

Study on Brand Competitiveness Based on Perspective of Ontology

【作者】 蒋璟萍

【导师】 曹兴;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化加剧了国际市场的竞争,品牌竞争表现为新一轮竞争的焦点。当代中国开始成为世界工厂,但“中国制造”却往往是低附加值或者贴牌产品的标志。怎样培植带有“符号”意义,具有资产价值的品牌,实现从“中国制造”向“中国创造”的转变,从而大幅度提升中国经济的竞争力,乃是摆在中国政府和企业家面前的重大课题,也应该是管理学亟待研究的前沿问题。基于这样的考虑,本文试图从本体论的视角研究品牌竞争力,以期为中国的品牌建设提供理论支持。本文从新经济时代的特点和中国品牌建设的要求出发,提出研究品牌竞争力的重要性,阐述其理论意义和实践意义。然后进行文献综述,归纳国内外研究品牌的概念、品牌价值和品牌资产、品牌关系和顾客价值、品牌创建和品牌管理等方面的主要观点,概括研究的进展、存在的问题及研究的趋势。同时,阐述品牌的概念、品牌竞争力的涵义,以及相关的企业能力、企业文化、企业生命周期和营销管理理论。在此基础上,进入研究的主题,即基于本体论视角的品牌竞争力,遵循以下逻辑结构展开:阐述品牌本体论及与之相应的品牌竞争力的“金三角”结构;对品牌竞争力的基本要素——物质竞争力、文化竞争力和市场竞争力及其形成机理,进行具体的分析;阐述品牌竞争力形成的模式及路径,剖析品牌竞争力生成的案例;分析中国品牌建设的现状及存在问题,提出培育中国品牌的战略对策。最后,简要地概括研究的主要结论及创新观点,指出深化品牌竞争力研究的方向。本文以现有的理论成果为基础,科学地界定品牌的内涵及现代意义,分析品牌竞争力的构成要素及基本结构,比较不同类型的品牌竞争力形成模式与路径。主要分为三个部分:第一部分是基础理论的研究,阐述了品牌的的本质、类型及特征,品牌竞争力的涵义,品牌竞争力相关的基础理论;第二部分是基本结构的研究,基于“品牌本体论”原理,描述了品牌竞争力的“金三角”结构,并具体分析了物质竞争力、文化竞争力和市场竞争力,以及品牌生命周期及其延伸;第三部分是主要模式的研究,分析了不同类型的品牌竞争力形成模式及路径,剖析品牌竞争力形成的案例。在研究中提出了一些有价值的观点:(1)对“品牌本体论”进行比较完善的诠释,概括基本的定义和思路,把品牌研究提升到了管理哲学的高度。认为“品牌本体论”就是将品牌当作自身的本质及存在和发展的根本原因与依据的理论,它实现了从“使用价值”到“符号价值”、从“功能制造”到“意义制造”、从“品牌信号”到“品牌主体”的转变,这种理论给我们对消费者需求和企业经营方式的理解带来极为深刻的影响,它开辟了品牌研究的新视野,因而成为我们研究新经济时代品牌竞争力的理论基础。(2)提出具有“本体论”特征的品牌竞争力的“金三角”结构,它是由“物质竞争力+文化竞争力+市场竞争力”所构成的,其中的每个因素又包含三个要素。这种品牌竞争力的结构体现了“品牌本体论”的特征:即以物质竞争力和文化竞争力为“两翼”,增强品牌的市场竞争力;以物质竞争力为基础和以文化竞争力为主导,带动品牌的持续发展。通过具体分析物质竞争力、文化竞争力和市场竞争力及其形成机理,形成了完整的品牌竞争力理论。(3)提出了品牌竞争力形成的三种模式,即初级形态品牌竞争力形成模式、中级形态品牌竞争力形成模式、高级形态品牌竞争力形成模式;分析了主要的形成路径,包括以“自然生成”为特征的传统品牌生成路径,以“引导生成”为特征的现代品牌生成路径,以“借壳生成”为特征的特殊品牌生成路径。对不同类型的品牌生成案例进行比较分析,按照“金三角”结构归纳各自的特点,认为在现代经济发展中,主要应采用现代品牌的生成模式与路径,通过策划和传播引导品牌理念和品牌形象的形成。总之,关于“品牌本体论”的比较完整的诠释,关于品牌竞争力形成的“金三角”结构的描述,以及关于品牌竞争力形成的模式与路径的观点,构成了本文的创新性内容。最后,基于“本体论”视角的品牌竞争力理论与中国品牌建设的实践相结合,针对中国品牌发展的现状及存在的问题,提出了培育中国品牌的战略对策:第一,要重视品牌理念和品牌形象的培育,多创造一些可以超越产品、企业而存在的品牌价值;第二,要重视差异性和品牌个性的培育,多创造一些有自己个性和鲜明特色的品牌;第三,要重视品牌诚信和顾客忠诚度的培育,多创造一些有稳定的、持久的市场影响力的品牌;第四,要重视新经济时代的品牌策略,多创造一些有时代特色的网上品牌;第五,要构建品牌成长的政策和服务体系,培育品牌生态环境。

