

Reserch on Integrate and Evaluate of Value Chain of the Alliances Company

【作者】 张书军

【导师】 方淑芬;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化和市场一体化是21世纪经济最显著的特征。通过组建结盟企业、尤其是组建跨国结盟企业,资源全球配置、要素全球流动,形成技术及市场竞争优势,已成为企业在市场中谋求生存和快速发展的一种必然趋势。自20世纪90年代起,结盟企业已与自主创业、并购重组成为现代企业最基本的三种发展形式之一,在全球经济发展中发挥着重要作用。成功结盟企业的平均投资回报率远高于其他类型企业,这种竞争优势主要源自于对结盟各方企业价值链中优势资源、核心价值活动及能力的有效整合。但是,结盟企业的成功率并不高,导致结盟企业失败的原因中,有一半以上与整合直接相关。建立科学合理的结盟企业价值链整合模式,并有效规避和降低整合过程中的风险,已成为决定结盟企业能否“真正成功”的关键因素。因此,对结盟企业价值链的整合模式及其评价研究也就显得更为迫切和重要。目前,国内外结盟企业整合的研究尚处于起步阶段,关于结盟企业价值链的整合及其评价方面的研究更是少见。关于企业结盟的研究,主要集中在结盟形成动因、理论基础、伙伴选择、结盟方式以及利益分配等方面。企业整合方面,多集中在并购企业的整合研究,以企业整合的内容及方向为主,尚未形成整合及整合管理的研究体系。企业价值链的研究相对成熟,但因结盟企业整合模式、整合管理及相关定量评价研究的欠缺,增加了结盟企业价值链的整合及其评价研究的难度,这也是本文研究的重点及难点。本文的研究建立在结盟企业整合目标的形成机理之上。首先阐述了结盟企业的概念、结盟形式及其特征,应用资源基础理论、交易费用理论、价值链理论和博弈理论等,系统研究了结盟企业形成的动因;分析了企业结盟与企业成长、竞争优势及核心竞争力之间的相互关系,指出结盟企业作为现代企业外延发展的最主要方式之一,其根本目标是构建和提升企业核心竞争能力,并获得持续竞争优势。界定了企业整合与价值链整合的内涵,分析了结盟企业价值链整合目标的形成,进而对价值链整合形成的竞争能力进行了划分。针对结盟企业的战略选择,本文对结盟企业价值链的整合模式进行了深入研究。首先,详细阐述了结盟企业价值链整合的原则、范畴与层次。分析了业务价值链横向、纵向的外部整合模式;运用作业成本法对业务价值链的成本进行计量,构建了业务价值链的价值-成本比较的综合计量模型,在此基础上本文提出了业务价值链的内部整合模式;界定了结盟企业管理价值链的内涵,分析了管理价值链的整合方向和核心环节的整合方式,提出管理服务外包的管理价值链整合模式;本文又从知识内容整合、支撑平台整合及知识价值活动整合等三个方面,研究了知识价值链的整合模式。结盟企业价值链整合的系统评价,为整合模式优化和整合风险控制的研究提供量化依据,以保证整合目标的实现。基于结盟企业价值链整合的目标机理,从业务价值链、管理价值链及知识价值链等三个方面,设计了结盟企业价值链核心竞争力的评价指标体系。运用AHP层次分析法、主成分分析法,结合多层次模糊综合评价法对核心竞争力关键要素的影响强度,构建了结盟企业价值链核心竞争力影响度的评价模型。同时,按照整合风险因素的性质,又将结盟企业整合风险划分为伙伴选择风险、信用风险、文化冲突风险、管理不协调风险及利益分配风险等5大类和若干小类,建立了整合风险影响程度估计的评价模型。在上述研究基础上,本文研究了结盟企业价值链整合的管理及控制。通过分析整合管理及控制的目标、原则和运作机制,提出了由组织机构、管理原则及管理程序构成的整合管理模式。基于核心竞争能力评价结果,归纳了结盟企业价值链整合模式的优化途径。以结盟企业为中间代理人,组建结盟的各方企业为参与人,提出了解决整合过程中利益冲突问题的系统博弈模型。通过分析整合风险的控制程序、风险防范的制度体系以及风险预警系统,设计了以风险预警及监控机制为主体的整合过程控制体系,并提出了整合过程的风险规避与控制措施。最后,将本文研究的相关理论和方法,结合TD结盟企业的实践作了实证研究。研究结果表明:本文提出的结盟企业价值链的整合模式及整合管理体系等是可行的、有效的,提出的理论、方法和定量评价模型是科学的、实用的,对其他结盟企业具有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The most marked characters of economic are economic globalization and market integration in 21st century. It is the inevitable trend for enterprise to survive in globalization and develop fast by setting up Alliance Company, especially the International Alliance Company, to pursue the advantage of resource technology and market. Since 1990s, Alliance Company together with Innovative Undertaking, and re-organization and merger have become the most basic development form for modern company, and they are playing a important role in global economic. As the statistic data shows, the average rate of return of those successful allied companies is higher than the other companies; the competitive advantage comes from the effective combination of excellent resource and core value activity and capacity from all allied parties. But the success of Alliance Company is not high; the reason of failure is half direct to the process of integration. Building up the scientific and reasonable Alliance Company Value Chain Integration Mode, avoiding effectively and reducing the risk of the process of integration, have become the key factors for whether the Alliance Company can be truly successful. So it becomes more and more urgent and important to research the alliance company value chain integration mode and its evaluation.At present, the research on Alliance Company Integration is at the starting phase in the worldwide, the same phase to the integration of the Alliance Company Value Chain and its evaluation. The research on Alliance Company mainly focus on the forming motivation of alliance, theory base, partner selection, alliance mode, benefit distribution and so on. As for the research on integration of the company level, the object is mainly the integration of the company at the merger and acquisition; the content and direction of the integration are also priority; but the research system of integration and integration management haven’t been formed. The research on company value chain is comparative maturity; but in the lack of the integration mode of Alliance Company, the integration process management and relative quantitative evaluation, the research on the integration of alliance company value chain and its evaluation is more difficult; that is also the pivot and nodus of this essay. This essay starts with the forming mechanism of the integration objective of the alliance company. First, there is a clear definition to the concept s of alliance company and alliance mode and its characteristic. Starting from the analysis of Resource-based Theory, Transaction Cost Theory, Value Chain Theory and Game Theory and so on, systemic research on academic motivation of forming Alliance Company has been described by the essay. Then there are analyses on the relationship of alliance and development of the company and the relationship of competitive advantage and core competitive power, the essay refers that alliance company is the