

Operation Mode and Performance Evaluation of Construction Enterprise Brand Management

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 王要武;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 世界经济一体化进程的加快和我国各行业全面加入WTO以后,建筑行业面临的竞争将更加激烈,迫切需要寻求一种创新性的新型企业管理模式,以更好地适应企业生存环境的改变,在竞争激烈的国际建筑市场取胜。品牌管理作为一种有效的管理方式,可以为建筑企业改革管理模式、提高核心竞争力和国际竞争力提供解决方案。品牌管理问题可归集为两大类:一类是品牌战略问题,包括品牌定位、品牌组合和品牌延伸等;一类是品牌实施问题,包括品牌管理组织、品牌管理流程、品牌管理运行以及品牌管理评价等。品牌管理能否有效开展,以及绩效如何,很大程度上取决于品牌管理的实施。本文以建筑企业品牌管理实施问题为研究对象,在充分翔实地了解掌握有关品牌管理与建筑企业品牌管理研究现状的基础上,采用定量分析与定性分析、理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,注重对企业实际情况的调查研究,综合运用管理学、营销学、广告学、社会学、系统科学和行为科学等多学科知识,结合建筑企业的特点和实际需求,建立建筑企业品牌管理整体框架体系,进行建筑企业品牌管理组织架构及流程研究,建筑企业品牌管理运行机制研究,以及建筑企业品牌管理的绩效评价。主要研究内容如下:(1)结合建筑企业的特点,对建筑企业品牌管理加以界定;提出品牌形成的过程就是品牌竞争优势(简称品牌优势)形成的过程,进而从建筑企业品牌的知名度、美誉度和忠诚度的形成机制角度阐述了建筑企业品牌的形成机理;提出建筑企业品牌生命周期由形成期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期构成,并总结了各个时期的特点,提出建筑企业品牌发展单周期模式和多周期模式;提出构建基于系统论的建筑企业品牌管理运作模式与绩效评价体系。(2)提出了模块化品牌管理组织机构模型,将品牌管理组织划分为主导模块、专业模块和支持模块;在模块化品牌管理组织结构的基础上,提出了模块化品牌管理流程,将品牌管理流程划分为战略制定、要素设计、传播推广、监控维护和绩效评价等五个子模块流程;通过模块化品牌管理系统中“囚徒困境”的分析,论证了基于合作心理契约形成的重复博弈结果。(3)分析了建筑企业品牌管理多层递阶结构特点,建立品牌管理协同决策的二层规划模型,提出建立包括协同机会识别机制、双向互动沟通机制、资源整合配置机制和多赢利益均衡机制的品牌管理协同实现的机制保障;提出建筑企业品牌管理角色交互模型和基于工作流程的建筑企业品牌管理信息共享模型,并提出品牌管理职能部门间的协调机制要求包括信任机制、协商机制和规范机制;分析了建筑企业品牌管理危机形成机理,构建了包括危机识别和危机处理两个子模块的品牌危机管理模型,同时指出避免品牌危机发生的策略选择;根据建筑企业品牌运行的重点和观察目标,构建了品牌监测预警系统的指标体系,确定了各指标的权重和预警阈值。(4)分析了建筑企业品牌管理绩效的含义,提出从过程和结果两方面来构建建筑企业品牌管理绩效评价体系;构建了建筑企业品牌管理绩效的AHP综合评价模型,用于评价品牌管理的行为绩效;结合建筑企业的特点,建立了具有建筑业行业特点的品牌价值评估体系和方法,提出建筑企业品牌价值评估体系主要考核企业市场竞争能力、超值获利能力,以及品牌强度等,通过财务分析、市场分析和品牌分析来确定建筑企业品牌价值。(5)以中国建筑工程总公司为例,对建筑企业品牌管理进行了实证分析和研究,设计了公司品牌管理组织结构框架和流程模型;建立了品牌管理协同运行机制、品牌管理协调机制和品牌危机管理及预警机制;构建了品牌管理工作的考核体系,制定了品牌管理工作考核办法,并对公司品牌价值进行了评估。上述建筑企业品牌管理问题的研究对于提高我国建筑企业的管理水平和核心竞争力,贯彻落实国家“走出去”战略,增加在国际建筑市场中的份额,促进建筑企业持续、健康、快速的发展具有重要意义:第一,可以促进建筑管理理论的进一步发展;第二,为解决建筑企业存在的问题提供可借鉴的方法和途径;第三,提高建筑企业品牌管理的规范化;第四,为品牌管理工作绩效评价提供新的方法;第五,提供新的建筑企业管理模式,增强其国际竞争力。

