

Study on Tacit Knowledge Flow and Transform in Corporation

【作者】 单伟

【导师】 姜振寰; 张庆普;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 企业知识可分为显性知识和隐性知识,显性知识可以形式化、制度化、结构化,并以言语传递,易于储存及流转,而隐性知识则内嵌在员工头脑、团队惯例、组织记忆之中,难以被编码化及传递,不易被其他企业复制和窃取,是企业自主知识创造的源泉和形成核心竞争力的基础。显性知识可通过信息与网络技术来保存及传递,而隐性知识则必须靠人与人之间的互动连结才能达到传递分享及学习吸收的效果,存在诸多亟待解决的疑难问题。因此,研究企业内部隐性知识流动与转化中的个体、群体、组织互动及其相互关系就显得十分必要。成功解决企业内部隐性知识流动与转化中存在的复杂疑难问题,对建立企业隐性知识管理新理论、丰富和发展企业知识管理理论与方法、推动我国企业知识创新都具有理论和实践意义。本研究基于系统学、经济学、心理学、行为学、社会学等具体相关理论和方法,以企业内部隐性知识的载体(个体、群体、组织)及其互动关系为研究对象,以企业内部隐性知识流转的内涵界定、损益分析、层次划分、过程机理为研究理论基础,以流转机制和网络探析为研究核心,揭示企业内部隐性知识流转中复杂关系和基本规律,进而剖析企业内部隐性知识流转效果的影响机理,并进行实证分析,结合实证结果和企业实际情况,从多方面、多角度提出促进企业隐性知识流转的策略。明确界定了企业内部隐性知识流转的内涵;剖析了企业内部隐性知识流转中的成本、利益与风险等问题;从“个体—群体—企业”互动角度划分了企业内部隐性知识流转的层次;分析并深化了企业内部隐性知识流转过程知识创造机理,构建了一个新的企业内部隐性知识流转过程中知识创造模型,揭示了企业内部隐性知识流转过程中知识创造的具体流程、类型与方式。从基础支撑、行为发生、综合控制三个层面系统综合研究了企业内部隐性知识流转的机制,构建了隐性知识流转机制框架体系。从复合视角论述了企业内部隐性知识流转的组织环境,重点阐述了知识市场和环境激励。基于社会交换理论研究了企业内部隐性知识流转的行为发生机制,揭示了企业内部隐性知识流转中社会交换的原则、社会交换的媒介、社会交换的动机。基于系统科学视角,提出企业内部隐性知识流转中的知识整合机制,构建了知识整合力模型,并对其进行剖析,并从系统反馈视角揭示了知识整合的作用机理及其高效实现。从社会网络视角,综合定性和定量分析方法,对企业内部隐性知识流转网络进行探究。基于人际关系网络,提出了辐射式、直链式、交结式和复合式等企业内部隐性知识流转模式。定性研究了社会影响力、网络中心性、网络连接对企业内部隐性知识流转的影响作用。运用社会网络分析方法,对HRB部门隐性知识流转网络进行测度并分析,通过对网络整体指标、中心性指标、小团体指标、角色和职位指标进行实际测量和定性分析,揭示了网络结构及其特征对企业内部隐性知识流转的影响作用。基于理论分析,着重从组织环境、社会交换、网络能力、知识整合四个构面对企业内部隐性知识流转效果影响机理进行实证研究,构建概念模型和提出研究假设,进行问卷调查,收集问卷后进行数据分析,运用结构方程模型方法,详细论证了假设中提出的影响因素的作用大小和作用形式,并据此对模型和假设进行检验,揭示了影响因素对企业内部隐性知识流转效果的作用机理与实际效应。结合我国企业实际,从不同角度提出了促进企业内部隐性知识流转的策略。

【Abstract】 Knowledge can be classified into tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. It is easy to store and transform explicit knowledge, which can be transmitted by languages, by the means of formalization, institutionalization and structuring. While tacit knowledge is in heads, teamwork conventional and organizational memory, which is hard to be coded, delivered copied and stolen by others. Tacit knowledge is the basis to create new knowledge and form core competence.Explicit knowledge can be stored and delivered by information and network technology while tacit knowledge depends on mutual connection of people to share and absorb the effects in which there are many problems need to be solved. It is very important to study interaction and relation of individual, group and organization in the process of tacit knowledge flow and transform. It is significant to establish tacit knowledge management theory of corporation, improve corporation management theory and method, master corporation competition advantage and promote Chinese corporation knowledge innovation by solving the puzzles in the process of tacit knowledge flow and transform.The study is on the basis of System science, Economics, Psychology, Behavior science, Social science and their methods, of which the objective is tacit knowledge carrier (individual, group, organization), and their interactive relations. Based on analysis of the connotation, profit and loss, level, process mechanism, compound mechanism and network of tacit knowledge flow and transform are studied as core section, complex relation and general rule of tacit knowledge flow and transform are revealed, then influence mechanisms of tacit knowledge flow and transform effect are analyzed and demonstration discussed, and some strategies to promote tacit knowledge flow and transform are proposed from different aspects. Some basic problems, such as the connotation cost, benefit and risk of tacit knowledge flow & transform, are analyzed. The level of tacit knowledge flow & transform is classified by“individual-group-corporation”mutually. The knowledge creation mechanism in the process of tacit knowledge flow & transform is studied to establish a new knowledge creation model, which reveals concrete procedure, type and mode of knowledge creation in the process of tacit knowledge flow & transform.Basic support mechanism - organizational environment, behavior mechanism - social exchange, and comprehensive control mechanism - knowledge integration are studied systematically. Organizational environment is discussed from aspects of soil, air, water and guarantee; and knowledge market and environment incentive are emphasized. In the process of tacit knowledge flow & transform, the principle, medium, motivation of social exchange are revealed. Based on systems science, knowledge integration mechanism in the process of tacit knowledge flow & transform is proposed, and the model on knowledge integration power is established, then the intrinsic mechanism and the effective realization of knowledge integration is revealed from the perspective of systematical feedback.From the perspective of social network, tacit knowledge flow & transform network is studied synthesized quantity and quality method. Radiant, chain, interactive, compound network modes are proposed in terms of Interpersonal network. The relations of tacit knowledge flow & transform and social influence, network centralization, network tie are analyzed. As an example to tacit knowledge flow & transform network in HRB, The indicators of whole network, centralization, small-group, role, position are measured and analyzed with SNA, structure influence and rule of tacit knowledge flow & transform network is illustrated.It focuses on organizational environment, social exchange, network capability, knowledge integration to study influence mechanism of tacit knowledge flow & transform effect. The concept model is established and hypotheses are proposed, then questionnaire is designed and data is analyzed. The actual impact of tacit knowledge flow & transform effect are checked with structural equation modeling, and some strategies to promote tacit knowledge flow & transform are discussed from different aspects.
