

Critique of Western Virtue Ethic Tradition

【作者】 胡祎赟

【导师】 吕耀怀;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 德性是人类一个古老而又常新的话题。自从人类进入文明社会之后,德性之光始终照耀着人的精神世界,它使人类具有了道德意义上的自我创造能力,并以其超越性的精神力量,永远深情地眷注着人性的提升、人情的陶冶和美好习惯的生成,承担起为人类营造精神家园的历史使命。就此而言,德性就是人类在不断超越自身自然属性的过程中所获得的一种人性上内在的“卓越或优秀”。西方德性伦理传统是西方道德思维代表自己的时代对社会道德生活、伦理秩序的关注,对人格力量的探索、人类命运的反思和把握。在社会结构由传统向现代转型的过程中,德性伦理由以往调节人的行为的中心位置而退居到了现代道德生活的边缘,以致于以麦金太尔为代表的当代西方思想家提出了“回归亚里士多德德性论传统”,以此来摆脱当代西方社会道德生活的困境。基于此,本文始终坚持逻辑与历史相一致的原则,分别考察了荷马史诗所描绘的英雄德性、希腊城邦和基督教的德性观。对西方德性伦理传统失落原因的探究,自然是本论题所要讨论的核心问题之一。在这个问题上,麦金太尔教授是从伦理学的理论流变和社会转型这两个方面来思考问题的。应该说,他在这个问题上的见解,为我们进一步思考西方德性伦理传统失落的原因提供了一个思想平台。本文对传统德性伦理式微的思想根源将从两个方面来切入:一是从特定的文化背景来展示德性伦理传统的淡出;二是从伦理思想本身的演进轨迹来透视德性伦理传统的式微。在启蒙运动所张扬的理性精神下,伦理学的知识形态呈现出了两种状态:效果论和义务论。效果论将德性工具化,义务论中的义务高于德性,而权利论则遮蔽了德性。应该说,这些都是德性伦理传统式微的最为直接的思想根源。德性伦理传统式微的根本原因在于社会结构的转型。具体来说,传统德性伦理赖以生长的社会环境是具有等级性质的社会共同体,而现代社会的结构是市民社会,这一现代社会结构中,人与人是以契约来缔结相互之间的关系的,契约双方之间是平等的。在这样的社会秩序中,规范伦理自然成为调节人们伦理关系的主要方式。对麦金太尔德性论的批判是一个不容回避的问题。本文是从两种意义和三个层面上来展开对这个问题的讨论的。就两种意义而言,即对他的德性论中合理成分的肯定和不合理成分的否定。三个层面:一是对他主张的德性与传统的关系的肯定;二是从现代性的角度,对他“回归共同体以拯救现代德性”的批判;三是对他主张“托马斯的德性论是亚里士多德德性传统的一个重要的组成部分”的批判。功利论、义务论、权利论诸形态都是启蒙运动后理性主义的产物。如何思考超越德性伦理与规范伦理对峙这一问题,需要从现代性入手才能找到解决问题的思路。规范伦理在现代社会道德生活中的宰制性地位,是现代性精神理念在伦理道德领域的渗透和延伸。现代性精神价值的两面性表现在伦理学上,就是规范伦理与德性伦理各自存在的理论优势和限度。就此而言,现代性伦理应该是规范伦理与德性伦理的统一。本论题从两个向度上对规范伦理与德性伦理结合这一问题进行了解释和论证。就道德系统中的德性与规范的关系来说,二者呈现为历史与逻辑两个层面;就德性伦理与制度伦理的关系来说,本论题对制度伦理何以可能的理解上,对二者的关系做了必要的把握,进而提出了一个具有建设性的路径:从制度伦理走向德性伦理。

【Abstract】 Virtue is an ancient and new topic of human being.since mankind enters civilization society ,the light of virtue shines people’s spiritual world and causes self-creativity in terms of moral sense,and focuses on enhancement of mankind nature and cultivation of mankind feeling and formation of good habits forever and lovely.Also, it takes historical responsibity for constructing spiritual home.with regard to it, virtue is virtually an inner "excellence" during the course of which mankind constantly overruns its natural traits.Western virtue ethic tradition is a focus on social morality life and ethic order and an exploration of strength of mankind quality and reflection of mankind fate when western morality logic stands for its times. As social strucure transforms from traditional one to modern one. Virtue ethnic retires to the edge of modern morality life from its previous center as mediating people’s conducts so that contemporary western thinkers as the representative of Alasdair Maclntyre put forward "return to Arstoltle’s virtual tradition" on basis of which mankind can escape from the trouble of contemporary western social morality life .Concerning that ,we consistently follow the principle of accordance of logic and history and respectively review heroes’ virtue in Homeric poems and the virtue theory of ancient Greek city and Christianity.Natrually,The pursuit of decline reason of western virtue ethic tradition is a core about this topic. Professor Maclntyre considers this question from two aspects of theory evolution of ethics and social transformation.It can be said that his views offer us a thinking angle for the pursuit of decline reason of western virtue ethic tradition. The disseration studies the ideoalogical source of traditional virtue ethics decline from two aspects : for one thing ,virtue ethic tradition disappears from specific culture background;for another ,from the evolution course of ethic idea. it demonstrates traditional virtue ethics decline.In rational spirit enlightenment movement advocates,knowledgable shape and ethics displays two styles: utilitarianism and deontology. Utilitarianism makes the virtue a tool,the obligation in deontology is more important than virtue ,but the rights theory causes the virtue less important.It can be said that these are direct idea sources of traditional virtue ethics decline. The radical reason of traditional virtue ethics decline lies in the transformation of social structure. Detailedly speaking, social environments on which traditional virtue ethic depends are social community with rankings,however, the structure of modern society is bourgeois one,in which people relationship is based on contracts and both sides are equal.In such a social order,normative ethic is a natural and main way of moderating people ethical relationship.Critique of Maclntyre virtue theory is a problem we must face.We discuss this problem from two sense and three aspects.As for two sense,we hold positive attitudes toward rational contents of his virtue ,and nagative toward irrational .As for three aspects,the first is we hold positive attitudes toward his idea about relationship between virtue and tradition ;the second is a critique of his "return to community in order to save modern virtue" from the aspect of modernity;the third is a critique of his ’Thomis’ virtue theory is one important part of Aristotle’s virtue tradition".Utilitarianism ,deontology and rights theory are products of enlightenment movement and rationalism.How we think about overrunning the conflict of virtue ethic and normative ethic can be settled from modernity. This dissertation explains and analyzes the combination of normative ethic and virtue ethic from the point of view of theory and practice.As far as virtue and norm in moral sestemy is concerned,the relationship of virtue and norm takes on two aspects of history and logic. As for the relationship of institutional ethic and virtue ethic ,we put forward a constructive way : from the former to the latter.

【关键词】 西方德性伦理传统现代性批判
【Key words】 westernvirtue ethictraditionmodernitycritique
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期