

On the Settling Judicial Cases by Letters and Visits

【作者】 李微

【导师】 漆多俊;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 涉诉信访这个概念最早是由最高人民法院于2004年在长沙召开的信访工作会议上提出来的。在提出涉诉信访这个概念之前,对于法院生效判决不满,通过来信和来访的方式要求法院改变原判决或者反映法院、法官工作作风的现象早已存在。将涉诉信访从其他信访中分离出来,并召开专门的会议来研究、成立专门的组织应对,说明了近年来涉诉信访发展的迅猛。涉诉信访的提出对原来的信访理论产生了极大的冲击,在以前的信访处理中,人们只注重对行政信访的研究,即使涉及法院的信访,也是将它纳入到涉法信访中去,由各级党委和政法委统一协调处理。涉诉信访作为一个新事物的出现,必然要求与之相适应的一套理论体系,将这套理论体系与涉法信访、行政信访以及其他信访相区分。这套理论系统构建时应当考虑到法院工作的特点,并能够促进新时期下法院工作的发展。涉诉信访主要目的是要求改变一个业已生效的法院判决。涉诉信访的存在有消极的一面,它对司法的权威形成了挑战,也直接关系到社会主义法治理念的培养。许多奔波在各级法院的涉诉信访人员给家庭和社会带来很大的负担。涉诉信访也具有其积极的一面,通过涉诉信访的解决,可以拉近当政者与普通大众的距离,涉诉信访也是人民行使民主监督权力的重要渠道。更重要的是,涉诉信访制度的存在为涉诉信访人员提供了一个宣泄的窗口,通过这种形式的减压使社会得以平稳发展。涉诉信访所透露的本质问题是如何处理好畅通的民意表达与维护司法权威的矛盾。法院通过居中裁判来平衡社会利益的。当这种利益分配上的失落者不满法院的裁判时,涉诉信访就产生了。而产生这种现象的原因是多方面的,包括国家立法方面的原因,法律是社会利益资源的分配书,法律的制定直接影响到法院裁判的权威性。司法体制的问题也容易引起涉诉信访,因为司法体制影响到法官是否能够担当居中公正裁判的角色。涉诉信访人自身的原因和社会大众的因素也有可能促使涉诉信访量的增加,这一系列因素的综合就使涉诉信访成为法院工作中的一个难题。解决涉诉信访问题也是一个综合工程,涉诉信访问题的解决宜“疏”不宜“堵”,仅凭法院一家的努力无法彻底解决涉诉信访问题。这种问题的彻底解决,需要全社会共同努力,主要包括宏观和微观两个层面的工作。在宏观上,要加强法治理念的培养,当整个社会法治观念能够真正形成,涉诉信访就会减少甚至消失。其次是要对我国目前的司法体制进行改革,让法院真正成为一个居中裁判的机关而不是政府的一个工具。在微观层面上,要改变我国的四级两审终审制为四级三审终审制。处理涉诉信访的法院也要在制度上大胆创新并加大对涉诉信访的工作力度。只有这样,才能真正处理好涉诉信访问题。

【Abstract】 The settling judicial cases by letters and visits is Proposed firstly in the petition work meeting held by the Supreme People’s Court in Changsha, 2004. In the past, phenomenon already exists that one who dissatisfied with the decision of the court entered into force, through letters and his request to the court to change the original verdict or to reflect the court. The settling judicial cases by letters and visits isolated from other letters and visits, helding a special meeting to study and establishing specialized organizations treat, all of these prove the recent rapid development of the settling judicial cases by letters and visits. Settling judicial cases by letters and visits has a tremendous impact on the original letters and visits theory. In the past, People only focus on the executive letters and visits, Even if the letters and visits about court, it also will be included in the legal petition letters and visits, treated by Politics and Law Committee of Communist Party of China. The settling judicial cases by letters and visits need a corresponding theoretical system distincted from oher theories. The theory of should be taken into account characteristics of the work of the court, and to promote the work of the court in the new period.The settling judicial cases by letters and visits main purpose is to change a court decision who entry into force. he settling judicial cases by letters and visits not only has a negative function,which has challenge on the authority of court, has a direct bearing on the concept of culture with socialist rule of law,has a great burden on the family and the community. On the other hand, The settling judicial cases by letters and visits has its positive function,through the settle ,it can improve the relationship between the general public and those in power,and prove the legitimacy of its existence. What is more important is it can provide a window venting to release pressure.The nature the the settling judicial cases by letters and visits disclose is how to deal with the contradictions between the expression of public opinion and to maintain judicial authority. Court achieve the balance of the interests of the community in neutral. This measure will inevitably touch the interests of the interests of some people with vested interest. when the loser dissatisfied with the court decision, The settling judicial cases by letters and visits produced. there are many reasons for this phenomenon. The first is legislative. The law is the interests of the community on the allocation of resources. The second is judicial system. The third is the letters and visiters. The fourth is community factors.Sloving this problem is a comprehensive engineering. It need guidance .It can’t be sloved only by court and need the whole community to work together. These work Include both macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. In the macroeconomic level, we must strengthen the concept of the rule of law training. Secondly, it is necessary to reform China’s current judicial system. In the microeconomic level, it need change our judicial system of final appeal trial. Secondly, Court must make bold innovations in the system and increase the work on the settling judicial cases by letters and visits. Only in this way can we truly address this issue properly

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期