

Study on Industry Cluster Growth of Chinese Original Animation Industry

【作者】 廖蔚雯

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 动漫产业已成为发展潜力巨大的知识密集型、劳动密集型和资金密集型并存的“朝阳”产业。发展壮大中国原创动漫产业,既是提高国家文化软实力的战略需要,也是我国经济发展的现实需求。当前,中国原创动漫产业成长环境良好,但成长过程中面临原创人才短缺、动漫作品创意不足、产业经营模式风险大、产业政策落实程度不高等问题。对欧美及亚洲动漫产业发达国家的国际比较研究发现,动漫产业集群式成长是国际动漫产业发展的先进经验,值得我国借鉴。实际数据显示,无论在全球层面,还是在国家层面,动漫产业都呈现集聚特征。基于集聚因子的理论演绎亦证明了原创动漫产业集群式成长的合理性。从成长机理来看,原创动漫产业集群在特定地域空间中形成和成长受到需求、要素、产业分工、竞争、政策和机遇等多方因素推动。从成长路径来看,原创动漫产业集群的成长外化为动漫产业的生命周期,集群的成熟度水平反映了集群的成长阶段。本文认为,在超微观的视角下,集群价值网络节点缩小为企业价值链环节,网络联结细化为企业间价值链环节的联系,而网络资源是集群内物流、知识流和资金流的集合。原创动漫产业集群的成长实质是集群超微观价值网络的完善和健全,价值网络完善程度可以衡量产业集群的成熟度。基于产业集群超微观价值网络分析框架,本文建立了原创动漫产业集群成熟度评价模型和三级指标体系,并开发了定性与定量相结合的原创动漫产业集群成熟度综合评价方法。在对我国原创动漫产业集群成长的实际调查分析中,本文考察了湖南动漫产业集群的发展历史和现状,并设计调查问卷,运用以上评价方法进行了湖南动漫产业集群成熟度评价。评价结果表明,湖南原创动漫产业集群还处于形成期。从政策推动的角度,湖南应借鉴国际先进经验,对影响动漫产业集群竞争优势的四种基本要素施加积极影响,促进产业集群成长。在中国原创动漫产业集群成长的总体战略上,应实行地域化和国际化双向互动的战略。集群应首先加强内部联系,注重地域化成长。通过价值链整合、网络联结强化和网络资源扩张三种机制来完善集群价值网络结构。集群还应注重国际化成长。通过国际化,能使中国原创动漫产业集群避免在地域化发展过程中的嵌入性陷阱。我国原创动漫产业集群的国际化成长,应采取以原创为核心,引进资金与技术,承接外包,开发衍生品设计和生产、立足国内市场并逐步拓展国际市场的内向国际化模式。

【Abstract】 Animation Industry has developed with great potential as a knowledge-intensive, labor-intensive and capital-intensive industry. Developing and strengthening Chinese original animation industry is a necessity both for national strategy to enhance cultural soft power and for economic development.Chinese original animation industry is developing in a good environment. However, the shortage of creative talents, lack of creativeness in animation products, high risk in industrial business model and lack of industrial policy implementation are main problems along with its growth. There is a big gap between Chinese and overseas animation industries. Clustered growing is an advanced experience of international animation industries and can be a good reference for Chinese animation industry development.Agglomeration is a characteristic of animation industry growth wherever in global level or in a country level. Theoretic deduction based on agglomeration factor also certifies the reasonableness of clustered growth of Chinese original animation industry. As for growth mechanism, the formation and growth of original animation industry clusters in a certain spatial place is driven by demand, factors, industrial division, competition, policy and opportunities. As for growth path, the growth of Chinese original animation industry cluster exteriorizes itself as the life circle of Chinese animation industry. The degree of cluster maturity indicates the growth stage. In an ultramicroscopic view, the units of cluster value network minifies to the linkages of value chains, the network connections are specified as the linkage connections among value chains, and the network resource is the combination of logistic flow, knowledge flow and capital flow within the cluster. The growth of original animation industry cluster is substantially the improvement and completion of the ultramicroscopic value network of industry cluster. The maturity can be measured by the degree of completion of this value network. Based on the this Ultramicroscopic Value Network Analysis Framework, this research establishes a model and a three-level framework to evaluate the maturity of Chinese original industry cluster, and develops a qualitative and quantitative combined evaluation method for Chinese original animation industry cluster maturity degree evaluation.The research includes a field study of Chinese original animation industry cluster growth. The research investigates the history and current situation of Hunan original animation industry cluster and applies the above mentioned method to evaluate the cluster maturity degree. The result indicates that Hunan original animation industry cluster is still in formative stage. From an aspect of policy motivation, Hunan can promote the animation industry growth by exert positive effect on four factors which influence the competitiveness of animation industry cluster.As for the general growth strategy of Chinese original animation industry cluster, localization and internationalization should be applied. Firstly, the cluster should strengthen its internal linkages and focuses on localized growth. Integration of value chains, enhancement of network linkages and expanse of network resource are three mechanisms to improve the cluster’s value network structure. The cluster should also focuses on internationalized growth. Internationalization can avoid the embedded trap during the localized growth of Chinese original animation cluster. The paper argues that the internationalized growth of Chinese original cluster should take an inward internationalization pattern as to focusing on the original creativeness as the core, abstracting the capital and technology, accepting the sourcing, developing and manufacturing the derivative products, stemming in domestic market and expanding the international market gradually.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】F719;F224
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】3942
  • 攻读期成果