

Research on Influencial Factors to Individual’s Satisfaction Through Organization’s Informationalization

【作者】 叶磊

【导师】 冯玉强;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 信息化已经成为现代组织获取竞争优势的必要条件,但是组织信息化的不成功乃至完全失败的比例依然很高,很多组织因此利润下滑,甚至破产。因此,影响信息化成功失败的因素研究是学界和企业界的热点问题。目前国际上学术界和企业界从个体和组织两个角度,以个体满意度作为评价标准,对组织信息化过程中的各个阶段做了大量研究。通过对组织信息化的整个过程进行分析,提出了四个影响因素的研究模型,即技术接受使用统一理论(UTAUT)、预期证实理论(ECT)、权变理论(CT)、和创新扩散理论(DOI),并通过这些模型有效地辨识出了影响组织信息化的因素,以及这些因素对个体满意度的作用。但是已有的研究模型存在以下几个问题:一是研究成果对组织信息化的可操作性指导不足,不能指导信息化实践;二是已有模型主要集中在采纳阶段,对信息系统的准备阶段和持续使用阶段解释不足,而目前大部分的组织又恰恰处在持续使用阶段,亟需针对持续阶段的深入研究。三是现有研究割裂了信息化的整个过程,集中在信息化的某个环节,缺少从组织的信息化整体过程进行个体满意度的研究。针对这些不足,本研究通过对已有模型进行分析、改进、再设计,具体研究如下:(1)从个体的角度来看,个体对组织信息化的作用包括个体的接受和认知情况。技术接受使用统一理论是研究个体接受情况的主要模型之一,该模型通过对已有的研究模型进行总结和完善,从多个角度分析了影响个体接受过程中满意度的因素。然而该模型对技术可用性等结构变量缺少规范化的可重用性定义,仅仅通过问卷来测度这些变量,使得研究成果的可重用性受到影响。此外,该模型的理论基础中包含了创新扩散理论,但是创新扩散理论并不研究个体对信息系统的接受过程,而是用于研究组织对信息系统的接受过程,这使得技术接受使用统一理论的理论价值受到质疑。本文通过对技术接受使用统一理论中的结构变量进行规范化定义,剔除不适用的理论基础,重新构建研究个体接受信息系统的过程中满意度的影响因素模型。并通过实证研究对该模型进行验证,对验证结果进行了分析和讨论,指出个体对自身技能要求的预期、个体对信息系统可用性的预期、个体对信息系统控制的预期、以及个体所受社会关系影响个体接受技术过程中的满意度。(2)个体在对信息技术熟悉的过程中,对技术认知的增加会使得个体认知技术前后形成的对技术的预期出现落差。预期证实理论是目前国内外研究个体认知技术过程中影响个体满意度的主要工具,但预期证实理论模型的缺点也随着其广泛使用变得日益明显。一方面在于个体在持续使用阶段对技术的熟悉程度加深,对技术的预期也在不断调整,而预期证实理论模型将个体对技术的预期视为静态对象,不符合实际情况,不能制定出有效的信息化推进措施。另一方面,个体对技术的预期包括对技术的预期(技术在工作上的帮助)和对技术的期望(技术在个人发展上的帮助),而预期证实理论模型将这二者视为一体,使得该模型出现一些逻辑矛盾的地方。本文通过引入时间参数,反应个体认知度的不断调整。并在双因素保健需求理论的基础上,引入个体对技术的期望,将原模型中的预期拆分为预期和期望两部分,完善了预期证实理论,避免了原模型的逻辑矛盾,使得影响因素更加具体,从而制定出有针对性的信息化推进措施。(3)从组织的角度来看,在准备阶段,组织对信息系统的认知情况影响着个体满意度。权变理论从各个角度分析了影响组织认知信息系统的因素,但众多的影响因素反而使得组织的信息化实践变得无所适从。此外,对众多不同影响因素的作用也缺少统一的研究。本研究通过对已有的影响因素进行分类,利用网络分析法(ANP)的思想对影响因素进行重新研究,为组织在准备阶段,进行信息化决策提供了新的思路。(4)在持续使用阶段,组织接受信息系统的过程中,研究影响个体满意度的主要理论是创新扩散理论。众多的研究在该理论的基础上,结合具体的应用背景,做出了丰富的研究成果。与组织认知过程类似,众多的影响因素使得组织在持续使用过程中制定出顾此失彼的措施,为了解决某一个影响因素的问题,又使得另一个影响因素出现问题,比如为了缩短工期而经常加班,使得员工产生抱怨。本文以复杂系统的观点,通过多回路分析以及影响因素之间的相互作用分析,转而分析组织接受信息系统的过程中影响个体满意度的因素之间的相互关系。并对影响因素之间的关系进行实证研究,指出组织在接受技术过程中的满意度受到推动方特点、员工特点和信息特点的影响,而组织特点并不能直接影响到满意度。本文的研究成果从组织和个体的角度,分析了组织信息化过程中各个阶段的影响因素对个体满意度的影响,完善了已有的理论研究模型,对组织进行信息化的过程提供了可参考的建议和理论依据。

