

Modular Design and Simulation Research of Petroleum-Drawworks

【作者】 戴相富

【导师】 闫相祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 绞车作为石油机械的主要传动部件,它能否安全稳定的运行,关系到整个石油机械系统的安全。由于国内目前绞车设计基本还停留在传统的设计理念上,已经适应不了专业化生产和快速反应市场的形势,也很难实现在大规模生产情况下产品质量的提高,因此制约了我国绞车制造行业的发展。本文重点针对石油系列绞车的模块化设计方法及绞车设计可靠性问题,在借鉴前人大量研究成果的基础上,利用现代数学、力学、计算机、结构可靠性等知识,通过理论推导、数值模拟、工程实例分析及配套软件开发等手段,开展石油系列绞车模块化设计与仿真技术研究。首先,从石油系列绞车的结构组成与工作原理入手,较全面地分析了绞车设计中总体参数设计、滚筒设计、刹车系统设计、传动系统设计等方面的主要设计理论,并对计算模型进行了理论推导和分析,为后面的模块化设计,提供理论支撑。其次,以钻机绞车、修井机绞车、采油车绞车等石油系列绞车为基型产品,在模块化设计理论的基础上,根据绞车的技术要求并结合现场实际,按照功能模块划分方法将绞车设计划分为滚筒设计、刹车系统、传动系统三个主要模块以及总体参数设计和其它零部件设计两个辅助模块,并采用VB计算机语言开发了石油系列绞车模块化设计系统。再次,采用有限元方法对650型修井机主滚筒及捞砂滚筒进行分析。对于主滚筒,根据起下钻及钢丝绳位置不同,将滚筒表面载荷分为六种工况分别计算,并分别讨论了不同工况下各关键部件的应力情况及改进措施。对于捞砂滚筒,分别分析了不同钢丝绳缠绕层数以及不同钢丝绳拉力下各关键部件的应力情况,并得出了对应的最大Mises应力拟合公式。同时,根据可靠性设计理论,考虑绞车设计尺寸、外部载荷及材料特性等方面的随机性,分别对六种工况下绞车主要部件的可靠性进行了分析。在此基础上,将绞车看成由各零件组成的串联系统,并对其系统可靠性进行分析。最后,详细研究分析了胀套联接的结构组成及工作原理,对胀套的力学模型进行了理论推导,并通过胀套联接在钻机绞车滚筒中的应用实例,验证了胀套联接在石油绞车中应用的可行性。

【Abstract】 Drawworks is one of the main transmission components of petroleum machinery; its security and stability largely affect the safety of the whole petroleum machinery system. At the present time, the design of drawworks is still based on the traditional design ideas, which can not satisfy the requirements of professional production and fast reaction to market. The quality improvements of products during large scale production and the development of drawworks manufacture in China are limited.This dissertation mainly focuses on the modular design method and design reliability of petroleum-drawworks. Based on the predecessors’ researches, knowledge of modern mathematics, mechanics, computer and structure reliability are used forthe modular design and simulation technology research of petroleum-Drawworks by academic deduction, numerical simulation, examples analysis and matched software development.Firstly, the structure components and working theories were studied. Main design theories such as general parameters design, drum design, braking system design and transmission system design and calculation model were analyzed. These studies provide theories support for modular design.Secondly, petroleum-drawworks modular design system was developed through adopting VB computer language. The drawworks of drilling rig, workover rig and swabbing truck were taken as the basic products of petroleum-drawworks. According to the technology requirements and combined with fieldwork, the drawworks design was divide into three main modules (drum, braking system and transmission system) and two assistant modules (general parameters design and other parts design) on the basis of modular design theory.Thirdly, the finite element technique was adopted to analyze the main drum and the bailing drum of 650HP workover rig. For the main drum, according to different position of tripping and wire line, the drum surface load was divided into 6 operating conditions for calculatation and the stress conditions of key parts in different operating conditions were studied so as to obtain improvement measures. For bailing drum, the numbers of banding layer for different wire lines and stress conditions of key parts with different wire lines pull were analyzed to get matched maximum Mises stress fitting formula. At the same time, according to reliability design theory, the reliability of the main parts of the drawworks in different operating conditions were analyzed, in consideration of the randomness of drawworks’ design dimension, outside load and material behavior. Then, the drawworks was taken as a cascade system and the reliability of the system was analyzed.Finally, the structure and working principle of casing swage connection were studied and analyzed in details. The theory deduction was done for mechanical model of casing swage, and then the casing swage connection was applied in a drawworks of drilling rig, which proved that the application of casing swage connection in petroleum-drawworks was workable.
