

The Southwest Sensitive Zone’s and the Ecological Capacity’s Theory as Well as Their Application Research

【作者】 熊春梅

【导师】 杨立中;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪中叶以来,全球性的人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境恶化、生态破坏、失业危机和贫困蔓延已经成为制约人类社会发展的关键因素。经过长期的研究与实践,全世界达成了共识,人类社会要取得发展的可持续性,就必须维持自然资产的存量及其可持续利用。生态敏感区是一个特殊的区域,是一个区域中生态环境变化最激烈和最易出现生态问题的地区,也是区域生态系统可持续发展及进行生态环境综合整治的关键地区。研究生态敏感区,需对其生态敏感性进行分析。生态敏感性指生态系统对人类活动影响的敏感程度,即产生生态失衡与生态环境问题的可能性大小。作为生态规划基础依据的生态敏感性分析,由于其所涉及的地域复杂性和因素多样性,至今尚未形成公认的理论体系和方法体系。而查阅相关文献和报道,针对生态敏感区展开的生态系统的承载力的量化研究亦少有报道。论文在分析全球环境现状的基础上,结合国内外的研究现状,对生态敏感区理论的内涵进行了完善,同时构建了生态敏感区的评价指标体系,并对指标的选取和界定进行了深入的分析和研究。运用群组层次分析法(GD-AHP)和聚类分析等方法,对该指标体系权重的计算进行了详细的分析和说明。在此基础上,以贵州省的黔东南苗族侗族自治州为例,首次对该州进行生态敏感性分析和评价。在对该州十年生态承载力的变化进行计算和分析研究的基础上,对该州的旅游环境承载力进行了相关的计算和评判。对于地区的经济发展和产业结构的合理调整提供了相关的数据支撑。相关研究内容及研究成果为:在目前国内外研究现状的基础上对生态敏感区的概念和内涵进行了详细的分析和说明。提出传统意义的生态敏感区已不能真正反映人与自然的关系,生态敏感区应不仅局限于自然生态系统的范畴,更重要的是还要考虑人地作用系统中的敏感区。构建由大气环境、水环境、土地环境、生境、地质地貌环境和人文环境6个相互关联、互为补充、具有层次性和结构性的子系统构成的生态敏感区评价指标体系。并对各级指标的获取、评判、计算和分级方法进行了说明。在对各种评价方法的类型和步骤详细分析和说明的基础上,确定以层次分析法为基础的群组层次分析法并结合专家评分法为生态敏感区评价指标体系的权重计算的方法。同时确定运用聚类分析法,对指标进行最后的评判。通过资料收集、现场调研,以西南山区的黔东南苗族侗族自治州为例,首次对该地区总体的生态敏感性进行了评判和分析。通过计算得出在黔东南苗族侗族自治州中,人文环境占总体的权重最大,为0.3328,其次是地质地貌环境,为0.1850。余下的分别为生境>土地环境>水环境>大气环境。而在人文环境中,民族民俗的权重最大,为0.3914。运用聚类分析法,对黔东南苗族侗族自治州的生态敏感程度进行了评判。黔东南苗族侗族自治州的生态敏感度得分为0.71,按生态敏感度分级标准,得出该地区为生态高度敏感区。运用生态足迹模型对黔东南苗族侗族自治州的生态承载力进行计算和分析,同时引入了万元GDP生态足迹指标,并对该指标进行了计算和分析。通过计算,得出黔东南自治州生态足迹、生态赤字逐年增加,由1997年的0.07265 3hm2.人-1、-0.276606hm2.人-1增加到2006年的1.19992hm2.人-1、0.320988hm2.人-1,生态承载力逐年下降,由1997年的1.003136hm2.人-1减少到2006年的0.878932hm2.人-1。说明黔东南苗族侗族自治州的发展对生态环境的压力和影响仍然很大。而万元GDP生态足迹值的逐年下降,由1997年的4.948272hm2.人-1降低至2006年的3.212474h2.人-1。说明黔东南苗族侗族自治州资源利用效率提高较快,伴随着国家西部大开发的政策,地区的经济增长方式在逐步的向良性发展。通过分析,最终总结出在黔东南苗族侗族自治州实现生态可持续发展的措施。运用物元分析法对该州的旅游环境承载力进行计算和评判,最终得出结论:黔东南苗族侗族自治州旅游环境承载力均处于可持续发展的阶段,在该州进行旅游资源的科学、有效的开发,促进州经济的发展是切实可行的。论文的研究成果,为黔东南苗族侗族自治州政府部门进行相关的决策提供了有价值的结论和依据。论文最后就生态敏感区理论的发展及生态承载力定量化计算方法的发展进行了展望。