【Abstract】 Information system has became a necessity for modern organizations to gain competitive advantages, however, most organization’s process of implementing information system come to unsuccessful or complete fail, which decrease the profit or even driven to bankrupt. Hence, research on influential factors to information system implementation turns to the focus problem.There are two ways to do research on every organization’s implementing phrases according to the employee’s satisfaction as judging rules, namely individual and organizational. By analyzing the whole process of implementation, researchers suggest four models: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT), Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT), Contingency Theory (CT) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), and based on these models, researches find out influence factors and their effects to employee’s satisfaction. But there are some shortcomings in these researches. For one thing, these models are short of operational guiding during implementation and unable to guide implementation. For the other thing, most research focus on adoption stage instead of preparing stage and continual using stage. However, most organizations nowadays locate in continual using stages, hence further research in this stage is severely required. The third one is most research don’t view informationalization as a whole but a specific step. By analyzing, improving and redesigning, this paper aims at solving these problems:Firstly, started from individual, the influence of individual to information system implantation in organization includes individual’s acceptance and cognition. UTAUT is the main model for researching individual’s acceptance. The model concludes previously researches and analyzes individual’s satisfaction through many angles. However, lack of definition for model variables makes using of research result in real life confront with difficulties. Furthermore, foundation theories of UTAUT contain theory that aimed at organization’s acceptance, which lead doubt to the theoretical value of UTATU. The paper reconstructs the model by conceptualizing variables in UTAUT and eliminating inappropriate theory. By empirical study, the new model is analyzed and testified. Secondly, individual’s cognition reflects the difference of cognition after using information system. ECT is the major tool for doing individual’s cognition research and its disadvantages are exposed as it’s used. On one hand, ECT views individual’s cognition as static, which falls short of the fact that individual constantly adjusts their cognition. On the other hand, mixing the cognition type leads to some logical contradictions. The paper imports time variable to reflect the adjusting process of individual cognition, and by distinguish individual’s expectation and desire to information system, logical contradictions are avoided as well as a much more specific analysis to influence factors are made.Thirdly, from the organization’s point of view, the obstacles to information system implementation also come from organization’s cognition and acceptance. CT discusses influential factors from kinds of angles, and different researches bring forward different influence factors, which confused implementation on the contrary. Besides, a unified research to those different factors is in short. The paper classifies existed influence factors and reconsiders their influence based on Analytic Network Process (ANP), which supplies new thinking for organization during preparation.Finally, DOI is the most used ways for researching information system’s acceptance. Different researches with each background bring forward abundant results based on DOI. Like the analysis above, too many affective factors confuse organization’s management, and make the management set down some measures attend for one thing while lose another. The paper stands on Complex System view, by discussing the mutual relationship among influential factors and multi-circle analysis, the paper set up a new model and testified it through empirical study.The paper starts from organization and individual’s angles, analyzes influence factors to information system implementation, brings forward operational suggestion and theoretical basement.
