

【作者】 傅一笑

【导师】 谢鹏;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 生物医学信息技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 目的:采用双生子设计的定量遗传分析方法研究儿童个性和心理健康各维度的遗传度;引进家庭环境相关的评定量表(PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ),评价其信效度;分析家庭环境对儿童个性和心理健康的影响;比较研究独生子儿童和双生子儿童的个性特征和心理健康状况。方法:采用横断面设计,募集6-16岁的双生子及独生子女。用SDQ(包括emot、cond、hyper、peer、proso和total)评估儿童心理、用EPQ(包括p、e、n、l)评估儿童个性:对大于11岁的儿童及其家长进行SDQ的填写,对所有的儿童进行EPQ填写;用一般情况问卷、PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ、FACESII-CV和幸福感指数量表向家长了解家庭环境;取双生子颊粘膜行DNA卵型鉴定。采用Holzinger公式计算遗传度(h2),采用t检验、秩和检验、卡方检验、相关回归分析、验证性因素分析等方法行统计分析。结果:本研究调查了双生子122对(244人),有卵形结果的有103对,MZ54对,DZ49对,独生子女504人。个性遗传度:n:0.71;p:0.56;l:0.43;e:-0.07。心理遗传度:emot:0.86,hyper:0.75,total:0.61,cond:0.4,proso:0.12,peer:-0.97。家庭环境相关问卷的信效度: PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ的Cronbach系数为0.626-0.884,重测信度为0.537-0.901;分项目得分与量表总分具有显著相关,各分项目与量表的相关均超过各分项目之间的相关),FAD-GFS、FLQ(总量表分和三个因子)校标关联效度(r=-0.423、0.237、0.514、0.302、0.210);FSQ、EFQ校标关联效度(r=-0.192、0.539)均显著,PSDQ的验证性因素分析提示拟合较好(CMIN/df: 2.218-3.745; TLI: 0.808-0.920; RMSEA: 0.052-0.079; MECVI:在研究模式和交互模式接近,大部分增殖指数在0.8以上)双生子家庭中,FAD-GFS分值与EPQ-e分、SDQ-proso分显著相关(r分别为-0.235,-0.200), FSQ分值与SDQ-total分显著相关(r=0.206), EFQ与SDQ的total、proso显著相关(r分别为-0.304,0.419),FLQ中的三个因子分别与SDQ的total、proso分显著相关(r分别为-0.472, 0.389),与EPQ-n分、SDQ-total和SDQ-proso分显著相关(r分别为0.356, -0.277, 0.247),与SDQ-total、SDQ-proso分显著相关(r分别为-0.298,0.364),父亲权威养育分与EPQ-p分,SDQ-total、proso分显著相关(r分别为-0.196,-0.216, 0.207),母亲的权威养育分与EPQ-e分,SDQ-total和proso分显著相关(r分别为0.230,-0.437, 0.342),亲密度总分与EPQ-n分、SDQ-total、proso分显著相关(r分别为0.198,-0.315, 0.432),适应性得分与SDQ-total、proso分显著相关(r为-0.359、0.357)。在独生子家庭中,家庭环境对儿童个性心理影响的标准化回归方程式:EPQ-p=0.087*sle+0.207*父专制养育+0.131*父教育年限+0.110*家庭类型-0.110*负责管教角色-0.080*父母态度+0.087*家庭适应性差值; EPQ-e=0.105*EFQ-0.088*SLE-0.101*家庭经济收入; Epq-n= 0.143 *SLE- 0.090*家庭亲密度总分+0.089*经济收入+0.117*老人态度-0.138*儿童在家庭的角色体验-0.101*家长对儿童的行为塑造;Epq-l = -0.136 * SLE -0.093*父母关系-0.155*老人态度;SDQ-total=0.142*FAD+0.160*父专制养育+0.230*父自由养育+0.164*母专制养育-0.072*父亲教育年限;SDQ–proso=0.127*家庭亲密度+0.147*家庭适应性-0.152*父专制-0.101*家庭类型+0.096* EFQ - 0.111*家庭亲密度差值。双生子和独生子儿童在EPQ,除hyper外的SDQ各因子得分均有显著性差异,EFQ,FLQ,FACESII-CV,FSQ,FAD-GFS得分在独生子和双生子家庭中都有显著性差异。结论:在儿童个性特征中:稳定性受遗传因素影响最大,精神质和掩饰性,环境和遗传的效应相当,内外向主要受环境影响。儿童的心理健康维度中:情绪问题受遗传的影响最大,注意缺陷多动障碍、行为问题、亲社会化等受环境影响相对较大,同伴问题可能只受环境的影响。PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ符合心理测量学信度与效度的要求,是较好的适合中国文化的家庭环境测评工具。家庭环境中物质实体和家庭心理环境的各个方面,对独生儿童和双生儿童的个性和心理的不同维度有不同程度的再加工作用。除儿童的注意多动缺陷以外,独生子和双生子儿童在个性及心理的各个维度上,独生子家庭和双生子家庭的家庭氛围有明显差异,儿童双生子猜牌实验:目的:讨论在儿童双生子个体间,是否存在不通过五种感觉通道的交流现象,并探索其遗传和环境的影响大小。方法:募集6-16岁共同生活的儿童双生子,采集颊粘膜标本以提取DNA进行卵型鉴定,用纸牌实验方式,比较双生子猜正确牌的机率和数学期望值的大小,按卵形鉴定结果将双生子组分为同卵双生组和异卵双生组,比较两组猜正确牌机率的大小。结果:儿童双生子的正确猜牌机率大于数学期望值,同卵双生子猜牌正确机率大于异卵双生,但无统计学差异。结论:儿童双生子个体间可能有不通过五种感觉通道的交流现象存在,共同的遗传基础和生活环境可能是该交流现象产生的一个重要原因,尚不能确定遗传和环境对该现象的影响存在轻重之分。成人情侣ERP研究:目的:了解在两个成人情侣(SENDER和RECEIVER)间,是否存在不通过五种感觉通道达到情绪和认知内容交流的脑电活动现象。方法:采用高密度ERP技术,用CAPS,字母图片,CAFPS作为刺激源,在不同的视觉刺激诱发SENDER的ERP差异表现的同时,观察RECEIVER(接受的是无差异的视觉刺激)的ERP表现。结果:SENDER在不同刺激条件下,负性情绪图片(s2)刺激比中性情绪图片(s1)刺激诱发了更负的ERP成分(200-250MS、300-400MS、600-850MS),字母图片刺激(s3)与s1、s2相比,激发的ERP在50-400 MS都有显著差别;与此同时,RECEIVER的ERP在各种刺激条件下的差别:s2比s1、s2比s3都诱发了更正的晚成分,且后者差异波激活的范围更为广泛。SENDER辨别情绪的面孔图片实验中,在三种情绪条件下RECEIVER的ERP在各时间段没有差别。结论:隔绝五种感觉通道的两个成人情侣间可能有脑电活动的交流,且认知内容和情感体验内容可能引起不同脑区的脑电发生变化,SENDER和RECEIVER之间的脑电交流可能在同一时间发生,也可能存在延迟效应,交流的内容更趋向于有自我体验的情感内容。SD大鼠心电脑电研究:目的:探索不同亲缘关系或(和)环境的SD大鼠之间,在隔绝五种感觉通道的前提下,是否仍有脑电信息交流的能力。方法:人为制造SENDER和RECEIVER的亲缘关系和环境关系,隔绝五种通道,在SENDER接受良性刺激和恶性刺激同时,记录并应用脑电频谱分析及心电分析RECEIVER在麻醉状态下的EEG和ECG,分屏蔽和非屏蔽状况进行。结果:RECEIVER在SENDER受良性、恶性刺激时与安静时比较,额叶、颞叶、海马的脑电(包括各频段的百分分量和平均分量)和心电(包括R、PR段、ST段、QRS段、QT段)没有发生显著性变化。结论:有共同生活环境和亲缘关系的两SD大鼠之间,良性刺激和恶性刺激作用于一个个体时,不能唤起另一个个体的颞叶、额叶、海马的脑电和心电的改变。发生在两个动物间不通过五种感觉通道实现信息交流的现象目前缺乏存在的充分依据。