【Abstract】 From the middle of 20 century,there have been many key factors to limit the human social development,which are bloated population、resource shortage、environmental deterioration、ecosystem destroy、unemployment crisis and poor spread.The world got a same view,through researching and practising in a long time, that is the world must sustain the natural resource amount and its sustainalbe use in order to own the human socially sustainalbe development.Ecological sensitive zone is a special area,in which ecoenvironment strongest change and eco-question easyest appearanece,also is a critical zone which is concerned with the area’s ecosystem sustainbale development and the ecoenvironment compositive treatment.In order to research the ecological sensitive zone,it is need to analysis its ecological sensitivity.Ecological sensitivity means the ecosystem’s sensitive degree according to human action’s effection,that is to say the possibility of producting the eco-unbalance and the ecoenvironmental problem.The ecological sensitive analysis is the base to do ecological programming.It isn’t consist to a certain theory and method system now because the ecological sensitivity is concerned to areas complexity and factors diversity.Reading the correlative papers,there is little q ecosystem capacity’s uantitative research aimming at the ecological sensitive zone.This paper complements the connotation of ecological sensitive zone’s theory,constructs the ecological sensitive zone’s evaluating indicator system,also deeply do analysis and research on choseing and defining the index,based on the analyse the world environmental condition and connectted with the overseas and domestic research status.It is detailed analyse and explain the indicator system by using the GD-AHP and CA etc.Based on it,this paper also analysing and evaluating the ecological sensitivity of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture at first.On the basic of caculating and analysing the prefecture’s ecological capacity changed in ten years,it caculates and evaluates the tourism environmental capacity of the prefecture,which provides the quantitative support.The related research content and the research results obtained are mainly comprised of:It is detailed analysing and explaining the ecological sensitive zone’s concept and connotation based on the overseas and domestic research status.It advances that traditonal meaning of ecological sensitive zone doesn’t really reflect the relation of human and nature, so the ecological sensitive zone does not only been limited in the natural ecosystem but also been considered the sensitive zone in the human-land action system.The ecological sensitive zone is a result by all kinds of ecological factors’ compositive action,such as nature、economy、society etc.Thus the ecological sensitive zone should be divided through the each factor which constitutes to the ecological factors.It constructed the ecological sensitive zone’s evaluating index system,which contains atmospheric environment、watery environment、land environment、existent environment、geological environment and hunmanity environment,those six systems are relationship、complementarity each other and are hiberarchy and structure.It also explaining how to get、evaluate、caculate and divide the every indicator’s degree.It caculated and summarized the way to confirm weight value.On the basis of detailed analyse and explain the whole evaluation methods’ type and step,it confirmed the way to caculate weight value by using GD-AHP and expert grade way.At last,it do the verification caculation and analysis by using the CS.Through the spot investigation、data collection,it firstly juged and analysed the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s ecological sensitivity connecting the built ecological sensitive zone’s evaluating indicator system,at the same time,it confirmed area’s sensitive factors and those sensitive degree. According to the caculation,humanity environment’s weight value is the best,is 0.3328,the next is geological environment,is 0.1850,and the residuary indicator weight value is existent environment>land environment>watery environment>atmospheric environment.The nation and folk-custom’s weight value is the best in the humanity environment,is 0.3914.Detailed and affirmatory indicator provided theoretical and actual basis for area’s ecoenvironmental construction and protection,and area’s industry structure composition.By using the CA method,it caculated and analysed the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s ecological sensitivity.The score of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s ecological sensitivity is 0.71,which is the high sensitive area according to the score of sensitive degree,and its high sensitive factor mainly focus on the humanity and geological environment,so it is necessary to analyse the area’s ecoenvironmental status and ecological capacity.It calculated the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s ecological capacity by using ecological footprint model.It bring the eco-footprint per 104 RMB GDP to the paper and also calculate the index.Through the calculation,it gained the result that the ecological footprint and ecological deficit of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture are increased year by year, which through 0.072653 hm2.per capita-1、-0.276606 hm2.per capita-1 in 1997 to 1.19992 hm2.per capita-1、0.320988 hm2.per capita-1 in 2006.,but the ecological capacity of these area is decrease year by year,through 1.003136 hm2.per capita-1 in 1997 to 0.878932 hm2.per capita-1 in 2006.Thus means that Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s development own the big depression and infection on its ecoenvironment.But Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture’s the eco-footprint per 104 RMB GDP is decrease year by year,through 4.948272 hm2.per capita-1 in 1997 to 3.212474 hm2.per capita-1 in 2006,thus means resource useful effective enhance more fast than before in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture.By exploitation policy to china west, the area’s economic rise way has a good development trend.At last,it sum up the method to realize the ecological sustainability development in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefecture.It also calculate and evaluate Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefectur’s tourism environmental capacity by using the matter element analysis method.At last,it gained the calculation that Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefectur’s tourism environmental capacity lies in sustainable development.It is a viable way to enhance the prefecture’s economic development by scientific and effective exploitation the prefecture’s tourism resource.The research fruit provide value calculation for Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonmous Prefectur’s governments when they do the decision-making.At last,this paper does the expectation for the development of ecological sensitive zone theory and of the ecological capacity’s connotation calculation method.
