

Study on the SMEs Growth Mechanism Based on Business Ecosystem

【作者】 宋阳

【导师】 陶学禹;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 生态系统理论是现代生态学最重要的理论之一,随其研究范围的拓展,对于社会、经济生态系统的研究也具有越来越重要的意义。我国自改革开放以来,一大批中小企业得到迅速发展和壮大,这些企业机制灵活,市场适应性好,尤其是在技术创新的效率和活力方面有着独特的优势,己经成为我国科技成果转化、实现技术创新的重要载体,成为促进我国经济稳定快速增长的重要支撑。但是随着技术创新频率的加快、消费需求的快速变化以及国际产业转移的冲击,我国中小企业的成长面临着越来越多的困难。因此,如何认识我国中小企业与环境的相互关系,如何促进中小企业的可持续成长成为一个亟待解决的重要课题。但目前对中小企业成长的研究,大部分还是单方面的采用竞争战略理论、交易费用理论、企业资源及能力理论,而这些理论实质上都是对中小企业“成长行为”的解释,并没有涉及中小企业持续成长的机理。正是基于这样的背景,论文对基于商业生态系统的中小企业成长机制进行了研究,主要包括以下内容:(1)介绍了选题的研究背景,指出了选题的理论和现实意义。系统总结和分析了国内外关于企业成长机制和商业生态系统的研究成果,明确了论文研究的基本思路和结构框架。(2)通过对我国中小企业成长要素的分析,指出中小企业成长是企业内、外要素交互耦合的结果,明确了基于商业生态系统研究中小企业成长机制的根本理由,并从共生成长的角度重新审视和分析了中小企业成长因素。(3)分析了商业生态系统对中小企业成长的作用机制,指出商业生态系统的动态平衡、共生企业之间基于价值网络的协同和适应性创新是中小企业成长的主要原因,并从业务目标选择和价值合作模式等方面作了进一步的研究。(4)在借鉴既有企业成长理论的基础上,重新审视了中小企业成长的本质和成长逻辑。组织适应力和战略变革力在中小企业成长的过程中是共存和互补的,二者的协同演化是企业持续成长的内在动力。论文建立了中小企业成长机制的基础理论模型,并据此分析了中小企业成长的非线性规律。(5)分别从经济学视角和自组织理论视角剖析了中小企业适应性成长的机理和内在动因。分析了中小企业与其共生伙伴之间的协同竞争行为,运用博弈理论建立了共生伙伴相互选择的博弈模型,研究了中小企业的合作伙伴选择。(6)从组织适应力变化的视角,运用实物期权理论分析了基于机会识别的中小企业战略变革成长,研究了企业学习能力、使命、绩效、领导人对变革成长的作用机制。(7)伦理激励机制是基于商业生态系统的中小企业成长的保障机制。论文借鉴组织伦理激励的内容和研究方法,将博弈论引入到伦理激励机制的研究中,建立了伦理激励的动态博弈模型,通过模型分析了伦理激励机制对中小企业成长的影响,并探讨了商业生态系统伦理激励的方式和策略。(8)将研究成果应用到对山东达驰电工电气股份有限公司的成长分析中,应用本文在前面几章中提出的有关理论和方法对这一中小企业的成长过程加以分析和评述,验证了论文所提相关观点的科学性及有效性。

【Abstract】 Ecosystem theory is one of the most important theories of modern ecology. With the development of its study area, study on social ecosystem and economy ecosystem have become more and more important. Since the reform and opening-up in China, a large quantities of SMEs have been grown up very quickly. With flexible operation system, strong adaptability to market and advantages in technical innovation effciency, SMEs have played a crucial role in technical innovation, the transform of technology fruits and sustain our economy to grow stably and fast. But because of the faster technical innovation, more-frequenily-changed customer demand and swifter international industry movement, SMEs development is facing more and more difficulties.Hence, it`s very important and realistic to study on sustained growth of SMEs. The existing study mainly explained the growth behavior based on the competitive adavantage theory, trasacation cost theory and resource theory. But, they difficultly reveal the nature of enterpreses`s sustained growth.The paper aims to study the mechanism of SMEs growth based on enterprise ecosystem. The structure of the paper is arranged as follows.(1)Fistly, introduced the background of the study briefly, pointed out its theoretical and realistic meanings, reviewed the overseas and native literatures on the mechanism of SMEs growth and enterprise ecosystem, presented the basic approaches and structure of the paper.(2) By analying the characteristics of Chinese SMEs growth, the paper investigated the ractors arrecting the growth of SMEs from interior and exterior aspects and its coupling mechanism. The paper gave out the essential reason of SMEs growth mechanism study based on business ecolysetem, rethinked the characteristics of SMEs growth based on symbiosis relation.(3)Analyzed the runing mechanisims of business ecolysetem. The paper point out that the dynamic balance of business ecolysetem, synergy and adaptive innovation among symbiosis enterprises are main causes to enhance SMEs growth. Furthermore, the paper analyzed the operation target choice and mode of value realization.(4)Based on the theory of the enterprise, the paper rethinked the essence of enterprise and logic of SMEs growth. Organizational adaptation and strategic change co-exist and complement in creation of sustained SMEs growth. The paper founded the model of SMEs growth mechanism, and exposeed that SMEs growth is nonlinear.(5)From the point of economics and the theory of self-organization, the paper has an insight into the inherent mechanism on why enterprises implemented business transformation. The paper analyzed the behavior of synergy and competition among corporations and studyed competitive chioce based on symbiosis associate.(6)From the view of organizational adaptation, borrowing real options, the paper analysed the strategic chang influenced by enterprises` opportunity identifiability, studyed the operate mechanism of organise leaning ability, construction, performance and leader.(7)Business ecolysetem ethics incentive mechanism ensures SMEs` growth.Borrowing the contence and methods of organizational ethics incentive, dynamic game organizational ethics incentive model is established.The paper analized the effects of ethics incentive on SMEs` growth and studied the Business ecolysetem ethics incentive strategies.(8)An application example of Shandong Dachi Electric Co.,LTD shows that the methods of the dissertation are systematic, scientific and effective, which have important therotical and practial meaning for realizing the scientific and operable SMEs` growth.

【关键词】 商业生态系统中小企业企业成长机制
【Key words】 business ecolysetemSMEsenterprise growthmechanism