

Research on Popularity for Marxism of Contemporary China

【作者】 阮东彪

【导师】 徐志宏;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文系统论述了当代中国马克思主义大众化的四个主要问题:当代中国马克思主义大众化是什么与当代中国马克思主义大众化的意义是什么,当代中国马克思主义为什么要大众化,如何推动当代中国马克思主义大众化。这些部分密切相连,共同支撑着当代中国马克思主义大众化研究的学术大厦。第一章,论述当代中国马克思主义大众化是什么与当代中国马克思主义大众化的意义是什么。在论述“是什么”时,先论述“马克思主义”、“当代中国马克思主义”,然后详细论述“大众化”,最后明确“马克思主义大众化”、“当代中国马克思主义大众化”,并指明推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的实质,就是要把党的创新理论转化为广大人民群众的自觉实践,把精神力量转化为物质力量,实现马克思主义影响的最大化、马克思主义指导作用的最大化和马克思主义信仰者的最大化。在探讨推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的重大意义时,分别从理论与实践的角度来分析,重点是实践方面,分别是个人实践意义和社会实践意义。理论意义表现为:大众化体现马克思主义的本质,大众化才能实现马克思主义的理论创新,才能搞好党的思想建设。个人实践意义是:坚定社会大众的马克思主义信仰,激发社会大众强大的精神动力,塑造高尚的个体人格,调控个人的品德行为。社会实践意义表现为:引导政治认同,推动科学发展,繁荣先进文化,倡导生态文明,促进社会和谐。第二章,分析当代中国马克思主义为什么要大众化。先分析推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的基础和条件,那就是中国特色社会主义理论的彻底性和实践的正确性,还有高科技为大众化带来的先进设备和手段等等。马克思指出,理论如果彻底,就能说服人,能说服人就能掌握群众。“所谓彻底,就是抓住事物的根本。但是人的根本就是人本身。”①当代中国马克思主义就是能抓住“人”的彻底的理论。实践是检验真理的唯一标准,中国特色社会主义建设取得举世瞩目的成就。十七大指出,中国特色社会主义道路之所以完全正确、之所以能够引领中国发展进步,关键在于我们既坚持了科学社会主义的基本原则,又根据我国实际和时代特征赋予其鲜明的中国特色。新形势迫切需要推动当代中国马克思主义的大众化。瞬息万变的国内外局势、改革开放以来人民群众发生的新变化、中国共产党处于执政地位的新党情以及如何认识社会主义和资本主义的历史进程等新形势既是机遇又是挑战,机遇中有挑战,挑战中有机遇,机遇与挑战并存,机遇大于挑战。机遇与挑战交错在一起,共同揭示推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的原因。显然,这些时代背景与实践基础是推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的最重要、最现实的原因。广泛而深刻的国际局势变化:和平与发展成为时代主题,世界格局多极化,经济全球化,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,新科技革命突飞猛进。广泛而深刻的国情变化:经济体制深刻变革,社会结构深刻变动,利益格局深刻调整,思想观念深刻变化。广泛深刻的党情变化:我们党已经从领导人民为夺取全国政权而奋斗的党,成为领导人民掌握全国政权并长期执政的党;已经从受到外部封锁和实行计划经济条件下领导国家建设的党,成为对外开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下领导国家建设的党。党所处的地位和环境、党所肩负的任务和党员队伍的状况发生了并将继续发生重大而深刻的变化。广泛而深刻的民情变化表现在群众的精神需求日益旺盛,流动性增强,政治参与意识唤醒等方面。