

Study on Relationships and Models between Wood Properties and Quality of Pulp & Paper of Normal Wood and Tension Wood in Poplar Plantation

【作者】 周亮

【导师】 刘盛全;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以正常生长和偏心生长欧美杨107杨(简称为107杨)木材为研究材料,首先研究两种生长状态部分木材材质指标的的径向变异模式和整体趋势;其次,分别对正常生长杨树中的正常木和偏心生长中的应拉木进行化学组成和制浆造纸性能研究,分析了其化学组成、制浆性能和纸张性能的径向变异模式和整体趋势,并对正常木和应拉木进行了全面比较,再次,以正常木和应拉木的材性和制浆造纸性能径向变异为基础,分析材性与制浆性能和纸张性能之间的关系,并建立了多重线性回归模型。此外,通过对两种生长状态下立木表面轴向生长应变和内部残余轴向应变的研究,分析了生长应变的不同高度、不同周向位置、不同径向位置的变异模式和整体趋势,并结合生长性状和木材性质,分析它们之间的关系。研究得出结果具体如下:1.人工林杨树正常木木材材性研究从木材解剖特性来看,欧美杨107杨是一种非常优良的制浆造纸原料。径向变异研究得出:木射线比量从髓心向外缓慢上升;导管比量从髓心向外略有下降;纤维比量从髓心向外开始保持不变,到第4年轮后开始迅速下降;纤维长度、纤维宽度、长宽比、胞腔径的径向变异整体趋势是从髓心向外开始迅速增长到一定位置后速度开始放缓;壁腔比的整体径向变异趋势是从髓心缓慢下降,达到第4年轮后开始迅速攀升到树皮;微纤丝角的整体径向变异趋势如开口下乡的抛物线,顶点在第4年轮。方差分析的结果表明不同单株、不同年轮之间纤维形态各指标的变异都较大,并且这种影响程度在各指标之间不一致。年轮对导管比量和纤维比量影响显著,对木射线比量影响不显著。从木材化学组成来看,欧美杨107杨同样也是一种非常优良的制浆造纸原料。其径向变异研究得出:纤维素含量和a-纤维素含量径向变异整体趋势是从髓心向外逐渐增加,在第6年轮处曲线趋于平稳;综纤维素含量和1%氢氧化钠抽提物含量整体趋势都是开口向下的抛物线,顶点也都在第5年轮处;苯醇抽提物含量从髓心向外迅速降低;相对结晶度整体径向变异趋势是开口向下的抛物线,顶点在第5年轮和第6年轮之间。方差分析表明化学组成在不同单株和不同年轮之间存在着显著的差异。欧美杨107杨的基本密度偏低,有利于制浆造纸。欧美杨107杨正常木基本密度径向变异的整体趋势线为开口向上的抛物线。方差分析表明木材基本密度在不同单株和不同年轮之间存在着显著的差异。欧美杨107杨生长应变研究显示:立木表面轴向生长应力在树干外围的不同周向位置之间比较的差异不显著,但在不同高度中差异显著。生长拉应力值越大,纤维双壁厚越小,此外随着生长拉应力的增加,轴向的全干干缩率下降。欧美杨107杨内部残余轴向生长应变的整体趋势图如开口向下的抛物线,其顶点在髓心位置处。2.人工林杨树应拉木木材性质研究应拉木在各单株、各年轮之间的分布具有很强的不均匀性。应拉木纤维长度、纤维宽度、长宽比以及木射线比量与正常木之间差异不明显,而微纤丝角度、导管比量要低于正常木,双壁厚、壁腔比要高于正常,且差异在不同水平上显著。偏心生长的欧美杨107杨应拉木区和对应木区木材解剖特性径向变异研究得出:应拉木区木射线整体径向变异模式是从髓心向外以一定速度下降;导管比量从髓心向外一直保持持续增长的趋势:纤维比量在第1(2)年轮和第4年轮之间基本保持不变,随后才有微弱的下降。应拉木区中和对应木区中的纤维长度径向上整体基本为持续增长的趋势;纤维宽度、壁腔比、双壁厚从髓心开始保持较缓速度增长;腔径在第1(2)年轮和第4年轮之间基本保持不变,随后开始缓慢上升;长宽比径向变异的整体趋势如开口向下的抛物线,其顶点位置在第5年轮处;应拉木区中的微纤丝角径从髓心向外逐渐降低;对应木区的微纤丝角度整体径向变异趋势如开口向下抛物线,且第4年轮是抛物线的顶点。各解剖特性在不同单株和不同年轮比较中得出的结果存在不同点,纤维长度、宽度、双壁厚、微纤丝角、胞腔径均显示出较大差异性,而长宽比却没有差异。木材组织比量中只有应拉木区中的纤维比量在不同单株和不同年轮中差异显著。应拉木的纤维素含量和a-纤维素含量远高于正常木得到的数值,木材相对结晶度略高于正常木,因此木素含量和1%氢氧化钠抽提物含量相对应的较低,而综纤维素含量基本没有变化。不同单株和不同年轮之间的化学组成和相对结晶度都存在较大差异性。应拉木区密度要高于正常木木材基本密度。应拉木区基本密度的整体径向变异趋势为:从髓心向外保持平稳,从第4年轮后呈现迅速上升的趋势,一直到树皮。不同单株和不同年轮对应拉木区木材基本密度的影响显著。偏心生长立木生长应力周向变化趋势为,整个树干外围主要生长应力形式主要以拉应力为主,并且倾斜树干最上部或弯曲树干最凸处的生长应力为拉应力的最大值,倾斜最下部或弯曲树干最凹处的生长应力为拉应力最小值或部分单株出现了压应力。不同单株、不同周向位置之间的生长应变差异性较大,而同一单株不同高度之间差异不明显。立木表面轴向生长应变与木材材质之间关系研究得出,生长应力拉应力越大,双壁厚、壁腔比、轴向全干干缩率、径向全干干缩率、弦向全干干缩率均显著增加,纤维宽度和腔径显著减少。偏心生长木材内部残余轴向生长应变的径向变异整体模式如开口向下的抛物线,顶点在髓心处,从散点图来看,应拉木区树干外围若干年轮的应变值要小于对应木区相对应的年轮,说明应拉木区树干外围的生长拉应力大于对应木区相对对应的位置。3人工林杨树正常木和应拉木制浆造纸性能研究在正常木制浆条件实验中,欧美杨107杨的制浆性能处于中等水平,制浆得率从髓心向外迅速增加,到第6年轮后是出现微弱下降。卡泊值整体趋势是如开口向上的抛物线,卡泊值从髓心向外开始逐渐降低,到第4年轮时出现最低值,随后逐渐上升。根据制浆性能关系相关木材性质和制浆造纸性能的径向变异模式和整体趋势,本文欧美杨107杨纸浆林的轮伐期要长于6年。不同单株对制浆得率的影响不显著,而对卡泊值的影响显著;年轮对制浆得率的影响显著,而对卡泊值的影响不显著。抗张指数的径向变异整体变化趋势为从髓心向外逐渐增加,到第5年轮后开缓慢下降;撕裂指数在生长轮初期主要还是保持一个较为平稳的缓慢上升的状态,到第4、5年轮之间保持基本不变,随后在第6年轮后迅速攀升;耐破指数的径向变异整体趋势与抗张指数较为类似,从髓心向外迅速增加至第5年轮,随后开始缓慢下降。本文认为如果以纸张性能最大化目标,欧美杨107杨纸浆林最佳轮伐期要不能超过5年。因此,综合制浆性能和纸张性能的径向变异结果,木文认为欧美杨107杨纸浆林的最佳轮伐期应该6-7年。不同年轮之间和不同单株之间各纸张性能指标均差异显著。与正常木相比可以明显看出,应拉木制浆得率较高,纸浆卡泊值较低。不同单株之间制浆得率和卡泊值的差异不显著;年轮对制浆得率的影响显著,而对卡泊值的影响不显著。从应拉木纸张性能检测性能可以看出,应拉木制作的纸张抗张指数和耐破指数较正常木来说要差的多,但是撕裂指数差别不大。不同年轮之间应拉木各纸张性能指标除耐破指数外均差异显著,应拉木单株之间的各项纸张性能指标均差异显著。随着打浆转数的提高,应拉木纸浆打浆度开始迅速提高;随着打浆转数的提高,应拉木纸张抗张指数和耐破指数首先增加迅速,随后速度趋于平缓;应拉木纸张撕裂指数随着打浆转数的提高先是出现微弱的提高,然后撕裂指数开始下降。12000转后,应拉木纸张抗战指数和耐破指数已经被提高到与正常木较为相同的水平,但是整体上看仍然会低于正常木纸张,此外,打浆转数的增加对应拉木纸张性能提高具有一定的上限,过高的打浆转数对纸张性能有所损耗。4.人工林杨树正常木和应拉木木材性质与制浆造纸性能关系及模型研究在正常木木材性质与制浆性能相互关系得出:木材化学组成的综纤维素含量(Χ1)、纤维素含量(Χ3)、a-纤维素含量(Χ4)、木材相对结晶度(Χ8)、1%氢氧化钠抽提物含量(Χ6)之间存在显著的正相关关系,与苯醇抽提物含量(Χ7)和木材基本密度(Χ9)之间也存在显著的负相关关系或负偏相关关系(年轮数为控制变量,下同),与半纤维素含量(Χ2)、木射线比量(Χ10)之间关系不显著。