

A Study on Supply Chain Synergy Based on Relationship Capital and Interactive Learning

【作者】 陆杉

【导师】 高阳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,供应链协同成为新的供应链管理战略。供应链协同要求供应链中各节点企业为了提高供应链的整体竞争力而进行彼此协调和相互努力,供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商和客户动态地共享信息,紧密协作,向着共同的目标努力。随着知识经济时代的到来,要求供应链不仅仅是节点企业、技术方法等资源的简单连接,更重要的是实现知识的协同创新。因此,要实现供应链协同,要求各节点企业树立“共赢”意识,在信任和承诺的基础上进行合作;要求节点企业进行信息共享和知识创新。可见,构建基于关系资本和互动学习的供应链协同理论框架,实现供应链关系协同与知识协同创新,对于完善供应链协同方法体系,为供应链的协同管理实践提供理论指导具有重要意义。为此,论文在研究协同学基础理论及供应链协同相关理论的基础上,构建基于关系资本和互动学习的供应链协同理论框架,并通过实证研究,探讨实现供应链关系协同,进而实现供应链知识协同创新,同时对基于关系资本和互动学习的供应链协同性测度进行研究,以提高供应链整体绩效。论文的主要工作和创新如下:(1)论文通过分析协同学理论以及在其基础上发展起来的复杂适应系统理论、和谐管理理论,试图将供应链纳入协同论的研究视野。并在此基础上构建基于关系资本和互动学习的供应链协同理论框架。该理论框架主要包括三个层次:一是核心概念层;二是支撑体系层;三是基础理论层。支撑体系层的两个组成部分,即关系资本与互动学习之间存在着密切的相互关系。以相互信任为基础的关系资本有助于促进供应链组织内部及组织之间的交互学习,建立和保持长期稳定的知识交流,实现知识共享并共同创造新的知识。互动学习则能增强企业内部员工之间以及企业之间的信任,进而丰富关系资本的积累,形成良性循环。该理论框架是指,供应链的协同体系由经济网络、社会网络和知识网络复合而成,协同关系的建立和维系既需要依靠人际关系或社会交往方面的因素,还需要通过供应链间的互动学习与知识创新来实现。(2)从社会资本的“关系维”维度探讨了供应链关系资本的内涵,然后对供应链关系资本的影响因素及其与供应链协同之间的关系进行实证分析。通过实证分析得出的主要结论是:供应链的关系资本对供应链协同合作目标的实现有显著的促进作用。供应链关系资本影响因素按其影响程度排列依次为供应商声誉、专用资产投入、转移成本和供应商能力,而组织适应性的影响则不显著。总结分析结果,提出实践中要实现供应链关系协同,应重视发展与合作伙伴的互信与承诺、增加专用性资产投资、建立声誉机制、考虑与供应商的能力匹配等。(3)通过分析供应链互动学习的动力机制,提出了供应链互动学习的动力模型和过程模型。在深入分析供应链知识协同的基础上,从知识、组织和文化三个方面构建了供应链知识协同共享的实现机制。通过对供应链知识创新与企业内部知识创新之间的差异分析,提出了供应链协同知识创新的改进的SECI模型。研究组织学习与协同知识创新的能动过程,基于系统动力学原理对供应链组织学习的四个层次进行分析。最后结合丰田供应链知识协同创新的案例分析,指出我国供应链企业在知识协同创新上的不足,提出了实现供应链知识共享和协同创新的若干建议。(4)构建了基于关系资本和互动学习的供应链协同性测度模型,并对其进行了案例分析。该供应链协同性测度模型可从子系统的序参量系统有序度的变化中把握供应链整体系统的协调状况,检验现实中的供应链系统协同程度的特征与变化的趋势,提供了一种对供应链系统实施协同管理的度量准则或评价标准。在模型指标赋权上,引入多专家共同评估的群组决策方法,将判断矩阵一致性比例赋权和专家聚类赋权法相结合,在类内采用一致性比例赋权,类间采用专家聚类赋权的方法,有效消除专家组在评判时的主观性,使评估结果更加真实可靠。计算出各子系统(要素)的有序度,然后求出供应链系统协同度。最后对以三一重工股份有限公司为核心企业的供应链进行协同性测度的案例研究,论证了该指标体系和模型的有效性和实用性。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, supply chain synergy has become a new supply chain management strategy. Supply chain synergy requires the node enterprises in the supply chain to coordinate and make efforts with each other to improve the overall competitiveness of the supply chain. Suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and customers share information dynamically and work closely towards a common goal. In the era of knowledge-based economy, it requires not just the simple connection of the resources such as node businesses in the supply chain and technical skills, more importantly, the knowledge collaborative innovation. Therefore, in order to achieve the supply chain synergy, each of the node enterprises should establish the "win-win" sense and cooperate on the basis of trust and commitment. Also, node enterprises should carry out information sharing and knowledge innovation. So, building a theoretical framework of supply chain synergy based on the relationship capital and interactive learning, realizing the supply chain relationship synergy and knowledge collaborative innovation are of great significance to improve the methods of the supply chain synergy system and to provide theoretical guidance for the supply chain synergy management practices. On the basis of the existing theory of supply chain synergy and the relevant theory, the paper builds up a theoretical framework of supply chain synergy based on the relationship capital and interactive learning, through empirical study to examine the realization of the supply chain relationship synergy, and to realize the innovation of supply chain knowledge synergy. The supply chain synergy measure based on relationship capital and interactive learning was also studied in order to increase the overall performance of supply chain. The main content or possible creativities of the dissertation are as follows:(1) A theoretical framework of supply chain synergy based on the relationship capital and interactive learning has been constructed. By analyzing the synergy theory and its derivative ones of the complex adaptive systems theory and the harmony management theory, the supply chain was brought into the research of synergy theory in an attempt. The framework mainly includes three levels: the first is the layer of the core concept, the second is the layer of support system, and the third is the layer of the fundamental theory. There is a close relationship between the two components of the support system (the relationship capital and the interactive learning). Relationship capital based on mutual trust is helpful to