

The Ancient Literature Study of Yin Deficiency Constitution

【作者】 朱星

【导师】 黄政德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 全文从分析体质与阴虚体质的现状入手,通过对古代有关阴虚体质的文献资料进行全面收集与整理,选取了不同历史时期代表医家对阴虚的认识进行述评,指出了各医家对阴虚论述的侧重与不足。对于阴虚体质的形成,先天遗传因素起着决定性的作用,而在遗传因素中尤与母亲的关系最为密切,此外也与情欲房劳过度,长期情志所伤、平素嗜酒以及地理气候环境有关。阴虚体质以小儿、妇女、老人多见,这是它的一个特点。阴虚体质在发病过程中也是稳定性与可变性的统一。阴虚体质与阴虚证既有区别也有联系,正确认识阴虚体质的含义,对于临床认识疾病的病因、病理变化具有重要作用,同时也可以更加有效地指导我们进行辨证、治疗以及养生保健。

【Abstract】 The thesis analyses the current situation of Yin deficiency constitution of human body through the comprehensive collection and reorganization to the ancient related literatures. It adapted the comments on yin deficiency of representative doctors in different historical period and pointed out their focuses and weaknesses.Congenital hereditary factor is the decisive cause in the forming of Yin deficiency constitution. It is especially closest to the mother in the heredity factor. In addition, it is also concerns with the sexual overindulgence, chronic abnormal emotions changes, addicted to alcohol and the geography and climate environment. The Yin deficiency constitution usually be observed among children, women and elderly people. And the Yin deficiency constitution is the unity of stability and the variety during the onset.There are similarities and differences between Yin deficiency constitution and Yin deficiency syndrome. The right recognition of Yin deficiency constitution has a great significance in the clinical practice of etiology and pathogenesis changes. At the same time, it can guide our syndrome differentiation, treatment and regimen more efficiently.