【Abstract】 Objective: To estimate the heritability of personality and mental health of children by using a twin design method of quantitative genetic analysis. To introduce some questionnaires related to family environment such as PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ and evaluate their validity and reliability. To analysis the influences of family environment on children personality and mental health. To compare the personality and mental health between the twin child and that of the-only child.Methods:Using cross-sectional design,twins and only children aged 6-16years were recruited. Using SDQ which was examined by parents and children(>=11)to evaluate the children mental health and using EPQ applying on children to evaluate the children personality. The general questionnaire、PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ were used to collect information about family environment from parents. Zygosity was determined by the DNA picked up from cheek mucosa of twins children. Holzinger analysis was employed to estimate the heritability of personality and mental health. The stastic methods include t-test, nonparametric test, pearson correlation, spearman correlation, Chi-square, confirmatory factor analysis etc.Results: 122 pairs(244 children) of twins (103 twin pairs DNA were picked up successfully, including 54 MZ twin pairs and 49 DZ twin pairs and 504 only children were participated in this study. The heritability of personality:N:0.71,P:0.56,L:0.43,E:0.07.The heritability of mental health: emot: 0.86, hyper:0.75,total:0.61,cond:0.4,proso: 0.12,peer: -0.97The reliability and validity of PSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ is: Cronbach coefficient were 0.626 to 0.884; retest reliability were 0.537 to 0.901 ; The scores of the scale in those questionaires were correlated with each factor significantly and the coefficient of correlation is more than those between each factor of those scales.The correlation between the scores of FSQ、EFQ and the scores of Index of General Affect was-0.192、0.539; The correlation between the scores of FAD-GFS、FLQ(the score of total and three factor differently) and the scores of family cohesion scores(FACESII-CV) was -0.423、0.237、0.514、0.302、0.210. Maker of confirmatory factor analysis show met the criteria standard for adequacy of fit. ( CMIN/df: 2.218-3.745; TLI: 0.808-0.920; RMSEA: 0.052-0.079; MECVI of default model is very close to that of saturated model, most of proliferation index are more than 0.8)In twins family,the score of FAD-GFS was significantly correlated with EPQ-E, proso of SDQ(r=-0.235,-0.200),the score of FSQ、EFQ was significantly correlated with total score of SDQ(r=0.206、-0.304),FLQ was significantly correlated with EPQ-n,total、proso