卡泊值与木素含量(Χ5)、木材基本密度、导管比量(Χ11)存在显著的正相关关系,与纤维比量(Χ12)之间的负相关关系也显著。在应拉木木材性质与制浆性能相互关系得出:制浆得率与纤维素含量、a-纤维素含量、综纤维素含量、木材结晶度、木材密度、纤维比量、年轮数、含胶质纤维比例指标之间存在显著的正相关关系;与1%氢氧化钠抽提物含量、木素含量、苯醇抽提物含量存在显著的负相关关系。卡泊值与a-纤维素含量之间存在显著的负相关关系,与其余指标相关性均不显著。采用主成分分析提取所有与制浆性能相关材性指标的主成分,再利用主成分对分别对正常木、应拉木和整体木材制浆得率和卡泊值进行多重线性回归,得到材质指标对制浆得率和卡泊值的经验回归模型。正常木材性与制浆性能线性回归模型:制浆得率(%)=0.615χ1-0.583χ2+1.23χ3+1.203χ4-0.380χ5+1.380χ6-0.357χ7+0.790χ8-0.050χ9-0.231χ10+0.139χ11+0.074χ12+140.438(**)卡伯值=0.146χ1-0.292χ2 +0.095χ3 +0.114χ4 +0.620χ5 -0.398χ6 -0.106χ7 +0.017χ8+0.070χ9-0.022χ10+0.890χ11-0.670χ12+17.962 (ns)应拉木木材性与制浆性能线性回归模型:制浆得率=0.1924χ1-0.5096χ2 +2.5002χ3 +4.2296χ4 -0.7326χ5 +1.0323χ6 -.01054χ7+1.8616χ8+0.021χ9-0.1664χ10-08759χ11+1.0424χ12+163.9981(***)卡泊值=1.2136χ1 +0.0784χ2-1.2501χ3 -2.5502χ4 +0.4884χ5 +0.2997χ6-0.062χ7-1.074χ8-0.008χ9+0.1976χ10+0.5968χ11-0.7923χ12+23.1694 (ns)材性与制浆性能整体线性回归模型制浆得率=2.703χ1-1.880χ2+5.846χ3 +5.085χ4-2.3912χ5 -0.108χ6-0.632χ7 +3.177χ8-0.019χ9 -0.191χ10+2.415χ11+0.678χ12-100.4062(***)卡泊值=-0.5456χ1+3.3528χ2-3.7χ3 -3.1188χ4+2.2736χ5+1.3283χ6+0.144χ7-1.9228χ8-0.016χ9-0.371χ10+1.6744χ11-1.1951χ12-100.4062(***)在正常木木材性质与制浆性能相互关系得出:抗张强度与纤维长度(Χ1)、纤维宽度(Χ2)、纤维长宽比(Χ3)、胞腔径(Χ4)、纤维比量(Χ10)、木材结晶度(Χ11)之间存在正的显著相关性或偏相关性,与木材基本密度(Χ12)、双壁厚(Χ5)、壁腔比(Χ6)、导管比量(Χ9)之间的负相关系数或偏相关系数均显著,与微纤丝角(Χ7)、木射线比量(Χ8)之间相关性不显著。耐破指数与纤维宽度,胞腔径显著正相关;与双壁厚和壁腔比之间的显著负偏相关。撕裂指数与双壁厚、纤维长度、纤维长宽比、壁腔比、木材基本密度的正相关关系显著。由于应拉木木材性质与纸张性能受到了应拉木存在的不均匀性影响,无法得出显著的相关性,因此也未进行多重线性回归模型研究。材质指标对制浆得率和卡泊值的经验回归模型为:正常木材性与纸张性能线性回归模型:抗张指数=340.524χ1 +2.037χ2 +10.627χ3+1.714χ4 +0.109χ5 -0.011χ6-0.311χ7+2.794χ8-3.864χ9+3.993χ10+1.260χ11-0.0313χ12+2288.786(**)撕裂指数=57.962χ1 +0.244χ2 +1.837χ3 -0.071χ4 +0.258χ5 +0.018χ6 -1.246χ7+0.121χ8-0.222χ9+0.099χ10+0.034χ11+0.913χ12+355.325(**)耐破指数=1359.080χ1+8.259χ2+41.131χ3+8.366χ4-0.707χ5-0.158χ6+11.176χ7-4.422χ8-7.256χ9+11.061χ10+7.039χ11-0.136χ12+8643.946(ns)材性与纸张性能整体线性回归模型:抗张指数=0.184χ1 +0.056χ2 +0.122χ3 +0.257χ4 -0.212χ5 -0.218χ6+0.054χ7 -0.067χ8 -0.080χ9 +0.097χ10 -0.154χ11 -0.099χ12 +74.046(***)撕裂指数=0.140χ1+0.097χ2+0.105χ3 -0.004χ4 +0.079χ5 +0.039χ6 +0.034χ7+0.060χ8+0.024χ9-0.213χ10+0.055χ11+0.014χ12+10.987(*)耐破指数=0.100χ1 -0159χ2 +0.042χ3 +0.238χ4 -0.202χ5 -0.210χ6+0.073χ7-0.042χ8-0.046χ9 +0.057χ10 -0.156χ11 -0.139χ12 +451.240(***)

【Abstract】 Normal growth and eccentric growth poplar clone 107( Populus×euramericana cv. ’Neva’) were selected for studying materials in this paper. At first, the radial variation pattern and trend of selected wood properties from both normal growth and eccentric growth poplar tree were concluded. Secondly, normal wood from normal growth poplar tree and tension wood from eccentric growth poplar tree were distinguished form other wood by combination stained method and "fuzzy appearance " method, and chopped out for determining wood chemical composition and ability f chemical pulp processing and quality of handsheet. Radial variation pattern and trend of chemical composition and quality of pulp and paper were also induced of both normal wood and tension wood. Furthermore, comparison of normal wood and tension wood of properties above was analyzed. Thirdly, according to the research result of radial variation of materials stated, relationship between wood properties and quality of pulp and paper were further analyzed, and Multiple Linear Regression method was utilized to establish