【Abstract】 With the integration of the world economy and joining into the WTO fully in various industries in our country, the construction industry will be facing more intense competition. There is an urgent need for an innovative enterprise management system in order to adapt to the changing business environment, then to win the intense competition in the international construction market. Brand management as an effective management can provide a solution to reform the management model, and improve the core competitiveness and international competitiveness. Brand management can be summarized into two categories: one is brand strategy, including brand positioning, brand portfolio and brand extension; and the other is brand implementation, that includes brand management organization, brand management process and brand operating mechanism, brand management performance evaluation . In fact, the effect of brand management is directly depends on the implementation of brand management.The paper researches the brand management implementation of construction enterprise. On the base of the status quo of brand management and construction brand management, the paper establishes a framework for brand management system of construction enterprise. The principal contents include brand management organizational structure and processes, brand management operation mechanism and brand management performance evaluation. This study uses quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical study, and also focuses on the research to the actual situation of construction enterprise. The study uses management, marketing, advertising, sociology, system science and behavioral science comprehensively and also pays attention to the characteristics and actual demand of construction enterprises. Main contents are as follows:(1)Combining the characteristics of construction enterprises, this paper defines the conception of construction brand management. Propose that brand formed by the formation of competitive advantage, and then expound the formation mechanism of construction brand from the perspective of the formation mechanism of visibility, reputation and loyalty. Propose that construction brand life cycle is composed of forming period, growing period, maturing period and recession period; and then summarize the characteristics of every period. Propose that there are two kinds of modes for the development of construction brand: single-cycle development mode and multi-cycle development mode. Propose construct the system framework of brand management operation and performance evaluation based on system theory. (2)Propose modular structure model for brand management, and then classify brand management organizations as dominant module, professional modules and support module. Propose modular brand management process on the base of the modular brand management organizations, and then classify brand management process as strategy development, elements of design, dissemination and promotion, maintenance and monitoring performance evaluation. Prove the result of Repeated Game which bases on the Cooperation Psychological Contract, through analyzing of "Prisoner’s Dilemma" in modular brand management system.(3)Base on analyzing of the multi-storey hierarchical structure of brand management system in construction enterprise, this paper establishes a bi-level programming model for brand management collaborative decision-making. Propose to establish protection mechanisms for the realization of synergies management, which include identify opportunities for synergies mechanism, two-way interactive communication mechanism, resources allocation mechanism and integrated win-win balance of interest mechanism. Propose interactive role model and information-sharing model for construction brand management, and also propose requirements for inter-departmental coordination mechanism between brand management agencies and functional departments, which include confidence-building mechanisms, consultative mechanisms and regulatory mechanisms. On analyzing of formation mechanism of construction brand crisis, construct brand crisis management model, which includes crisis recognition and crisis treatment. And also point out the choice of strategies that to avoid the crisis. Construct the index system of the monitoring and early-warning system of brand, and then determine the weight of each indicator and warning threshold.(4)Analyze the meaning of construction brand management performance, and then construct performance evaluation system for construction brand management from the process and outcome. Construct the AHP comprehensive evaluation model for construction brand management performance to evaluate behavior performance. Combining the characteristics of construction enterprises, construct brand value assessment system and method which has construction industry characteristics. Propose that brand value assessment of construction enterprises mainly assess market competitiveness, profitability and strength of the brand, and determine the value of brand by financial analysis, market analysis and brand analysis.(5)Take China State Construction Engineering Corporation as an example to play an empirical study. Design the structure framework of the brand management organization and process model. Establish brand management synergies operating mechanism, brand management coordination mechanism, brand crisis management and early warning mechanism. Construct the brand management evaluation system, develop brand management assessment methods, and also assess brand value of the company.The research on construction brand management is useful to improve the level of the management and the core competitiveness of construction enterprises, and helpful for the construction enterprises to promote a sustained, healthy and rapid development. Specifically, the major theoretical and practical significance are as follows: first, it can promote the further development of construction management theory; second, it provides new ways and means to solve the problems of construction enterprises; third, it can improve standardization of the brand management in construction enterprises; fourth, it provides new method for the brand management performance evaluation; fifth, it can provide a new management model for construction enterprise to strengthen its international competitiveness.
