

From Rural China to Modern China

【作者】 孙宗广

【导师】 刘锋杰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 美国女作家赛珍珠凭借《大地》三部曲等中国题材作品而获得1938年度诺贝尔文学奖,这引起了国内外诸多评价。比较而言,赛珍珠研究在西方学术界得不到重视,而中国对于她的接受则复杂得多,掺杂了政治的、文化的诸多因素,七十多年的研究史大体可分为三个阶段,与中国现代历史进程的转折起伏相呼应,中美关系的冷暖变化在其中也有相应体现。赛珍珠研究业已成为国内一个值得深入探究的跨文化课题。笔者认为国内的赛珍珠研究存在两个方面的缺憾,一是对赛珍珠的整体研究明显不足,二是受困于意识形态的影响。尽管赛珍珠作品存在一些艺术上的瑕疵,但她的跨文化思考能力和作品的思想价值,又当仁不让地构成一个自足的文本世界,她的中国写作直到今天还有较强的生命力,还有研究的“当代性”意义。因此,本文拟从政治文化、社会品格、民族国家想像等角度审视赛珍珠的中国写作,试图在以下几个方面有所创新:1、通过政治文化视角,确认赛珍珠作品对中国传统社会品格的认知与期待,充分理解她对中国民族国家的认知与想像。2、对赛珍珠的代表性作品进行新的解读和阐释;3在现代化的语境中评价赛珍珠跨文化民族想像的现实意义。论文共分六个部分:导论部分追溯国内外赛珍珠研究的历史,指出目前国内研究取得的实绩与存在的不足,并简要阐释政治文化、社会品格与民族国家想像等核心概念,明确论文的总体框架。第一章从中国传统社会品格的角度探讨赛珍珠中国题材作品的意义。对于中国传统社会品格构成的考察,成为赛珍珠跨文化民族国家想像的现实起点。这种考察与近代以来的国民性批判有交叉处,但更具赛珍珠的特色,包含着她对中国精神的发现与期待。赛珍珠试图借助形象说明,中国传统政治文化对于人格构成的影响不可忽视。第二章讨论赛珍珠在“革命”的历史语境中对中国传统社会品格的关注。从“革命”的角度看,中国大多数民众参与政治的热情并不高,他们往往从自身利益出发理解“革命”的意义,即使是剪辫子与禁止女性缠足这样的习俗革命,往往需要长期的过程,这归根结底与传统的政治文化有关。第三章说明对日本侵略者暴行的揭露、对中国抗日民众斗争精神的讴歌是赛珍珠抗战写作的主题之一,但从社会品格角度思考战争发生的原因也是她作品应有之义。在血与火的煅造中,中国民众由和平幻想到奋起抗争,民族国家意识逐渐觉醒,汇聚成不可阻遏的力量。第四章笔者要说明,现代教育是赛珍珠心目中帮助中国摆脱愚昧、走向现代文明的决定性力量。现代知识分子,是连接中国过去与未来的桥梁,而中西文化的沟通与交流是确保桥梁畅通的宏伟工程。赛珍珠后期两部作品关注中西对立期间知识分子的命运,从一个侧面观照党派政治对个体生命的践踏及其后果。赛珍珠痛心于中国现代化发展历程中这不应有的曲折。本文的余论部分,总结赛珍珠跨文化的民族国家想像所包含的丰富内容,并阐释实现跨文化想像可能性的几个条件。赛珍珠的中国书写,应该获得“民族寓言”的地位,同我们本民族的书写一起,构成一种反观自身的“复调结构”,为我们自省和超越提供了一个足资参考的坐标,有益于和谐社会的建设和民族的伟大复兴。

【Abstract】 American woman writer Pearl S. Buck won the 1938’s Nobel Prize in literature by her Chinese theme works The Good Earth trilogy. This causes much evaluation at home and abroad. Comparatively speaking, the study of Pearl S. Buck can’t be taken seriously in western academic circles. But China accepted her more complicatedly, including more factor of politics and culture. The study history of more than seventy years can be divided into three periods and works in concert with the rise and fall of the course of Chinese modern history. The change of Sino-America relation had corresponding reflection. The study of Pearl S. Buck had become an intercultural problem which deserves studying deeply.The writer thinks that there are two aspects of pity in the study of Pearl S. Buck, one is the shortage of Pearl S. Buck’s whole study; the other is locked into the effect of ideology. Although there are some art flaws in Pearl S. Buck’s works, her intercultural ability and the thought value of her works make up a self-sufficient text world. There have been a strong life and the contemporary meaning in her Chinese writing. So, this article scans Pearl S. Buck’s Chinese writing from political culture、social personality、national imagination. It tries to inaugurate in the following aspects: 1、It will affirm Pearl S. Buck’s working cognize and hope China traditional social personality from political culture, understanding fully her cognition and imagination. 2、It will make a new explanation of the representative works of Pearl S. Buck. 3. It will evaluate practical meaning of Pearl S. Buck’s intercultural national imagination.The paper has six parts. The introduction traces back the history of studying Pearl S. Buck at home and abroad. It points out the achievement and shortage at home. It also explains political culture、social personality and national imagination. It will make the paper’s whole frame clear. The first chapter discusses the meaning of Pearl S. Buck’s Chinese theme works from Chinese social personality. Her investigation to Chinese traditional social personality structure became the real beginning of Pearl S. Buck’s intercultural national imagination. This investigation has overlapping parts with country criticism at modern times, but it owns Pearl S. Buck’s feature. It contains her discovery and hope to Chinese spirit. Pearl S. Buck tried to explain by image that the effect made by Chinese traditional political culture can’t be ignored. The second chapter discusses the attention to Chinese traditional social personality paid by Pearl S. Buck in“revolutionary”history language situation. From the point of“revolution”, the enthusiasm of China populace participating in politics is not high. They understand the meaning of“revolution”from their own benefit. Even such custom revolution as cutting braids and forbidding woman’s foot binding needed a long period. This had relation with traditional political culture in the final analysis. The third chapter explains that one of the themes of Pearl S. Buck’s Second Sino-Japanese War writing is: exposing the Japanese invader’s atrocity and eulogizing Chinese’s struggle spirit. But she still thought over the cause of the war from social personality. In the tempering of blood and fire, Chinese masses roused to opposed instead of cherishing peace illusions. The national country consciousness awakened step by step. It converged a kind of strength that can’t be stopped. The fourth chapter explains that modern education is the decisive force to help China break away from ignorance and come to modern civilization. The modern intellectuals are the bridge to connect China’s past and future. Linking up and exchanging Chinese and western cultures is a great project to make the bridge unblocked. The later works of Pearl S. Buck concerned about the fate of intellectuals during the confrontation between Chinese and Western. She viewed the political parties’trampling on individual lives and the consequences from one side. Pearl S. Buck felt deep regret for the twists and turns during the course of development in China’s modernization.The conclusion sums up the rich content contained in Pearl S. Buck’s intercultural national imagination. It also explains several conditions to accomplish intercultural imagination possibilities. Pearl S. Buck’s Chinese writing should get the place of“national fable”. They constitute a“polyphony structure”with our own writing together. They provide a full -reference coordinate for us to go beyond. They also benefit the building of a harmonious society and the nation’s great rejuvenation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期