experiential mathematic model for estimated pulp and paper qualities based on wood properties. Fourthly, surface longitudinal growth strain of standing tree and inner residual longitudinal growth strain of felled tree was determined at both normal growth and eccentric growth poplar clone 107 trees. Variation patterns and trends of different heights, different periphery positions and different radial positions were concluded. Furthermore, relationship between growth strain and tree growth characters and wood properties were analyzed. All results were listed as follows:1. Wood properties of normal wood of poplar clone 107According to anatomical properties of poplar clone 107, the clone was one of excellent materials for pulp and paper use. The result of radial variation showed: ray tissue proportion was increasing slowly from pith to bark, vessel tissue proportion was decreasing slightly outward, fiber tissue proportion was stable from pith since the fourth growth ring, and it was decreasing sharply later. Fiber length, fiber width, and ratio of fiber length to width were increasing from pith to outward firstly, and then keep stable when the each of them arrive a certain number. Runkel ratio was decreasing slowly at first, when it arrived at the fourth growth ring, the value of Runkel ratio increasing sharply outward. The shape of general variation trend of microfibrill angle was similar to parabola with downward opening, and the maximum located at the fourth growth ring. ANOVA shown that fiber morphological characters were significant varied among different tress and different growth rings, and the level of significant was different among different characters. Effect of growth ring on vessel tissue proportion and fiber tissue proportion was significant, when it comes to ray tissue proportion, the result was insignificant.According to wood chemical composition, poplar clone was also considered as a excellent materials for pulp and paper use. The radial variation trend of each chemical component was induced, and it listed as follows. Cellulose content and a-cellulose content was increasing from pith to outside. And, it kept stable at the sixth growth ring later. The trend curve of holo-cellulose and 1 % sodium hydroxide extractives content is similar to a parabola with downward opening, and the maximum is at the fifth growth ring. Benzene-alcohol extractives content is decreasing from pith to bark. The general radial trend of wood crystallinity formed a parabola with downward opening, and the maximum data located between the fifth growth ring and sixth growth ring. The variance analysis suggested that individual tree and growth ring affected wood chemical component significantly. Oven dry wood density of poplar clone 107 was relative lower than other poplar clones, and it means poplar clone 107 is more suitable for pulp and paper use. The radial variation trend of oven dry wood density formed a parabola with upward opening. The effect of individual tree and growth ring on oven dry wood density was significant.Growth strain of poplar clone 107 also was determined and the variation pattern and trend at different height, different periphery position was analyzed. The result indicated that surface growth strain from different periphery position varied insignificantly, however, it difference among different height was apparent. Double cell wall width