风云变幻的社会主义运动表现在曾经出现的高潮,也表现在苏东剧变的低谷,也表现在中国等社会主义国家的繁荣勃兴。资本主义出现了深刻的大调整,资本主义仍有生命力。“无论哪一个社会形态,在它所能容纳的全部生产力发挥出来以前,是决不会灭亡的;而新的更高的生产关系,在它的物质存在条件在旧社会的胎胞里成熟以前,是决不会出现的。”①但是,西方国家越是发展,资本主义制度所固有的基本矛盾越发严重。“资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利是同样不可避免的”②在推动当代中国马克思主义大众化过程中面临的实际问题,也进行了简要分析。第三章和第四章,重点探讨构建推动当代中国马克思主义大众化的机制,这是本文最大的亮点。笔者认为,当代中国马克思主义大众化机制,是指大众化各要素的构成方式、作用方式以及由此产生的大众化整体的运行方式和功能。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化,是两方面互动的过程,一方面就是让马克思主义掌握大众,一方面让大众掌握马克思主义。也就是掌握当代中国马克思主义的大众进行实践,改造社会的过程。这与传播学有相似之处,传播学认为,传播就是传播者、受传者、讯息、媒介和反馈这五个基本要素的有序运动。借鉴传播学原理,根据大众化的实际,我们要搞好大众化,必须从这几个方面着手来构建行之有效的大众化机制。一是加强马克思主义理论队伍的建设,在正确认识理论队伍主体性的基础上,加强理论队伍的素质培养和制度创新。二是正确认识当代中国马克思主义要掌握的大众。重点大众应该是产业工人阶层、农业劳动者阶层。这是从阶层的角度介绍和分析的重点社会大众。还有一个必须强调的重点大众就是以在校学生为代表的青少年群体。在把握他们各自群体的基础上,探索这些重点大众的接受规律。三是明确要“化”的主要内容:中国特色社会主义理论的基本体系和重要论断,中国特色社会主义理论体系的理论基础和实践基础,中国特色社会主义理论体系的形成历史,中国特色社会主义理论体系的本质,国际共产主义运动和苏东剧变的经验教训,马克思主义基本原理在当代中国的新发展。四是当代中国马克思主义大众化中的理论、实践、队伍、大众的互动。当代中国马克思主义大众化中的队伍与大众的互动,即当代中国马克思主义大众化主客体的互动,在理论、大众、实践三者的关系中,首先是大众成为理论向实践转变的中介力量,没有大众的中介力量的作用,理论决不会自动向实践转变。理论向实践转变的过程,就是推动马克思主义大众化的过程,让理论掌握大众与大众掌握理论,“化大众”与“大众化”的统一的双向过程。在这一过程中,理论和大众相互作用,一方面,理论通过大众的检验越来越完善,一方面,大众通过理论的指导越来越有力量。这种相互作用落实在生动活泼的实践活动中。推动历史前进靠大众,靠有理论指导的大众。五是推动当代中国马克思主义大众化,可以借鉴马克思主义经典作家、毛泽东、邓小平推动马克思主义大众化的经验,李达、艾思奇等理论家推动马克思主义大众化的经验,20世纪初马克思主义在中国的传播经验,国外思想政治教育的经验。还有当代中国马克思主义大众化的现实经验总结以及大众文化发展对当代中国马克思主义大众化的启示等等。六是确定灌输原则、理论联系实际原则、内容与形式相结合原则、“三贴近”原则等大众化的原则。七是探寻当代中国马克思主义大众化的实现路径:理论要建构,民生要改善,制度要安排,语言要通俗,传播要更新,领导要示范。八是还有当代中国马克思主义大众化的方法创新和评价标准。结语部分,主要强调马克思主义应该关注现实,应该大众化。推动当代中国马克思主义大众化,坚持用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装全党、教育人民,始终坚持“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,进一步开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面。当前大众化的重点就是学习实践科学发展观。马克思主义要在中国大地上展现真理的光芒,就必须中国化;当代中国马克思主义要发挥对实践的巨大指导作用,就必须大众化。

