouyi,Shangshu,Shijing,Zhouli,Yili Liji,Chunqiuzuozhuan,Chunqiuguliangzhuan,Chunqiugongyangzhuan,Lunyu,Xiajing,Erya,Mengzi. Huilinyinyi quotes from the Rujiajingdian and about of its Zhu,Zhuan,Shu,Yinyi etc.The classics what Huilinyinyi quoted are 4368 items.Zhu,Zhuan,Shu,Yinyi of Rujiajingdian what Huilinyinyi quoted are 6138 items.Both of them reach to more than 10506 items which take one-sixth of the whole book.More than 2008 items among them could not find original texts in Ruanyuan’s Shisanjingzhushu.The research work which mainly in the systematic comparision between Huilinyinyi’s quotations of Rujiajingdian and the version of Shisanjingzh ushu preserved nowadays was very value.Not only we can rectify the mistakes and omissions of Shisanjingzhushu.But also we can compile a lot of books which interpret Rujiajingdian from Huilinyinyi and give a sketchy outline of Rujiajingdian in the middle of Tang Dynasty (A.D.808).So it has an important value for the documentation science about studies of Confucian classics.This paper consists of six chapters:Chapter O-ne serves as an introduction. This part tells about the purpose of the work,the historical research in this field and methodology as well as research procedures.The second chapter is a detailed introduction style of Huilinyinyi.It has a particular style such as quotations by meaning,quotations by shortening,quotations by mutual commenting,quotations by combination of clear and not clear,quotations by assembling author’s interpretation.The third chapter is a detailed introduction about the value of Rujiajingdian from Huilinyinyi.This chapter are based on the evidence of changed words.From the differences between the Tracing and the infer,we can evaluate the values of Rujiajingdian from Huilinyinyi.This dissertation gives the conclusion of the values quotations in Huilinyinyi about Rujiajingdian including the oldest version value of the quotation about Rujiajingdian;provides evidence for the research works in passage of Rujiajingdian;Finds the changes in the version of Rujiajingdian preserved nowadays. Supplies vanished books of bibliography in historical records and provides vanished passages of Rujiajingdian;provides vanished passage explanations of notes,interpretation,provides v- anished yinyi.This chapter also discusses the value of collation about Rujiajingdian of Huili nyinyi.The fifth chart discusses the value of emendation between Huilinyinyi and Shisanjing zhushu preserved nowadays.I point out the values and errors in Huilinyinyi based on the achievements of past generations.The sixth chapter enumerate some difficulties of Rujiajingdi an which are quoted by Huilinyinyi that it will be farther proved.

【关键词】 《慧琳音義》引用儒家經典價值校正
【Key words】 HuilinyinyiquotationRujiajingdianvaluecorrect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期