of fiber and longitudinal shrinkage was deceased when the growth tensile growth increasing. The general radial variation trend curve of inner residue longitudinal growth strain was similar to parabola with downward opening, and the maximum of strain located at the pith.2. Wood properties of tension wood of poplar clone 107Distribution of tension wood among different trees and different growth ring was greatly uneven. Comparison of fiber length, fiber width, and the ratio of fiber length to fiber width, and ray tissue proportion was absurd, but, normal wood had bigger microfibril angle and vessel tissue proportion than tension wood, and tension wood had advantage at double width of cell wall and Runkel ratio, and the difference was significant at several different levels. Radial variation of anatomical properties both at tension wood zone and opposite wood zone of eccentric growth poplar clone 107 tree were concluded. The ray tissue proportion was deceasing at a certain speed at tension wood zone, and vessel tissue proportion was growing from pith to bark at same zone. Fiber tissue proportion kept stable between pith to the fourth growth increments, and deceased slightly later at tension wood zone. Fiber length both from tension wood zone and opposite wood zone were generally increasing from pith to outward, and fiber width, Runkel ratio, and double cell wall width also hold same trend at tension wood zone, but the variation trend curve was more plane. Diameter of lumen kept at same lever from the first growth ring to the fourth, and deceased later at tension wood zone. Radial variation trend curve of ratio of fiber length to fiber width at tension woo zone was like a parabola with downward opening, and the maximum of vlaue located at the fourth growth ring. At tension wood zone, microfibril angle was decreasing from pith to bark, however, it radial trend curve at opposite wood was similar to ratio of fiber length to fiber width’s curve. Degree of difference of several anatomical properties among different trees and different growth increments varied slightly. Fiber length, fiber width, double cell wall width, microfibrill angle and diameter of lumen were significantly varied among trees and growth rings, however the comparison of ratio of fiber length to fiber width was unapparent. Only fiber tissue proportion of all tissue proportion was significantly varied among trees and growth rings.Tension wood had dramatically higher cellulose content, a-cellulose content than normal wood, and wood crystallinity was little higher than normal wood. So, normal wood had higher lignin content and 1% sodium hydroxide extractives content than tension wood accordingly. When it came to holo-cellulose content, it is quite similar between two different wood types. The effect of individual tree and growth increment on wood chemical composition and wood crystallinity was significant. Tension wood had higher oven dry wood density than normal wood, and the wood density at tension wood zone held at same level between pith and the fourth growth ring, and then increased sharply. Variance analysis also suggested that oven dry wood density varied significantly among different trees and growth increments.Tensile growth stress mainly existed at periphery of eccentric growth poplar tree, and the maximum value located at the upper side of leaned tree or protuberant side of