

On Legal Guaranteeing to Religious Feeedom

【作者】 杨合理

【导师】 周永坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 宗教自由是指个人或一定团体所享有的基本人权,并由宪法确认为基本权利加以保障。本文主要说明宗教自由法律保障的基本原则、国际标准、主要制度和界限、保护宗教自由的国家义务等问题,并在此基础上提出了加强我国宗教自由法律保障的建议。为此,本文对宗教自由法律保障的含义、宗教自由法律保障的历史进程和意义、宗教自由法律保障的基本原则、主要制度以及我国宗教自由的法律保护的成就和建议等问题进行了系统的探讨。宗教自由不仅包括内在的宗教信仰自由,而且包括外在的宗教行为自由。从其内在逻辑结构上看,宗教自由包括权利主体、权利客体和权利内容三个要素。宗教自由的权利人,不仅包括个人,而且包括宗教团体;宗教自由的客体是宗教,当宗教活动在法律所规定的范围之内时,就是合法的,受宪法和法律的保护;当宗教活动违反法律的强制性规定时,就必须受到法律的限制并承担相应的法律责任;宗教自由的内容包括内在的宗教自由和外在的宗教行为自由。宗教自由的特点有:不受侵犯性和易受侵犯性、无对价性、个人性和群体性、普遍性。宗教自由的法律保障经过了曲折的历史进程。就世界范围看,各国宪法关于宗教自由的规定有三种类型:宗教自由、信仰自由或信教自由权、宗教信仰自由权。宗教存在有其特定的社会历史依据,宗教是人类一种精神需求。宗教自由法律保障的意义重大,表现在:宗教自由是民主宪政的必然要求;保障宗教自由,有利于提升公民道德和社会的整体道德;保障宗教自由,有利于构建和谐社会;保障宗教自由,有利于国际之间友好交往;宗教容易被否定。世界各国都非常重视宗教自由的宪法保障,并形成了一系列的原则。这些原则主要有宗教自由原则、平等保护原则、国家中立原则、宗教宽容原则等。联合国非常重视宗教自由的保护。《世界人权宣言》、《公民、政治权利公约》、《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的不容忍和歧视宣言》等国际人权公约规定了宗教自由平等保护、界限以及国家保障宗教自由的义务等国际标准。此外,其它专门公约也对宗教自由作了规定。近代以来,世界各国都非常重视宗教自由的法律保障,并逐渐形成了一系列法律保障的主要制度:一是政教分离制度;二是宗教自由法律保障的限制制度。具体有形式规范上的限制和实质手段上的限制(公共利益理由、比例原则);三是宗教团体的自治。表现在:宗教团体新成员的补充和教育、维护宗教团体的秩序、宗教团体的经济自主等方面;四是尊重和保障宗教自由是国家的义务。包括国际人权公约关于尊重和保护宗教自由的国家义务、政教分离制度下尊重和保护宗教自由的国家义务。我国宗教自由的保障走过了曲折的道路,改革开放以后,我国非常重视宗教工作。宗教自由的法治建设取得了很大成绩。表现在:宗教立法获得重大进展、宗教事务管理机构相继设立、公民的宗教宽容与法律意识普遍增强。此外,港澳台地区宗教法治建设的成就突出。同时,目前我国宗教自由法律保障仍然存在一些不足,针对这些不足,需要进一步完善我国宗教自由法律保障。为此,需要做到:树立正确的宗教法治观;修改宪法第36条并完善宗教自由保护的法律;激活有关宗教自由纠纷的司法;完善我国的宪法监督制度;依法打击打着宗教旗号的违法犯罪行为,保障宗教自由的实现。

【Abstract】 The right to religious freedom refers to the basic right confirmed individuals and groups enjoy and guaranteed by constitution. The paper mainly discusses the basic principles of constitutional guaranteeing the right to religious freedom in terms of international standards, major systems and bounds, national obligations and suggestions on how to guarantee the right to religious freedom. It conducts a systematic inquiry into the implications of constitutional guaranteeing the right to religious freedom, its historical process and significance, basic principles and major systems, and the achievements made by our country in this respect.The right to religious freedom includes not only internal freedom of religious beliefs but also external freedom of behavior. As far as its inner logical structure is concerned, the right to religious freedom includes the subject and object and content of the right. Owners of religious freedom include religious groups as well as individuals .The object of the right to religious freedom is religion. Religious activities are lawful and safeguarded by constitution and law when conducted in accordance with regulations and law while they must be restricted by law and undertake relevant legal responsibilities when running counter to the compulsory regulations laid down by law. The characteristics of the right to religious freedom is that it is either subject or not subject to violation and that it is of no equal value and that it is of individualism and universality and is group-oriented. The constitutional guaranteeing of the right to religious freedom has undergone complicated historical process. Viewed worldwide, there are three types of regulations concerning the right to religious freedom in different countries.The constitutional guaranteeing of the right to religious freedom is of great significance in that it is an inevitable demand for democratic constitutionalism and it helps to upgrade citizens’morals and the ethics of the whole society .Ensuring the right to religious freedom does good to constructing harmonious society and friendly association between China and other countries. Countries worldwide attach great importance to the right to religious freedom and have formed a series of principles which are mainly about the principles of religious freedom, equal guaranteeing of the right to religious freedom (non-discrimination),state’s neutral principles of the right to religious freedom, state’s lenience principles. The existence of religion has its specific social and historical basis and it’s man’s spiritual needs. Meanwhile religion is prone to negation. Therefore the United Nations take seriously the guaranteeing of the right to religious freedom. Some human rights conventions such as The Human Rights Declaration of the World, The Convention of Citizens’Political Rights ,etc. , lay down international standards to equal guaranteeing of the right to religious freedom, bounds and national obligations to safeguard the right to religious freedom. Moreover other special conventions make some regulations concerning the issue.Recently, the countries all over the world pay great attention to the constitutional guaranteeing the right to religious freedom, and form a series of t guaranteeing systems gradually. The first is the separation between political and religion; the second is the limited systems of the constitutional guaranteeing the right to religious freedom; specifically, there are the limitations of the form regulations and the essential measures (public benefit reason, proportion principle).Third, the autonym of religious organization. The autonym forms are, for example, the complement and education of new member, safeguard of the order of new members, safeguard of the order of the religious organization, economy on their own, etc; fourth, to respect and guarantee the religious freedom is the duty of a nation, including national duty of respecting and guaranteeing the religious freedom in the compact of international human right, and the duty under the separated system of politics and religion.Our country takes the work of religion seriously. The construction achievement in the law of the right of religious freedom is enormous. The religious legislation gets great progress; religious affairs management organizations set up in succession; the citizen’s religious qualities are generally strengthened in legal consciousness and tolerance. In addition, the achievement of religious construction is outstanding in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan areas. Meanwhile, there are still some insufficiencies of the right to religious freedom in constitutional guaranteeing of our country. This paper puts forward and the suggestions for further improvements to it that holds the right legal consciousness in religion, revise the contents of article 36th of constitution and improve the law that the right of religious freedom protect; Judicial settlement route to activate right dispute of religious freedom; Improve the constitution supervisory system of our country , etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期