promote the interactive learning in the supply chain organization and between the organizations, establish and maintain long-term and stable exchange of knowledge, and realize the knowledge sharing and create jointly new knowledge. Interactive learning can also enhance the trust among the staff as well as the trust among the enterprises, and rich the accumulation of relationship capital in a virtuous circle. The theoretical framework points out that supply chain synergy system is composed by the economic network, social network and knowledge networks. The establishment and maintenance of synergy may be realized not only by relying on personal networks or social interaction factors, but also by the interactive learning and knowledge innovation among the supply chains.(2) The connotation of supply chain synergy relationship capital was explained from the perspective of "the relationship dimension" of the social capital, and the relevant empirical analysis has been made to study the factors infecting the supply chain relationship capital and the relationship between the relationship capital and supply chain synergy. The conclusions of the empirical analysis are as follows: the relationship capital of supply chain is of a significant role in promoting supply chain synergy. In the order of the impact degree, the factors affecting the relationship capital of supply chain in alignment is respectively the supplier’s reputation, the input of specific capital, transfer costs, supplier capacity. However, its impact on the organization adaptability is not significant. In order to achieve supply chain synergy in practice, the mutual trust and commitment with partners should be attached great importance, investment in specific capital investment should be increased, and it also requires building reputation mechanism and taking the match of supplier’s ability into consideration.(3) The momentum model and the process model of the supply chain interactive learning have been established with the analysis of its momentum mechanism. On the further study of supply chain knowledge synergy, a realization mechanism of supply chain knowledge synergy sharing was built up from three aspects such as knowledge, organization and culture. After the study of the differences between the supply chain knowledge innovation and enterprise knowledge innovation, the SECI model for supply chain synergy knowledge innovation was constructed and improved creatively. The dynamic process of organization learning and synergy knowledge innovation was studies on the analysis of the four levels of supply chain organization learning on the principle of system dynamics. By the analysis of the typical cases on Toyota supply chain knowledge synergy, the deficiency of the supply chain enterprises in China was pointed out, and the several recommendations were made for China’s supply chain business on how to achieve supply chain knowledge-sharing and synergy innovation.(4) The supply chain synergy measure model based on relationship capital and interactive learning has been constructed with case studies as an illustration. The supply chain synergy measure model grasps the coordinating situation by measuring the orderly changes of the parameter ordering system in sub-system, through testing the characteristics of the synergy degree of supply chain system and the changing trends in reality, which can provide a measure or evaluation criteria for implementation of supply chain system management. The multi-level experts group to assess the decision-making methods were performed, the method of proportion of matrix consistency empower was used and combined with the law of empowerment from the cluster of experts. The method of empowers of proportion of consistency was performed in the category, and empowerment from the cluster of experts was used among the categories. In such way, the results of the assessment could be more reliable to eliminate the subjective assessment of experts group effectively. The degree of order of the sub-system (elements) was calculated to obtain degrees of the supply chain synergy system. The supply chain with Sany Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. as the core enterprise was investigated on its synergy measures, on this basis, the validity and feasibility of the index system and models were confirmed theoretically and practically.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1326
  • 攻读期成果