bended tree. The tensile growth stress was decreasing from the upper side to lower side or from protuberant side to concave side, and even compressive growth stress was detected at lower side of leaned tree or protuberant side of bended tree. Furthermore, the comparison of growth stress among different trees and different periphery positions were significant. However, different height of some tree had not significant effect on growth stress. The relationship between surface longitudinal growth stress of living tree and wood characters was analyzed, and the result shown that double cell wall width, Runkel ration, oven dry longitudinal shrinkage, oven dry radial shrinkage, and tangential shrinkage was increased when the tensile growth stress was growing. Fiber width and diameter of lumen was decreased conversely. Radial trend of inner residual longitudinal growth strain of fallen log of eccentric growth poplar tree formed parabola with upward opening, and the summit situated at pith. From scatted doc diagram, the growth strain at tension wood zone was lower than opposite wood zone at their outmost growth ring, and that indicated that tensile growth stress at periphery of tension wood zone was higher than it at corresponding position of opposite wood zone.3. Quality of pulp and paper both of normal wood and tension wood of poplar clone 107Compare with other poplar clone, the ability of chemical pulp processing of normal wood poplar clone 107 situated at middle level. Pulp yield was increasing from pith to outward at first, and slightly deceasing at the sixth growth ring. Radial trend curve is similar to parabola with upward opening, the minimum value located at the fourth growth ring. Based on radial variation pattern of selected wood properties and chemical pulpability of normal wood, it was suggested that the rotation age of poplar clone 107 tree should more than 6 years for more pulp yield and better quality of pulp. Effect of individual tree on pulp yield was insignificant, but significant effect was found on kappa value. Pulp yield significant varied among different growth ring, however, the same significance had not found for kappa value.Tensile strength index of normal wood handsheet had a general radial variation trend curve, and it was like a downward opening parabola which summit located at the fourth growth ring. Tear strength index was increasing from pith to the third growth ring, and then kept stable for several rings, and was increasing quickly since the fifth growth ring at last. Radial variation trend of bursting strength index formed a parabola with downward opening shape, and the summit located at the fifth growth ring. Based on general variation pattern and trend of paper quality related wood properties and paper quality itself, it was suggested that the rotation age of poplar clone 107 tree should shorter than 5years for obtaining high quality paper. Combining suggestion from pulpability research and from handsheet quality research, the general conclusion of prime rotation age of poplar clone 107 tree was six years or seven years according to researching result of this paper. Growth ring significant affected all three quality index of handsheet. However, when it came to individual tree, tensile strength index and tear strength index was still hold the significance, but difference of bursting strength index among trees was