【Abstract】 As the economic globalization intensifying the competition of the international market, the competitiveness of brand became the focus of the new round of competition. In the present age, China is becoming as a worldwide producer. But the Made in China sometimes is the symbol of the low-value consumables or Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM). How to build up the brand of symbol meaning and of asset value, and transfer from the Manufactured in China to the Research and Design in China, then to enhance substantially the competitiveness of the Chinese economy, which is the major task of Chinese government and enterpriser, is the frontier problem of the Management Study. Based on this, this paper is to study the brand competitiveness in the view of ontology, so as to provide the theoretic support on the China Brand Construction.This paper views from the characteristic of the new economy age and the requirements of the China Brand construction, to advance the importance of the generating mechanism of the band, to set forth the theoretics meaning and practices meaning. Firstly, through the literature consultation, to summarize the main viewpoint of the concept of brand, value of brand, asset of brand, relationship of brand, value of client, creation of brand and management of brand at home and abroad, and to conclude the progress of study, existing problems and trend of study. Meanwhile, to set forth the concept of brand, the meaning of the brand competitiveness, as well as the related theory of enterprise competence, enterprise culture, enterprise lifecycle and marketing management. Secondly, to come into the subject of study, that is to say, the generating mechanism of brand on the basis of perspective of ontology, is spreaded by the following logic structure: to set forth the ontology of brand and the corresponding Golden Triangle Structure of the competiveness; to analyze the basic elements of substance competitiveness, culture competitiveness, marketing competiveness and its forming mechanism in a particular manner; to set forth the forming mode and path of the brand competiveness and to analyze the related cases of brand competitiveness generation; to analyze the status and existing problems for the construction of China Brand and to put forward the strategic countermeasures for breeding China Brand. Finally, to summarize briefly the main conclusions of the study and innovative viewpoints, so as to point out the direction of deepening the study of brand competitiveness.On the basis of the existing theoretic result, this paper is to define the meaning of brand and modern meaning, to analyze the composition and basic structure of brand competitiveness, and to compare the different forming modes and paths of brand competitiveness. The paper mainly consists three parts: the first part is to research the basic theory, to set forth the essence, type and character of the brand, the meaning of brand competitiveness and its corresponding basic theory; the second part is to study the basic structure, to describe the Golden Triangle Structure based on the theory of brand ontology, and analyze particularly the substance competitiveness, culture competitiveness and marketing competiveness, as well as the lifecycle of the brand and its extension; the third part is to study the major modes, to analyze the generating modes and paths of different brand competitiveness, as well as to analyze the cases of forming of brand competitiveness.Some valuable viewpoints are set forth during the study: (1) the band ontology is explained in a rather perfect manner, it set forth the basic definition and thinking, and enhance the brand study to the height of management philosophy. The brand otology is considered as the theory of the self essence of brand, the fundamental reason and foundation of the existence and development. It transfers from the use value to the symbol value, from the function manufacture to the meaning manufacture, from the brand signal to the brand body. This theory makes a very sound impact on the understanding of the demand of customer and the management mode of enterprise. It establishes a new view of brand study and become the theory foundation of the brand competitiveness at the new economic age. (2) It put forward the Golden Triangle Structure with the character of ontology, it consists of substance competitiveness, culture competitiveness, marketing competiveness which includes the three factors for each competitiveness. This structure presents the character of brand ontology, that is to say, two wings are the substance competitiveness and the culture competitiveness which improve the marketing competitiveness of brand; based on the substance competitiveness and dominated by the culture competitiveness which drives the continuous development of the brand. It forms a completed theory of brand competitiveness is formed via the detail analysis of the substance competitiveness, the culture competitiveness, the marketing competiveness and its generating mechanism. (3) It conclude three forming modes of brand competitiveness, this is to say, the mode of Primary Form Brand Competitiveness, the mode of Medium Form Brand Competitiveness and the mode of Super Form Brand Competitiveness. It analyze the main forming paths, including the traditional brand generating mode with the character of natural generation, the modern brand generating mode with the character of leading generation, and the special brand generating mode with the character of borrowed generation. To make comparing analysis on the forming cases of the different brands, and to conclude its characters as per the Golden Triangle Structure. In the development of modern economy, the generating mode and path of the modern brand is mainly used which forms the brand idea and brand image by planning and spreading. In summary, the rather complete explanation on the brand ontology, the description of Golden Triangle Structure and the idea of the forming mode and path for the brand competitiveness are formed the innovative contents of this paper.Finally, it put forward the countermeasures for breeding the China brand, combining with the brand competitiveness theory based on the view of otology and the practice of China brand construction, as well as focusing on the development status and existing problems of China brand. Firstly, to devote on the breeding of the brand idea and brand image, try to create more brand value which surpass the product and enterprise. Secondly, to pay attention to the industry difference and breeding the brand individuality, try to create more brands with individual character and distinctive feature. Thirdly, to pay attention to the breeding of the brand credit and customer loyalty, try to create more brands with stable and permanent influence. Fourthly, to pay attention to the strategy of brand at the new economic age, try to create more network brands with modern characteristics; Fifthly, to construct the policy and service system for the brand growing, try to breed the environment of the brand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期