

Study on the Key Control Techniques of High Performance AC Drive System

【作者】 张翊诚

【导师】 吕海宝;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 仪器科学与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 交流电机是一个电场、磁场、力场多变量强耦合的复杂系统,对于三相交流异步和三相交流同步电机来说,有三个主要的共性特征是非线性、强耦合和不确定性。要使交流驱动性能有更大的提升,关键是要克服这三个特征对电机控制所带来的不利影响。本文在973数字化制造基础研究项目“高速数控机床动态行为演变及其高精度控制”及国家自然科学基金项目“基于分级模糊递阶理论的直线驱动机电系统控制策略的研究”的资助下,就高性能交流驱动中的关键技术开展研究,论文主要研究内容与创新点归纳如下:1.通过在理想条件下电机的动力学建模,分析了电机三个共性问题产生的根源。为了最大程度上减少交流电机的转矩和励磁两个方向的强耦合,完成了电机的理想模型从静止坐标系向旋转坐标系下的转换,在深刻理解电机工作机理的基础上,提出了矢量控制方法和直接转矩控制方法两种先进的电机控制方式,并且针对原理型直接转矩控制方法的缺点,提出了与SVPWM相结合的改进型直接转矩控制方式。仿真和实验结果充分证明了其正确性和有效性。2.针对不确定性的问题,本文把它分为内部和外部两个方面,分别采取参数在线估计和先进的控制策略来解决。内部的不确定性主要由交流电机参数慢时变的特性所造成的,应用基于拉格朗日算子简化的遗忘因子最小二乘在线参数估计的方法,来跟踪参数的变化。同时,研究了采用扩展卡尔曼滤波的方法实现参数的在线估计,虽然运算量较最小二乘法要大,但其最大的优点是在于对噪音的抗干扰能力。因此,为了减少运算量,需尽可能地减少待估参数。实际控制中,只对决定磁链和电磁力矩的定子电阻进行在线估计,而把其它参数的变化当成是系统的噪音。仿真和实验的结果同样都证实,以上两种在线估计方法不但能满足估计的精度,而且能满足实时性的要求。外部的不确定性主要是来自电机受到的外部扰动力矩,滑模控制因其对扰动的卓越鲁棒性能倍受关注。理论证明,只要满足一定的条件,滑模控制器对扰动是完全自适应的,本文对于这种自适应的控制器作了深入研究分析。3.针对非线性的问题,本文采取了模糊自适应控制方法,模糊控制器是一种对系统模型依赖性小的控制器,对于交流电机这样的非线性系统,采用模糊控制器可以有效地克服系统的非线性性,实现最优控制。同时,单纯形迭代搜索的方法可以很简单地实现控制参数的搜索,进一步优化控制性能。模糊控制和滑模控制相结合的自适应控制方法吸收了各自控制的优点,进而使得交流电机的控制精度和抗干扰能力都能得到很大程度的改善。4.另外一种克服非线性的办法是利用现代微分几何的工具,对非线性的交流电机系统进行等价反馈线性化同胚矩阵转换,成为一个虚拟的线性系统,应用成熟的线性系统的控制器设计手段,对虚拟的线性系统进行设计,同时也实现了电机力矩和磁链两个方向的动态解耦。对交流同步和异步电机的仿真结果也证实了其高性能的动态特性和应用前景。5.本文采用的控制平台主要由以TMS320F2812为核心的主控电路和以智能模块IPM为核心的逆变主回路所组成,同时也包括了电流、电压以及温度采样电路以及其它一些报警电路,有机地构成交流驱动系统的硬件平台。6.在应用部分,将前面理论研究部分,即关于解决交流电机强耦合、不确定性、非线性的理论研究成果,运用到高速电主轴为代表的三相异步电机和直线电机为代表的三相同步永磁电机的交流驱动系统上。实验证明,针对电机三个共性问题的理论解决方案很大程度上提升了交流电机的性能,取得了令人满意的结果。在本课题研究进行的同时,所取得的部分成果已用于生产实际中,取得了良好的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The AC motors are nonlinear complex system with electric fields,magnetic fields and force fields complected strongly, Three main characteristics of the AC motors are nonliear, coupling and slow time-varying, For the sake of further exaltation performance, key issues are how to overcome or represse the problems brought by the three characteristics of the motors. Supported by the 973 National High Technology Research and Development Program "high speed numeric machine dynamic mode and their high precision control", this dissertation concentrates its attention on the key Techniques of high performance AC drive system. The main research contents include a few aspects:1. Build up ideal models for synchronous and asynchronous AC motors in static reference frame and rotary reference frame respectively. Based on the ideal models, vector control and direct torque control method were applied on AC driver system, decouple between the rotor torque and the rotor flux linkage are realized in great degrees. And then, an extension of the DTC scheme is also provided based on the conventional way. The main features of the conventional DTC are fully preserved, namely, its simplicity and its excellent dynamics performance. Moreover, the amplitudes of the motor quiver have also been bated by means of the space-vector modulation (SVPWM) function. Simulation and experimental results are given which confirm the validity of this approach.2. Parameters of the AC motors have slow time-varying characteristics, on-line parameters estimation based on forgetting factor least square method can track the variation, Another method of on-line parameters estimation based on extended Kalman filter(EKF) method is also presented, only rotor resistor is real-time estimated, and variation of other parameters of the motor are considered as system noise, experimental results demonstrated that the two methods have not only satisfied the demand of the motion precision, but also the Real-time demand.3. To the nonlinear motor system, one method is finding a controller which is not depended on or slightly depended on the controlled system. Fuzzy control is just belonging to this class. To find the optimal parameters for the fuzzy control, and the accelerated simplex search algorithm can help fuzzy controller to find the optimal fuzzy parameters. The most advantage of the sliding control is its robness of the disturbance, so the adaptive control from fuzzy and sliding control combination can enhance the accuracy and sensitive response for the AC motor.4. Another method solving nonlinear problem of the AC motor is transforming the nonlinear system to equivalent fictitious linear multi-input and multi-output system (MIMO) via differential geometry tools. And then controller can be designed by classic linear control theory. Meantime, decouple between the rotor torque and the rotor flux linkage is realized in the dynamical state. Simulation results show that this kind of servo controller has good dynamic performance and actual application value.5. The control circuit is based on the TMS320F2812 which can realize the motor control algorithm in C language. IPM is the core part of the main circuit which includes inverter and the motor driving circuits and other detected circuit. Current、voltage and temperature sample circuit are also designed to buildup the integrity hardware platform for AC servo system.6. In application part, the above mentioned theory such as DTC、EKF、FFLS、Fuzzy Slide Adaptive Control(FSAC) were successfully applied in the speed control of the motorized spindle and position control of the linear AC motors. And experimental results approve their validity and efficiency.During the research period, parts of research obtains are already used for produce, achieve a good economic benefit.
