

【作者】 王运良

【导师】 杨志刚;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当今中国社会,城市更新、生活改造、旅游开发,以及近年兴起的新农村建设等,在日益凸现历史文化遗产的重要地位之时,正如一把双刃剑,也给文化遗产保护带来了巨大冲击。由此使得制度的完善、组织的健全、资金的供给、技术的支撑在文化遗产保护过程中的作用愈发显得关键,尤其是相关的制度建设与持续性更新不仅可以为组织健全、资金供给、技术支持提供强有力保障,更可有效地规范世人对文化遗产所作的保护和利用行为。作为中国最重要的不可移动文化遗产保护制度,1956年起施行至今的“文物保护单位”制度,经实践证明是效果显著、作用重大、无可替代。但与此同时,众多的遗产受损案例又显示出这一制度在当今复杂形势中的种种不足,既反映了制度本身完善与更新的滞后性,也说明基于实际的相关学术理论研究还远远不够。因此,本文即以“文物保护单位”制度这一颇具中国特色的不可移动文化遗产管理制度为对象,从历史和现实两个方面对其展开翔实研究,即不仅重在制度的历史追溯,更着眼于现实的制度分析,是由“史”到“实”,“史”“实”并重。具体而言,论文首先以历史梳理、归纳、分析方法详细论述“文物保护单位”的概念内涵、制度形成背景及其历史演变、功能作用与现实影响;接着以典型案例为切入点,采用实证研究方法多角度剖析这一制度现存的不足与亟待完善之处;最后借鉴中外制度学派的相关理论研究模式,从“非正式约束”、“正式约束”和“实施机制”三大要素入手,对现行的中国“文物保护单位”制度提出了较为系统的予以完善的构想和制度安排。需要说明的是,作为仍在发挥积极作用的中国“文物保护单位”制度,在短时间内显然不可能彻底地改弦更张,所以,唯有从多方面对这一制度进行广泛的学术探讨,并对其予以卓有成效的完善,才能最大限度地切实保障不可移动文化遗产的生命安全。文中所述虽然是笔者的一己之见,但无疑也是出于现实的需求,故希冀对当下的遗产理论及管理实务起到些许作用。

【Abstract】 Contemporary China is both profiting and suffering from the exhilarating yet intimidating process of urbanization, renovation, tourism exploitation, and the newly-sprung rural construction in recent years. This progress has accordingly highlighted the prominence of historical heritages, but in the mean time, like a two sided blade, tremendously threatened their preservation. The need for a fully-developed, well-organized system, together with financial and technical support, has thus come into light. The system development and its continuity will play a key role in the task of providing the financial and technical support, complementing pre-existing systems and more over, regulating the public preservation and utilization of cultural heritages.As the most authoritative preservation system concerning tangible heritages in China, the "officially protected site/entity system", established in 1956, has been proven by empirical practices to be highly effective, significant, and irreplaceable. At the same time, numerous incidences of cultural heritage damage hinted the deficiency of the system to fit into the fast-changing, complicated context of today’s society. That is resulting from the lacking of both amendments and hands-on researches. This thesis focuses on the subject of the "officially protected site/entity system" itself, treating the China-specific tangible heritage preservation system as an object, appealing for both the historical and the practical end of it. Not only would this thesis weigh on the provenance and development of the system per se, but also the practical analysis of it. More specifically, this thesis intends to first comb through history, induce and analyze the concept, background, development, function and influence of the aforementioned system; then through case studies, with empirical researches from multiple angles, attempts to uncover the flaws and defects within the system; last, this thesis endeavors to borrow the methodology of system-research disciplines abroad and domestic, to establish and conceive a well-organized, complete system using elements as formal/informal constraints, and implementing mechanism.It should be further explained that the "officially protected site/entity system" is still vigorous and active, and can not be changed straight to the core in a short time. The only way to successfully supplement the system is through various academic researches, and by so doing guarantee to the most extent the safety of our national tangible heritages. This thesis, though only expressing the opinion of the author, is without doubt derived from the necessity of field work, thus wish for improving the current heritage preservation theories and management action.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期