unapparent.Tension wood had higher pulp yield and lower kappa value than normal wood. Both difference of pulp yield and kappa value among trees were insignificant. The effect of growth ring on pulp yield was significant, but kappa value was not same. Normal wood was higher than tension wood at tensile strength index and Bursting strength index, and the tear strength index was quite same between two different woods. All three paper quality index significant varied among different trees, and also among different growth rings except for bursting strength index. Along with increasing of stirring revolution, the freeness of pulp of tension wood was decreasing continuously, and tensile strength index of tension wood handsheet was increasing sharply at first few levels and then kept stable. Under the same circumference, tear strength index of tension wood handsheet was improved at first and was decreasing later. Bursting strength index of tension wood handsheet was increasing continuously. After 12000 revolutions stirring, tensile strength index and Bursting strength index of tension wood paper was improved to same level of paper of normal wood, however, tension wood still had lower quality of paper than normal wood comprehensively. In addition, the improvement of quality of tension wood paper had a upper limit, because more revolution is harmful to quality of paper.4. Modeling relationship between wood properties and pulpability and quality of paper both of normal wood and tension wood.The result of research of correlation and partial correlation (control growth ring, the follow is same) between selected wood properties and wood pulpability of normal wood shown that pulp yield was significant positive correlated with holo-celluslose content (Χ1) , cellulose content(Χ3), a-cellulose content (Χ4), wood crystanillity (Χ8), 1% sodium hydroxide extractives content(Χ6), and significant negative correlation or partial correlation were found between pulp yield and benzene-alcohol extractives content (Χ7, oven dry wood density(Χ9). There are no apparent correlation or partial correlation were detected between pulp yield and semi-cellulose content (Χ2) and ray tissue proportion (Χ10). Positive correlations were found between Kappa value and lignin content(Χ5), oven dry wood density, vessel tissue proportion (Χ11) , and conversely correlations were found between Kappa value and fiber tissue proportion. The result of research of correlation and partial correlation (control growth ring, the follow is same) between selected wood properties and wood pulpability of tension wood shown that pulp yield was significant positive correlated with holo-celluslose content, cellulose content, a-cellulose content, wood crystanillity, oven dry wood density, fiber tissue proportion, and significant negative correlation or partial correlation were found between pulp yield and benzene-alcohol extractives content, 1% sodium hydroxide extractives content, lignin content. There are no significant correlation was found between Kappa value and selected wood properties except negative correlation with a-cellulose content.Principal component analysis was utilized for reducing number of selected wood properties. When the first few principal components were extracted, multiple liner regression was implemented for modeling relationship between wood pulpability and extracted principal