mainly mode of extensional development of modern company, the basic target is making up and advancing the company core competitive power and acquiring sustainable competitive advantage. The essay refers to the connotation of company integration and value chain integration, analyses the forming process of the target of alliance company value chain integration, brings forward that the company competitiveness can be dividend into operation competitiveness, management competitiveness and information competitiveness in the process of value chain integration. Based on the above researches, the essay systematically points out the forming mechanism of the target of alliance company value chain integration.As for the strategy selection of Alliance Company, there is a further research on integration mode of alliance company value chain. First, there are detailed describes on the levels, principle and integration category of alliance company value chain integration; describe the vertical and lateral internal integration mode of operation value chain. Based on Activity-based Costing, there calculates the cost of operation value chain, built up the Value-Cost Comparative Mode of operation value chain; based on these, form the internal integration mode of operation value chain. The essay gives a clear connotation of management value chain of Alliance Company; analyzes the integration direction of management value chain and integration mode of core segment; points out the integration direction of management service outsourcing. The essay also refers to the research of information integration, supporting platform integration, and information value activity integration and so forth; refers to the integration mode of the information value.The systemic evaluation of alliance company value chain integration is the quantitative basis for the research on optimizing the integration mode and controlling integration risk, assuring the realization of integration target. Based on objective mechanism of alliance company value chain integration, the essay designs the evaluation index system of core competitiveness of the alliance company value chain from operation value chain, management value chain and information value chain. Based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), PCA (Principle Component Analysis), together with Multilevel Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation, the essay gives a scientific evaluation on effect strength of key factors of core competitiveness, then points out the evaluation mode of the core competitiveness effect of alliance company value chain. At the same time, based on the character of integration risk, the integration risks are divided to five categories as partner selection risk, credit risk, cultural conflict risk, management in coordination risk, benefit distribution risk and so on; every category has been divided into further species. Enclose of index system of alliance company integration risk, there is deeply research on the evaluation steps of effect strength of risk, then points out the evaluation model of effect estimation of integration risk.Based on the above all studies, this essay refers to the research on the management and control of alliance company integration, and it has significant meanings to realize the integration target and preset mode. It sets up an integration management mode composed of organization structure, management principle and management process by analyzing the target of integration management and control, principle and operation mechanism. Based on the result of core competitiveness evaluation, it optimizes the alliance company value chain integration mode. It points out the systemic Game mode to solving the benefit conflict during the integration process by setting the alliance company as agent and setting the parties related as participants; the mode analyzes the Game process and equilibrium outcome of participants according to different positions as equal and unequal status in theory. The essay designs the controlling system of integration process mainly based on the Pre-warning of Risk and Monitoring Mechanism, by analyzing controlling procedure of integration risk, institutional system of risk prevention and the system of pre-warning of risk. It also sets up risk prevention and controlling measures of integration process. At the end, based on the relative theory and method used in this essay, the author took an empirical research on the practice of TD Alliance Companies. The research shows that the integration mode and integration management system of the alliance company value chain and so on is feasible and effective; the theory, method and quantitative evaluation model the essay described, are scientific, practical; and have reference meaning to other alliance company in integration process.
