

Research on Control for Rendezvous with Noncooperative Target in Orbit

【作者】 张立佳

【导师】 崔乃刚;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类探索、开发和利用外层空间的深入,对交会对接技术提出了更高的要求,诸如故障航天器的在轨捕获与维修、空间垃圾清除等课题已成为航天技术发展需要面对和解决的课题,而非合作目标的交会与捕获技术是解决这些问题必需的关键技术。空间非合作目标飞行器一般泛指一类不能提供有效合作信息的空间物体,包括故障或失效卫星、空间碎片等。本学位论文针对空间非合作飞行器交会控制问题进行了深入的研究,主要研究内容包括:建立了航天器轨道动力学模型,近圆轨道相对运动模型和在视线坐标系下的相对运动模型以及基于四元素的绝对、相对动力学模型。绝对运动模型为考虑J 4项轨道摄动的精确轨道模型。近圆轨道相对运动模型为C-W方程,在忽略轨道摄动,并且追踪航天器无控制加速度的情况下可以得到相对运动的解析解。以惯性坐标系为基准的视线坐标系下相对运动模型,在相对加速度为零的情况下可以得到解析解,可以用于交会精度的分析。建立航天器间基于四元素的相对姿态运动模型。研究了几种空间交会制导方法。首先研究了基于C-W方程的双脉冲交会方法,应用遗传算法针对伴飞航天器由共面椭圆伴飞轨道不同位置出发,与中心航天器进行直接碰撞交会和软交会的燃料最优问题进行了研究,应用多元线性回归分析得到了直接碰撞最优交会问题的解析表达式。然后研究了视线制导方法,并进行数学仿真分析。研究了航天器相对姿态控制问题,给出了数学仿真结果。研究了航天器运动于偏心率较大的大椭圆轨道时,基于视线角的相对导航问题。所建立的相对导航模型,考虑了地球扁率摄动J 2项。提出了通过追踪航天器在垂直于轨道平面方向进行轨道机动,解决仅有视线角信息的相对导航系统由于缺少相对距离信息带来的可观性不足的问题,并通过数学仿真和理论分析证明了通过追踪航天器的轨道机动可以使系统可观,提高相对导航精度。研究了在轨捕获空间慢速翻滚目标的控制问题。假设追踪航天器利用短机械臂捕获目标航天器,要求追踪航天器接近并同步跟踪目标航天器的捕获目标点,首先针对质心运动控制目标设计了反馈控制律,研究了避免碰撞的燃料最优交会问题,并根据研究结果,从保证交会过程安全无碰撞和节省燃料的角度改进了反馈控制律。最后,根据所设计的改进反馈控制律,提出了相对姿态控制方案。研究了考虑工程约束情况下,单个微型航天器和微型航天器群与空间非合作目标的交会问题。研究中,假设微型航天器上的捕获装置为附着捕获装置。首先针对微型航天器的各种星载设备受限的情况,基于C-W方程,设计了空间交会初制导律,此种初制导律可节省航天器燃料消耗并为末制导提供良好的交班条件;由在视线坐标系内的相对运动方程出发,设计了自寻的末制导律,以保证足够的交会精度。然后研究了微型航天器群与非合作目标的交会问题,设计了群体编队队形,提出了队形初始化和队形保持的控制方法。

【Abstract】 There is a demand for the ability to autonomously inspect or rendezvous with noncooperative target due to the continuous increase of orbit activity. This technique may be used for servicing a malfunctioning satellite, re-fueling a powerless satellite, or collecting and removing space debris. This dissertation deeply studies the control methods for rendevous with noncooperative target in spece. The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:Fuel optimization for rendezvous between formation flying spacecraft with one or two impulses is studied. Optimal rendezvous time is calculated by genetic algorithm. Resolution expression of rendezvous with one impulse is founded by processing results of calculation with multivariate linear regression method. A controller for terminal approach is derived from relative motion equation founded in line of sight frame. The method of relative attitude control is designed. Angles-only relative navigation model considering J2 perturbation is presented for tracking and rendezvous with noncooperative target in highly elliptical orbit. For there are inherent problems in the ability of angles-only relative navigation system to determine the range to the Target, impulsive out-of-plane maneuvers of the Chaser are used to improve the navigation accuracy. The simulation results and theoretical analysis show that angles-only relative navigation with chaser vehicle maneuvers to improve observability is effective.To rescue the control-deficient target spacecraft, the chaser spacecraft are demanded to track the capture point at first. Fuel optimal control for capture of a free tumbling target considering collision avoidance is studied. The proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control method is used, and is improved to avoid collision between two spacecraft and to reduce fuel consume. The relative attitude controller are designed to meet the demand of relative attitude during Chaser tracking Target by the approved PID controller. According to the simulation results, the improved PID control method and the relative attitude control method are effective.The micro-satellite with limited capacity is demanded to capture noncooperative target. An initial control method and an end control method are designed to allow the micro-satellite to meet the demand. The initial control method based on C-W equations could save the fuel of micro-satellite and make a good initial condition for end control. The end control is derived from the relative motion equation in line of sight frame. The sufficient condition for success end approach is given. In order to improve the probability to capture target, the formation flying of micro-satellites is designed, and the control methods to initialize and keep the formation are derived. The simulation results show that the control methods designed are effective.

  • 【分类号】V448.234
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1563
  • 攻读期成果