components. Whereafter, the liner regression model between selected wood properties and wood pulpability was established by further calculation. The liner evaluation model for pulp yield and kappa value based on selected wood quality was listed as follows:Model of normal woodPulp·yield =0.615χ1-0.583χ2+1.23χ3+1.203χ4-0.380χ5+1.380χ6-0.357χ7+0.790χ8-0.050χ9-0.231χ10+0.139χ11+0.074χ12+140.438(**)Kappa·value =0.146χ1-0.292χ2 +0.095χ3 +0.114χ4 +0.620χ5 -0.398χ6 -0.106χ7 +0.017χ8+0.070χ9-0.022χ10+0.890χ11-0.670χ12+17.962 (ns)Model of tension woodPulp·yield =0.1924χ1-0.5096χ2 +2.5002χ3 +4.2296χ4 -0.7326χ5 +1.0323χ6 -.010 54χ7+1.8616χ8+0.021χ9-0.1664χ10-08759χ11+1.0424χ12+163.9981(***) Kappa·value =1.2136χ1 +0.0784χ2-1.2501χ3 -2.5502χ4 +0.4884χ5 +0.2997χ6-0.062χ7-1.074χ8-0.008χ9+0.1976χ10+0.5968χ11-0.7923χ12+23.1694 (ns)Comprehensive Model of all woodPulp·yield =2.703χ1-1.880χ2+5.846χ3 +5.085χ4-2.3912χ5 -0.108χ6-0.632χ7 +3.177χ8-0.019χ9 -0.191χ10+2.415χ11+0.678χ12-100.4062(***)Kappa·value =-0.5456χ1+3.3528χ2-3.7χ3 -3.1188χ4+2.2736χ5+1.3283χ6+0.144χ7-1.9228χ8-0.016χ9-0.371χ10+1.6744χ11-1.1951χ12-100.4062(***)The result of research of correlation and partial correlation (control growth ring, the follow is same) between selected wood properties and quality of paper of normal wood shown that positive significant correlation was found between tensile strength index with fiber length (Χ1), fiber width (Χ2), ratio of fiber length to fiber width(Χ3), diameter of lumen(Χ4), fiber tissue proportion(Χ10), wood crystanillity(Χ11), and negative significant correlation with oven dry wood density(Χ12), double cell wall width(Χ5), Runkel ratio(Χ6), vessel tissue proportion(Χ9), and there were no significant correlation with mcirofibrill angle(Χ7), ray tissue proportion(Χ8). Significant positive correlations were found between bursting strength index and fiber width, and diameter of lumen, and significant negative correlation were found between double cell wall width and Runkel ratio. Tear strength index significant positive correlated with double cell wall width, fiber length, ratio of fiber length to fiber width, Runkel ratio, and oven dry wood density. Because of uneven distribution of tension wood among different tree and different growth, the correlation between wood quality and quality of paper was insignificant, so, the liner regression model had not calculated at this paper.The liner evaluation model for three quality index of paper based on selected wood quality was listed as follows:Model of normal wood:Tensile·strength-index =340.524χ1 +2.037χ2 +10.627χ3+1.714χ4 +0-109χ5 -0.011χ6-0.311χ7+2.794χ8-3.864χ9+3.993χ10+1.260χ11-0.0313χ12+2288.786(**)Tear·strength·index =57.962χ1 +0.244χ2 +1.837χ3 -0.071χ4 +0.258χ5 +0.018χ6 -1.246χ7+0.121χ8-0.222χ9+0.099χ10+0.034χ11+0.913χ12+355.325(**)Bursting·strength·index =1359.080χ1+8.259χ2+41.131χ3+8.366χ4-0.707χ5-0.158χ6+11.176χ7-4.422χ8-7.256χ9+11.061χ10+7.039χ11-0.136χ12+8643.946(ns)Comprehensive model of all wood:Tensile·strength·index =0.184χ1 +0.056χ2 +0.122χ3 +0.257χ4 -0.212χ5 -0.218χ6+0.054χ7 -0.067χ8 -0.080χ9 +0.097χ10 -0.154χ11 -0.099χ12 +74.046(***)Tear·strength·index =0.140χ1+0.097χ2+0.105χ3 -0.004χ4 +0.079χ5 +0.039χ6 +0.034χ7+0.060χ8+0.024χ9-0.213χ10+0.055χ11+0.014χ12+10.987(*)Bursting·strength ? index =0.100χ1 -0159χ2 +0.042χ3 +0.238χ4 -0.202χ5 -0.210χ6+0.073χ7-0.042χ8-0.046χ9 +0.057χ10 -0.156χ11 -0.139χ12 +451.240(***)
