

The Research on the Influence Factors of the Individuals to the Mobile Service Demand

【作者】 童莉莉

【导师】 舒华英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 十三亿人口的泱泱大国,移动通信用户数量已近半数。如此庞大的用户群体加之在个性化彰显的时代,不同人群对移动业务的消费理性和感性特征差异很大,多样、个性和易变是移动业务消费需求的显著特点。移动业务技术发展方面,从1995年问世的1G模拟制式手机以语音业务为主,到1997年出现的2G即GSM、CDMA等数字制式手机在语音通信业务不断优化的同时融入了数据业务;2008年4月1日起,身负推动TD产业发展重任的中国移动正式启动中国自主研发的3G标准TD-SCDMA的社会化业务测试和试商用,移动业务迈向以手机语音功能之外的无线上网、手机电视等数据功能为特色的第三代移动通信阶段。个体用户数迅猛增长带来需求的多样化特征、移动业务里程碑式的发展和每个阶段内容的推陈出新带来的市场定位考验使得个体对移动业务需求的影响因素研究显得重要且迫切。本文借鉴了卢因行为理论模型中对消费者行为影响因素的划分方法,并加以改进建立了个体内在因素和外在环境因素二维移动业务需求影响因素矩阵表。随后在前人研究行为模型的基础之上构建了个体对移动业务需求的影响因素概念模型,通过结构方程方法将概念模型数量化,通过模型变量设计、数据收集、关系假设、实证分析,对个体内在因素与外在环境因素对移动业务需求的影响关系做了细致的分析和验证。首先,本文明确了研究背景、目的和意义,在综合了国内外现有研究的成果基础之上提炼了本文的写作框架。随后,在第三章重点梳理了现有各类移动业务需求影响因素,将他们纳入个体内在和外在环境二维影响因素矩阵表中,形成一个相对完备的因素集合,为后续研究做好铺垫。第四章基于因素矩阵的基础之上提出了个体对移动业务需求的影响因素概念模型,并对各个变量之间的关系进行了假设。第五章重在实证检验。本文的实证检验部分主要通过访谈和问卷法实施。首先把第四章的概念模型用结构方程的方法数量化,然后按照客户价值甄选四类代表人群:高端客户、中端客户、学生群体和外来务工人群进行分类数据收集和分析。在进行数据验证的基础之上,第六章主要做了两项研究。一是对第五章数据验证结果进行描述统计分析和关系假设验证分析。随后针对四类典型人群设计移动业务需求满足策略制定方法和策略建议。通过本文大量的理论追述和实践研究,得出的主要结论和创新点如下——主要结论有三点:第一,个体对移动业务需求影响因素的二维矩阵表是一个有益的尝试。第二,本文建立的个体对移动业务需求影响因素模型是合理的,结构方程方法定量处理本模型数据是可行的。第三,明确了高端客户、中端客户、学生群体和外来务工人群的对移动业务需求的关键影响因素。主要创新点在于:首先,创新性的用二维矩阵表的形式展现出需求影响因素集合。其次,建立个体移动业务需求影响因素概念模型并做定量检验,充实了需求研究领域的系统化成果。第三,本文对研究目标客户群的选择既考虑了完备性又兼顾了典型性,对客户消费研究既考虑了理性假设又兼顾了感性特征。第四,简明扼要的提出了个体移动业务需求满足策略制定TDMS路径环,将经验式的策略制定提升了理论高度。本文的研究成果对于移动通信运营企业准确识别关键需求影响因素、科学分析客户内在动机、合理设计消费环境和业务属性都有很强的参考价值。

【Abstract】 China has 1.3 billion populations and the amount of the mobile service consumers is near to it.Such enormous scale makes the multiplicity; individuality and variability become the prominent characteristics of the mobile service demand.On the other hand, mobile service technology has many great renovations. The 1st generation is the simulate mobile telephone with the voice telecommunication as the only service coming out in 1995.The 2nd generation called GSM、CDMA is the numeral mobile telephone with the voice telecommunication as the priority and the data service as the subordination in 1997.In 2008, the 3rd generation has become probation with the data service as a major.The diversification characteristic of the individual demands and the development of the mobile sevice technology make the research on the influence factors of the individuals to the mobile service demand become important and exigent.This paper uses the Lewin metal of behavior for reference and establishs a two dimensions table with one dimension is individual intrinsic factor and the other is outside environment factor.Secondly, this paper composes the influence model of the individuals to the mobile service based on the two-dimensions table.Then I look into the relationship of factors by data collecting and concrete analyzing.Firstly, this paper gives clear-cut research objective; refines the framework based on the present achievement.Secondly, the understanding of the influence factors of the individuals to the mobile service demand is discussed in chapter 3. It is the foundation of the latter research.In chapter 41 bring forward the influence model of the individuals to the mobile service. I design the variables of it. We focus on the relationship of the independent variables and dependent variables. Others are not important in this paper.The emphase of chapter 5 is the demonstration. I carry out the demonstration by interviews and questionnaires.First step is turning the concept model into the numeral model.Second step is distinguishing the representative customers: the high value customers, the middle value customers, the students and the labours.Third step is to collect the datas and make analyses.Based on the data demonstration, we come to the discuss of practice in chapter 6. One aspect is to describe the statistics results and the relationship hypothesis validates results. The other aspect is to give suggestions for how to satisfy the mobile service demands.From a mass of theory summarizing and practice research,we elicit the main conclusions as followings:No1.It is a helpful attempt to setting up the two dimensions table with one dimension is individual intrinsic factor and the other is outside environment factor.No2. The influence model of the individuals to the mobile service in this paper is reasonable and the method of the configuration equation is feasible.No3.Distinguish the key influence factors of the high value customers, the middle value customers, the students and the labours.The mostly innovations lie in:No1. The two dimensions table to exhibit the influence factors is a innovations.No2. The influence model of the individuals to the mobile service enrichs the research fruits of the demand area.No3.The objective customers self-contained and cross-sectional.The hypothesis is rational and emotional.No4.The TDMS path loop is a systematic method for constituting the demand strategy. It shifts the experiential method into the academic method.The achievements in the paper have significant roles to distinguish the key influence factors of different cusomers, design the consume enviorment and so on. Meanwhile, this paper obeys to the standard steps as market-investigating, data-analyzing, system-designing and concrete evidence research. This thinking is good to other similar research.

【关键词】 个体移动业务需求影响因素
【Key words】 individualsmobile servicesdemandsinfluence factors