

Design of Hot Mixture Asphalt Based on Mortar Character

【作者】 李平

【导师】 王秉纲;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 沥青混合料由决定粘弹性的胶浆和形成骨架的集料组成,现有混合料设计方法主要是确定矿料级配,忽视了胶浆的设计。研究证实沥青胶浆对混合料各项性能具有重要影响,为此有必要研究基于胶浆特性的沥青混合料设计体系。本文先从组成胶浆的填料研究入手,分析了填料性质不同测试方法的机理及优缺点;测试了不同胶浆性能,发现填料对胶浆性能具有重要影响;通过填料性质与胶浆性能的相关性分析,综合考虑测试方法的可推广性,提出了基于胶浆性能的填料性质评价方法及指标。计算结果证实RV、DSR、BBR和延度等沥青性能测试仪器可用于测试胶浆性能,这为胶浆性能分析奠定了基础;粘度试验发现填料类型和剂量对测试结果有重要影响;由于混合料中发挥粘结作用的是胶浆,因而根据沥青粘度确定混合料施工温度是欠妥的,文中测试数据显示填料类型或剂量会造成混合料施工温度存在超过25℃的差异;对比胶浆老化前后性能表明,填料对胶浆老化有影响,它能减低沥青的老化程度。研究了掺加纤维、水泥和消石灰对胶浆性能的影响,结果显示降低粉胶比,适度增大纤维含量能够有效改善胶浆高低温性能,并对外掺剂的工程应用提出了建议。通过与混合料车辙数据相关性分析,证实集料贯入试验可以用来评价其抵抗荷载的能力,依此确定粗集料组成能够保证其稳定性;分别使用级配形状和关键筛孔通过率对级配特征进行了评价,探讨了不同参数的意义;利用汉堡车辙仪测试了不同混合料的高温性能,分析后发现用SGC压实曲线和IDT破坏强度可准确预测混合料抗永久变形能力,同时证实幂指数回归参数能有效评价级配特征,并与混合料性能建立良好关系。汇总全文研究成果,探讨了基于胶浆特性的沥青混合料设计体系,具体包含原材料筛选、沥青胶浆设计、矿料级配设计、最佳胶浆用量的确定以及混合料性能检验等。其中需重视原材料质量的控制,提出基于性能的原材料评价指标;确定矿料级配时应遵从初选、评价和优化的步骤以确保设计结果的可靠性;混合料性能检验时不能仅局限于使用性能,混合料施工性能的评价也有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Hot mixture asphalt is composed with mortar and aggregate, among which mortar is critical factor of voiscosity of mixture, and aggregate is grid. But the emphases of empexisting disign method is the difination of gradation, so it is necessery to develop the mixture design system based on mortar.Testing is taken on mineral fillers, and it is analyzed the mechanism and character of different test; through the evaluating of mortar, it is found that filler has great influence on performance of mortar; finally value index of filler is brought forward though the relavity analysis between filler and mortar with promoting possiblility. It is proved that the apparatus of asphalt can used to analayze the mortar through computation, then testing performance of mortar; Filler type and dose have influence on mortar viscosity, as mortar bonding aggregate in mixture, so it is improper to decide the construction temperature of mixture according to asphalt; After constracting with performance of defferent aging manner of mortar, it is found that filler affect the aging of mortar, and which can weaken aging degree. Results show that descreasing F/A, and increasing fibre amount, can improve the character of mortar.Analyzing with high temperature performance of mixture, it is proved than driving test can used for estimating the resistence capacity of aggregate, and can ensure the stability though which; The shape and key sieve pass is used to describe the aggregate charater; Hamburg test is used to estimate the performance of mixture, and it is proved using SGC info and IDT strength can predict the mixture character, also the index of gradation shape is effective, and have relation with mixture.Collecting the research finding, it is discussion of design system of hot mix asphalt based on mortar character. The design should include the raw materials filter、mortar and gradation design、asphalt mortar content determination、mixture performance inspection. Among which, it is emphasized that material quality should be controlled, and gradation confirmination should obey the approach of first draft、valuation and optimization, the finally, besides performance, the construction character should be thought much of.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期