of SDQ, the score of father authoritative parenting style was significantly correlated with EPQ-p,total、 proso of SDQ(r=-0.196, -0.244,0.207),the score of mather authoritative parenting style was significantly correlated with EPQ-e,total、proso of SDQ(r=0.230,-0.437, 0.342). the score of family cohesion was significantly correlated with EPQ-n,total proso of SDQ(r=0.198,-0.315,0.432), the score of family adaptability was significantly correlated with total、proso score of SDQ(r=-0.359, 0.357).In only-child family, standardized regression equation of family environment influence on children personality and mental health:EPQ-p=0.087*sle+0.207*father autocratic parenting+0.131*educational of father + 0.110 *family type -0.110*role of discipline-0.080*parental attitude+0.087* family adaptability; EPQ-e=0.105*EFQ -0.088* SLE- 0.101 * family income; EPQ-n=0.143*SLE-0.090*family cohesion+0.089* family income +0.117 *the attitude of the old-0.138*the role of child experiments of FLQ-0.101* parents shaping the behavior of children of FLQ;EPQ– l = - 0.136* SLE - 0.093* relationship between parents -0.155*attitude of the old;SDQ– total = 0.142 *FAD+0.160*father autocratic parenting+0.230* father free parenting + 0.164*mother autocratic parenting -0.072*education of father,SDQ– peer=0.127*family cohesion +0.147* family adaptability - 0.152*father autocratic parenting -0.100 * family type+ 0.095*EFQ - 0.111*the difference between the real and the ideal of family cohesion。The scores of four dimension of EPQ and five factor of SDQ have significant difference(Except for inattention-hyperactivity factor) between twin child and only child, the scores of EFQ,FLQ,FACESII–CV, FSQ, FAD-GFS have significant difference between the twins children family and the only child family.Conclusion: Genetic factor contributed to Neuroticism most. Genetic factors and environment factor play an equal role in Psychoticism and Lie, but Extroversion-Introversion was mainly influenced by environment factors. Emotional problems were influenced by genetic factors most,followed by inattention-hyperactivity problems and total difficulties ,environment factors play a main role in conduct problems and prosocial degree while peer problems were only influenced by environment factorsPSDQ、FAD-GFS、SLE、FSQ、FLQ、EFQ has good reliability and validity, in line with requirements of psychometric and is useful as a tool to evaluate the family environment.Each aspect of family environment, influence children personality and mental differently。Except for inattention-hyperactivity problems, there is obvious different in children personality、mental health and their family environment between twin and only-child. The study of twins:Objective: To investigate whether communication phenomenon ,NOT through conventional sense such as look、listen、touch、smell、taste,exists and explore the influence of genetic and environmental factors on this phenomenon through conducting card-guessing tests on twins.Methods: After twin children aged between 6 and 16 years, who still live together, are recruited, the number of correct hits in guessing the cards in twins is compared with those expected by chance. Buccal mucosa samples were collected from all twins for DNA