

Research on Some Load Technique Problems of the Trailway Out-Of-Gauge Freights

【作者】 李雪芹

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济社会和科学技术的快速发展,铁路运输事业突飞猛进,极大地提高了广大群众的生活水平和出行质量。与此同时,经济社会的发展和群众生活的改善对铁路运输也必然提出了更多更高的要求。超限运输作为铁路货物运输中地位独特的运输组织方式,对于经济社会的发展发挥着重要作用,但在运输货物形状不规则性和重量分布不均衡性体现更为明显的今天,同样面临着诸多新任务和新挑战。然而铁路超限货物运输安全监控体系不完善、装载决策机制不健全、信息化水平不高的现状,根本无法适应新形势下的新要求。尤其是在提高货物列车速度或者是在现有限制速度的情况下,如何提高货物装载技术显得十分重要,因此开展该论文的研究具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值。铁路超限货物运输是指装货车辆停留在水平直线上,车辆纵中心线与线路中心线处于同一垂直面上时,货物任何部位超出机车车辆限界或特定区段装载限界(如果货物是到达或通过特定区段)的运输组织方式。论文运用系统工程的分析方法,从铁路货运技术及装载加固理论出发,并结合铁路运输发展实际,对超限货物运输的影响因素进行了剖析,并就货物装载的安全监控和装载方案的智能决策建立模型进行了分析和验证。论文重点就不同条件下超限货物装载的重心限制高度、重心偏移、重心高与限制速度的关系进行了比较和模拟研究,对合理重车重心高、重心偏移和限制速度值作了实例解算。主要研究成果如下:(1)超限货物运输的影响因素以及装载安全监控系统。论文从超限货物承运车辆、铁路限界、电气化铁路以及管理等方面分析入手,系统总结了影响超限货物运输发展的四大要素。与此同时,针对超限货物运输安全检测的原理以及安全监控系统进行了探讨和分析。(2)为了尽量降低货物的超限程度,提高列车的运行速度,并保证列车的运行安全,研究了超限货物的部分装载参数——重车重心高、货物重心偏移、货车运行速度。针对影响超限货物运输安全的因素之一——车辆因素,做了详尽的研究,分析了车辆运行稳定性的影响因素(车辆本身结构,货物装载工况,车辆运行工况等),对车辆的受力情况作了深入的研究分析,通过一系列的模型假设,分析了在脱轨和倾覆的情况下最不利受力状况,并建立了脱轨模型和倾覆模型。推导出脱轨系数公式和倾覆系数公式,并详尽分析了各横向力对倾覆系数的贡献。在此基础上,进一步采用固定参数,通过选定车型,设定装载工况、运行线路情况和运行速度等条件,分析超限货物装载的一些参数之间的相互关系,以及装载参数与脱轨系数和倾覆系数的关系。以D5,D23,D30型长大货车为例,固定车辆的性能参数,使用matlab软件进行分析计算。例如,研究在其余参数都已知的情况的,重车重心高与倾覆系数的关系、重车重心高与脱轨系数的关系、货物重心偏移分别与脱轨系数和倾覆系数的关系等。进而分析在各不利因素下,重车重心的限制高度,货物重心容许的横向偏移,以及重车重心高与限制速度的关系。对倾覆和脱轨情况分别建立了两种模型,并比较了模型的优劣。(3)超限货物的装载决策。超限货物的装载决策是一个复杂的过程,以往依据人工计算的过程比较复杂和缓慢。本文对装载方案给出了数学模型描述和实例模型描述,并给出求解方法,给出了实例模型推理规则。

【Abstract】 Thanks to rapid social-economic development and scientific progress, railway transportation in China has made giant strides and greatly improves people’s life level and travel quality. At the same time, fast development of the society and people’s life level raises higher and higher requirements on railway transportation. Out-of-gauge transportation, as a special railway freight transportation method, plays an important role in social-economic development. However, out-of-gauge transportation is facing many new tasks and challenges because nowadays more and more goods are of irregular shape and unbalanced weight distribution. Due to inadequate safety monitoring system, loading decision-making system and low-level informanization system, current out-of-gauge transportation cannot meet the new requirements. That is to say, how to improve loading technology under the current speed limit or after speed increase is very important. Therefore, this paper is of great theoretical and practical values.Railway out-of-gauge freight transportation means transportation organization of freight car whose any part goes beyond the rolling stock gauge or loading gauge in special section (if the freight car is arriving at or passing the special section) when the freight car stays on a horizontal straightline and longitudinal centerline and centerline of the car are in the same vertical plane. Considering current railway freight technology and development trend of railway transportation, this payer analyzes the factors influencing out-of-gauge freight transportation in combination of system engineering method and loading & fixing theory. In addition, the paper also makes modeling analysis and verification of safety monitoring of freight loading and intelligent decision of loading plan. This paper mainly focuses on comparison and simulation research of relationship between speed limit and gravity center height limit, gravity center offset and gravity center height. Examples on how to realize reasonable gravity centre height, gravity center offset and speed limit are also given in this paper. Main research results are listed as follows:1 ) Firstly, We focus on the influence factors of overloaded cargo’s transportation and its safety monitor. These factors including the vehicle for overloaded cargo, railway clearance, management factors, and so on. As for the safety monitor, we analyze the principles for overloaded cargo’s safety control and the safety monitor system.2) Secondly, We study the practical height of center of gravity of cargo loading and the limits of center of gravity transverse deviation of cargo. On the other hand, the height of center of gravity of cargo has great effect on the speed of train is also investigated. In order to reduce the level of over-loading of cargo, to raise the speed of train as well as to insure the safety of the transportation, we should study the relationship of the high center of gravity of heavy-haul train and the speed limits, as well as the relationship of the restriction of the transverse deviation of cargo’s center of gravity and the restriction of freight train’s height of center of gravity. According to the force condition of trains, we investigate the unfavorable force condition of stability from capsizing and derailment stability of trains. With the most unfavorable conditions, we use the styles of D5, D20, D23, D30 cargoes as examples and make two kinds of overturn models and two kinds of derailment models (one considers the rolling angle of trains and the other do not consider it) .Furthermore, simulation calculation is made with matlab to examine the relationship of the overturning coefficient with the height of center of gravity of heavy-haul train and the speed of trains and center of gravity shift of cargoes, as well as the relationship of derailment coefficient with the height of center of gravity of heavy-haul train and the speed of trains and center of gravity shift of cargoes. On this basis, we also analyze the relationship among the limits of the center of gravity of trains, the center of gravity of heavy-haul train and the limit of the speed of trains, as well as the relationship of the restriction of transverse deviation of center of gravity of cargoes and the utilization of vehicle loading.3) Thirdly, We analyze the loading decisions for overloaded cargo. Since it is extremely complicated to make a decision for overloaded cargo’s loading, we make a mathematical model as well as an actual example to get the decisions of overloaded cargo’s loading issues.
