

The Research on Function of Social Integration by the Ruling Party in New Age

【作者】 黄建文

【导师】 靳辉明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 政党是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物。在现代社会,政党以其自身独特的功能和社会角色,成为现代民主国家政治运作的实际操作者并日益成为现代政治社会发展的推动者和领导者。中国共产党作为当代世界最大的执政党,是社会主义现代化事业的领导核心,肩负着推动中国社会全面、协调、可持续发展的历史重任。1978年以来,以社会主义市场经济为导向的改革使得中国社会正经历着一场广泛而深刻的社会转型。当代中国社会的这种发展变迁,要求执政的中国共产党自觉适应社会环境的变化,增强自身的社会整合功能。本文将以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,借鉴社会学的概念范式,对新时期中国共产党的社会整合功能作系统的分析梳理,力求从提高执政能力建设角度提供一些有益的思索和参考。导论主要探讨论文研究的重点、研究现状以及梳理政党、政党功能、社会整合功能等相关概念,主要比较说明国内外学者研究方法、研究观点的异同。认为在政治学研究范式中,整合和社会整合的涵义又有了新的延伸:所谓整合,就是通过一定的方式和手段,使社会或团体的各个不同部分在保持各自性质特点的前提下共同合成一个有机的、完整的政治共同体。执政党的社会整合是指执政党为了实施本党的政治纲领或实现本党的执政理念或达到一定的政治目标,通过一定的方式将社会分散的、多元的、异质的要素纳入到一个既定的结构性框架之内,它包括对自身的内部整合和对社会的外部政治整合,就本文而论,主要集中讨论执政党对社会的外部整合模式。第一章主要是从历史发生学的角度出发来探讨政党权威与社会整合及其社会整合的机制等学理问题,为本文的论述奠定必要的理论基础。我们通过以上对中国传统的社会整合与危机的的分析可以得到有益的经验和线索:世界性的现代化进程瓦解了中国传统的社会整合机制,官方权威和民间权威的有效联结被打破。国民党不能胜任现代化的倡导者和引领者角色的历史事实告诉我们,作为执政党实现对社会的有效整合是有历史前提的,这就是没有充分的合法性资源就无法取得高度的社会认同,在一盘散沙的社会结构中也就担负起发动和推动现代化的历史任务。本章进一步从理论上探讨了政党权威、合法性和社会整合的关系。对执政党的社会整合来说,它必须具有政党权威,发挥自己的政治影响力,这是政党执政成功进行社会整合的政治基础。但执政党还需要非权力的影响力,它必须将这种权力性影响置于民众的认同之中,即要找寻和构建权力性影响的合法性基础,否则,党执政的地位难以维持。所以执政党必须正确运用权威力量强化对于社会非权力的影响,否则就会象早期资产阶级国家执政党那样丧失合法性。执政党的合法化并非是一劳永逸的,执政资源也并非是变动不居的,执政党作为政治体制的重要组成部分,其合法性也需要持续地加以关注和审视,合法性资源的开发是研究社会整合的必然课题。执政党合法性资源与社会整合的对接关系包括:(1)制度资源与规范整合;(2)政策资源与利益整合;(3)意识形态资源与价值整合;(4)组织资源与组织整合。第二章回顾了1949——1956中国社会整合的历史,得到两个结论:(1)从全国性的政治整合来看,过渡时期确立的是一个具有显著多样性的社会制度体系,中国共产党是以一种慎重的态度来对待自身的领导与执政地位,谨慎地构建执政党一政府、执政党一社会、执政党一民主党派之间的制度性关系,渐进地发挥执政党在社会整合中的影响力。(2)强有力的政治整合改变了中国的社会整合传统,奠定了中心——边缘扩散式的整合模式。第三章主要分析1956年以后中心——边缘扩散式的整合模式随着国内外形势的发展和条件的变化日益强化并且深度固化。执政的中国共产党通过意识形态和制度建构,将过渡时期有限的领导地位逐步全能化,复杂多样的社会在农村人民公社和城市单位制的整合下被单一化,同构于党政体系中。正是这一持续同构化的过程中,高度动员的社会焕发出惊人的能量。第四章探讨1978年改革开放新时期中国共产党社会整合出现的积极变化和所面临的挑战,着重讨论转型期社会构成中国共产党增强社会整合功能的强大内因。并在前面历史追溯和讨论的基础上对中心——边缘扩散社会整合模式合理性的作了进一步讨论,认为中国的改革主要受中心——边缘扩散式社会整合模式内在整合逻辑的影响。从改革的发生来看,边缘启动改革,社会整合中心内核进行有效调控,即保持意识形态的连续性、放权的渐进性等改革方略,使得中国改革始终能够平稳进行。从改革进程来看,中心——边缘扩散式社会整合模式内在的政治整合中心内核与边缘民间社会形成互动,其中内核居主导性地位保证了中国能够在改革中保持稳定与发展。第五章在第二章所理顺的执政党合法性资源与社会整合的对接关系基础上,主要从规范性角度探讨新时期中国共产党社会整合机制,认为其在新时期应包括价值导向、利益协调和组织动员等要素,并一一作了具体分析。最后在全文分析的基础上展望新时期中国共产党加强社会整合功能建设的前景和趋向。

【Abstract】 Party is a product that appeared in a certain historical stage of the human beings development. In the modern society, party has become the real runner in democratic countries and has increasingly become the propeller and leader of modern social development as a result of its unique functions and social role.The Communist Party of China( CPC), the only ruling party in contemporary china, is the core of leadership for the cause of Chinese modern socialist construction and undertake the important history tasks for all-round, harmonious, and sustainable development of Chinese society. Since 1978, Chinese society has been undergoing a deep, and comprehensive transformation caused by socialist market economy oriented reform. Chinese society is going through a sharp change,which require the ruling CPC to acclimate itself to the transformation of social environment consciously, and adjust its functions. under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism, with referring concept and paradigms concerning sociology, systematically analyzes the function of social integration of CPC during comtemporary Chinese society so as to supply some useful thoughts and references for building up the function of social integration of CPC.The introduce mainly dicussed such things as emphsis on issue and situations about research including concept as the party and so on, in order to comparative the distinctions between the the forigen scholars and the domestic ones. It suggest that social integration of CPC expand to diversion of politics to get the new meaning.Chapter 1 mainly introduced the reasons for my choosing this topic and its significances, pursued the core concept of social integration, briefly introduced such thoughts as party, party function and partys function of social integration and meanwhile, introduced the articles logic structure and research methods.Chapter 2 mainly discussed the basic cause of CPC strengthening social integration function construction, that is, contemporary Chinese social transformation. This chapter expained the basic concept and essence of social transformation and pointed out that the emergence of social contradictions was unavoidable result of social transformation. The social transformation brought contemporary china enormous progress and many contradictions in many fields as well. The settlement of such plight calls the ruling CPC to strengthen its function of social integration.Chapter 3 systematically summarized the models of CPC social integration function including core-edge model between 1949 and 1956. the CPC established the leading and ruling status in the society through such constructions as the tjought,organization,system,etc. the CPC deals with the relations with government,society,democratic parties with a kind of cautions attitude, and influenced the country and the society gradually.Chapter 4 explained the mechanism of CPC social integration function after 1956. the isomorphism of the relation between the society,the party and the government.the peoples commune and the welfare unit became the two pollars to the core-edge model.Chapter 5 put forward some thoughts of pertinent countermeasures on how to strengthen CPC social integration function. From the view of party organization construction, CPC should adjust organization structure and party power should be reasonably deployed, the main way of which is to enlarge the partys inner democracy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期