【Abstract】 This paper discusses four major issues of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China systematically, what is popularity for Marxism of contemporary China and what is the significance of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, why and how do we take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public. These parts are closely related to each other and support academic buildings of research on popularity for Marxism of contemporary China.Chapter one is about what is popularity for Marxism of contemporary China. We will explain the meaning of Marxism and Marxism of contemporary China firstly, and then debate“popularity”in detail and last discuss what are popularity for Marxism and popularity for Marxism of Contemporary China. The essence of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public is to turn the Party’s innovative theory into the conscientious practice of the general public and change spiritual power into practical power and maximize the effect and guide of Marxism and maximize the firmly believer. When to explore the significance of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, we can do it from both theory and practice and practice is prominent. The significance of the practice of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public is rich, including personal and social significance. The theoretical significance is that Marxism popularization reflects the essence of Marxism and achieves to make theoretical innovations and improves the Party’s ideological construction. The personal practical significance is to make the general public believe in Marxism, to arouse the general public strong spiritual motive, to shape the noble individuals and to regulate moral behavior of individuals. The social significance is to guide political identity, to promote scientific development, to prosper the advanced culture, to advocate the ecological civilization and to promote social harmony.Chapter 2, the author analyzes why we take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public. Firstly the author analyzes the basis and conditions of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, there are the thoroughness of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the correctness of the practice, and advanced equipment and methods brought by high-tech, etc. Karl·Marx said that if the theory is thorough, it will be persuasive and if it is persuasive, it can hold over the people.“What is thorough? It means that it can take hold of the essence of the thing. The essence of a man is himself, however.”Marxism of Contemporary China is a thorough theory which can take hold of a“man”. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Socialism with Chinese characteristics building has reached great achievements which have attracted worldwide attention. The 17th Party Congress stresses,the main reason this path is completely correct and can lead China to development and progress is that we have adhered to the basic tenets of scientific socialism and in the meantime added to them distinct Chinese characteristics in light of China’s conditions and the features of the times.Then the author analyzes that the new situations urgently need to take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public. Ever-changing domestic situations, new changes of masses since the reform and opening up, the new situations of the Communist Party of China in the ruling status and how to understand the history of socialism and capitalism. The new situations are both opportunities and challenges. Opportunities are challenges and challenges are opportunities. Opportunities and challenges are both here and opportunities outweigh challenges. Opportunities and challenges crisscross together and they reveal the reasons of promoting the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China. Obviously, the background and the practice foundation to promote the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China is the most important and realistic reasons. The international situation is undergoing extensive and profound changes. Peace and development are the epochal theme. The trends toward world multi-polarization and economic globalization are developing. Competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. The revolution of new science and technology advance by leaps and bounds. The national situation is undergoing extensive and profound changes. Economic restructuring is being deepened. Profound changes have taken place in the structure of society, in the pattern of social interests and in notions. Extensive and profound changes in the intra-Party conditions are undergoing. Our Party has evolved from a party that led the people in fighting for state power to a party that has led the people in exercising the power and has long remained in power. It has developed from a party that led national reconstruction under external blockade and a planned economy to a party that is leading national development while the country is opening to the outside world and developing a socialist market economy. Serious and profound changes have taken place and will take place in the position and environment of the Party, the task of the Party and the situation of the Party membership. Extensive and profound changes in the people conditions are undergoing. Their spiritual needs are increasingly vigorous, their liquidity is enhancing, their political participation consciousness is awakened, etc. Changeable socialist movement performed the upsurge once and the hard time of the Soviet Union and Eastern European upheaval and the prosperity of socialist country, such as China. Deep adjustment appeared in capitalism, capitalism is still alive.“Any one of the social form never perish before all its productivity which it can accommodate used up, but the new higher production relations will never appear before the material existence conditions in the old society is mature.”The better the western countries develop, the more serious the basic contradictions inherent of the capitalist system. At the same time, the destruction of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are inevitably. The author analyzes some specific issues in the course of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 mainly discuss how to construct the mechanism of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public. They are the best part of this paper. The author thinks that the mechanism of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public is about the formation and mode of action of each element of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China and the whole operation mode and function of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China. On one hand, taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public is a process to let Marxism grasp masses, on the other hand, it is a process to let masses master Marxism, and then the masses use Marxist theoretical weapon to practice and reconstruct our society. So it is similar to communication. An opinion of communication studies is that communication is an orderly movement of the communicators, disseminators, information, information feedback and the media. Referring communication principle and according to the actual situation of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, we must construct the mechanism of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China from below. The first is to strengthen construction of the ranks of Marxists, mainly about quality training and system innovation, based on correctly understanding the subjectivity of the ranks of Marxists. The second is to correctly understand the masses that Marxism needs. The main masses must be industrial worker class and agricultural laborer class. It is from the angle of the stratum to introduce and analyze the general public. There is a must to emphasize the importance of the youth group, school students as representatives. On the basis of their respective groups, we should explore their acceptance rule. The third is to clear the main content of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China. Such as the basic system and important judgment of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theoretical and practical basis of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the history and the nature of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the experiences and lessons of the international communist movement and the Soviet union and eastern European upheaval, the new development of the basic principle of Marxism in contemporary China. The fourth is about the interaction among the theory, the practice, the team and the masses. The interaction between the team and the masses is the interaction between the subject and object. The relations among the theory, the masses and the practice are as follows. Firstly the masses are the intermediary strength to change theory into practice. If the masses don’t play a role in the popularity for Marxism of contemporary China, the theory can’t shift to practice automatically. The process from theory to practice is the one of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China and the one of the interaction between the theory and the masses. In the process of the interaction between the theory and the masses, the theory becomes increasingly perfect through the inspection of the general public and the general public becomes powerful through theoretical guidance. The interaction between them exists in lively activities. Promoting history depends on the general public, especially on the general public who do something under the theoretical guidance. The fifth is about reference to the experience of Classic Marxist writers, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping and some famous theorists such as Li Da, Ai Siqi, to refer to the experience of the spread of Marxism in China at the beginning of the 20th century, the experience of ideological and political education abroad and the practical experience of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China and some enlightenment of mass culture development and so on. The sixth is about fixing the principle of instillation, the principal of integrating theory with practice, the principal of integrating content with shape, the principal of“three closes”(be close to practice, to lives and masses) and other principals of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China. The seventh is to explore some realizing paths of popularity for Marxism of contemporary China. The theory must be constructed, people’s livelihood must be improved, the system must be arranged, the language should be popular, the communication must be updated, the cadres who are Party members, particularly senior and middle-rank cadres should play an exemplary role in taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public. The eighth is about methods innovation and evaluation standard of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public.The last part is to emphasize that Marxism should pay attention to the reality, and should be popular. While we are taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, we should persist in arming the entire Party membership with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and using them to educate our people,we must unswervingly abide by the Party’s basic line(by making economic development our central task while adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles and persevering in the reform and opening up)and continue to emancipate our minds and persevere in the reform and opening up in order to promote the scientific concept of development and social harmony and further create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The most important part of taking Marxism of contemporary China to the general public is to launch a Party-wide campaign to intensively study and apply the Scientific Outlook on Development nowadays. If Marxism lighten the truth in China, the Party has combined adhering to the basic tenets of Marxism with adapting it to Chinese conditions. If we guide our new practice with the Marxism of contemporary China, we must take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public.

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