extraction and zygosity identification test. Twins are divided into MZ twin group and DZ twin group according to their zygotic identity. Card-guessing tests are performed to compare the number of correct hits in twins between the MZ and DZ.Results: The number of correct hits in twins is greater than those expected by chance, and the number of correct hits in MZ twins is greater than those in DZ twins which has no significant difference.Conclusion: The communication phenomenon NOT through conventional sense may exist. The presence of this phenomenon may be contributed to similar genetic basis and living in the same environment ,the two of which has no difference。ERP study of adult:Objective: To demonstrate whether communication phenomenon of brain electrical activity, related to emotional or cognitive content, between two adults individual (named as SENDER and RECEIVER) exists.Methods: Applying high density ERP technique, using CAPS、letter pictures、CAFPS as stimuli,compare the information of ERP differences on RECEIVER at the same time the SENDER perform a standard categorization task which lead to significant difference in ERP.Results: The ERP of SENDER show difference significantly in the s1(neutral pictures)、s2(extremely negative pictures)and s3(letter pictures),simultaneously, under the different stimuli of SENDER ,The ERP of RECEIVER show that there is the significant difference in late potentials between s2 and s1, between s2 and s3 which may be much wider. There is no difference between happy face、sad face、angry face pictures in ERP of RECEIVER.Conclusion: The communication between brain electrical activity of two separated subjects isolated from five sensory channels may occur ,it may occur at the same time or delay, Cognitive and emotional experience may arouse electrical activity of different brain region, the detail of communication tend to affective content about self– experience EEG study of SD rats:Objective: To demonstrate whether the communication between two SD rats base on the similar genetic basis or the same living environment, who separated from each other, occurs.Methods: One SD rat(RECEIVER) was examined by EEG spectral analysis and ECG analysis under anesthesia while the other SD rat(SENDER) received optimal stimuli or malignant stimuli .the course was conducted in the shielded and the unshielded. Compare the EEG and ECG of RECEIVER between the stimulation state and resting state of SENDER.Results: This study show no significant difference in EEG(index: percentile weight and average weight of EEG on frontal lobe, temporal lobe, hippocampus of each frequency band) and ECG(index: R、PR segment、ST segment、QRS segment、QT segment) of RECEIVER during the time that the SENDER suffered from malignant stimulation、experienced optimal stimulation and of resting state.Conclusion :The communication of SD rats, not through common five sense organ,may not exist, even though the same genetic basis or the common living surrounding.The optimal stimuli and the malignant stimuli of SENDER cannot influence the EEG of Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, hippocampus and ECG on RECEIVER. There is no sufficient evidence for the existence of this communication of animal.
