

Study on Landscape Evolution of Urban Public Space

【作者】 耿美云

【导师】 王宏燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化和新媒体的发展使越来越多的城市公共空间面临景观趋同、特色丧失、景观乏味老化、经营困难等问题。作为一个城市的重要展示窗口,城市公共空间不但是市民休闲活动、亲近自然的公共场所,同时也是反映城市文化特色的重要载体。具有文化特色的公共空间景观能够为人们提供一个更有趣味、更有内涵的景观空间,以景观的形式将城市的特色文化良好地表达、更新和传承下来,对于城市文化特色的形成也具有重要意义。景观的灵魂在于文化的底蕴,营造一片富有活力和特色的城市公共空间,离不开对城市文化的孜孜探索。城市文化有着自身的发展特点,很难从一个时期的文化或某个具体角度的研究来深刻把握。而城市公共空间景观规划研究又是一个复杂的、包罗万象的课题,涉及到城市规划、景观规划设计、城市文化学、社会学等多个学科知识,内容复杂,体系庞大。一直以来,关于城市文化特色和城市公共空间的研究都苦于没有一个很好的视点,准确地把握城市公共空间景观特色的发展脉搏,找到城市景观特色丧失的解决之道。文化生态学的发展为我们研究城市公共空间景观和城市文化的契合提供了一个新的思路。通过城市文化的历史发展脉络来认识城市文化,可以让我们更深刻地理解城市,理解城市中的人们,理解城市中的人们对城市公共空间的使用和需要。城市公共空间按照不同使用功能的分类方式划分,分为城市公园、城市街道、城市广场、商业步行街和河道,这些公共空间是城市对外的主要窗口,是城市文化的主要展示橱窗,是城市市民和旅游者接触次数最多、接触面最广的部分,它们的发展过程对城市景观的发展来说最具有代表性,因此也最值得研究。本文从城市公共空间的中观层面,通过生态学——侵移、突变等等系统进化方式,分析城市公共空间景观的发展演化过程;所选择的研究对象——天津市和南宁市,天津市由于地处京畿门户,历来都是兵家必争之地,尤其是鸦片战争以来先后成为九国的殖民地,历史文化复杂,文化的交流碰撞强烈:南宁市则地处中国西南,历来山高水远,交通不便,因此能保持独特的民族文化。这两个城市因其独特的地理、人文环境和城市文化发展史,在城市公共空间景观发展过程中,呈现给中国城市公共空间景观的典型特征,同时又不失其独特之处,具有较高的研究价值。论文突破以往就文化谈文化的研究局限,本文创造性地将文化生态学的理论方法引入到南宁市和天津市的城市文化和城市公共空间景观的演进研究中,从文化历史发展纵向上深入探讨城市文化发展对公共空间景观的影响,从而更加准确地把握城市文脉和公共空间景观的发展趋势,这也是本论文最突出的亮点和创新点。论文经过详细的研究,最终得出以下成果:1)研究过程中,首先借助文化生态学的理论方法,建立了由“城市公共空间景观”、“城市文化”、“人”构成的三边互动系统——“公共空间文化生态系统”。2)利用历史考察法,从天津市和南宁市的地方志、城市年鉴和每个阶段的发展规划以及园林局每年建设规划的资料中,从浩如烟海的历史和城市资料中,整理出城市景观发展的过程;3)利用系统复合法,从景观构成的主要要素——建筑、水体、地形、植物等方面,从社会、文化、经济、技术、生态等等复合视角,繁杂的历史文献中找出相关的部分,通过历史发展的痕迹找寻出与本论文相关的有说服力的资料,通过系统复合法还原出城市公共空间景观的发展轨迹;4)通过理论分析法,将资料中搜寻出的相关历史资料进行系统的分析,分别对天津市和南宁市不同的文化发展阶段的城市文化特征和进化过程、公共空间景观发展状况和特色进行陈述,并依据景观生态学的理论和生态进化的方式方法,对天津市和南宁市的公共空间文化生态系统的外部支持系统、景观文化特色的演变发展和城市公共空间景观演变过程进行多角度的分析,特别是某些重要的城市文化和城市公共空间景观特征的成因和发展走向进行分析,说明景观形式、功能特色的成因和发展走向,并提出现阶段南宁市和天津市城市公共空间景观中存在的问题,提炼出天津市和南宁市的景观特色因素。根据大量的历史资料得出的城市公共空间景观演化过程的结果,以及提炼出的城市景观文化特色是经过大浪淘沙之后遗留下来的,比较有代表性和说服力,代表了历史的发展轨迹。5)再根据历史的发展过程,进行了两个城市公共空间景观发展演替的比较,得出两个城市公共空间景观发展的相同点和不同点,以及两个城市公共空间景观发展中存在的问题,并预测出两城市公共空间景观的总体发展趋势及景观文化特色的发展趋势,进而提出促进天津市和南宁市公共空间景观良性演变的对策和实现手段。6)最后,以天津市和南宁市的公园景观规划设计作为实例研究,对理论研究进行实践验证,通过实例中的景观设计给天津市和南宁市城市公共空间特色景观的营造手段,特别是特色景观中对本土文化和民族文化的抽象提炼方法提供一些思路,以实践深化理论研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization and new media, more and more cities are facing with the problems of convergences on urban public spaces, loss of landscapes characteristics, landscapes out of fashion, defficiency of funds and so on. As an important way to show the city itself, urban public-spaces not only supply an entertainment place for people, but also it is an important carrier to show urban characteristics. Public-spaces landscapes with cultural characteristics could be of great significance in the formation process of urban culture.The soul of the landscapes lies in the contents of the culture. Thus, the establishment of urban public spaces relies on the study on the culture. It is hard to study precisely culture from certain aspects at certain time for its dynamic devlopment process. Study on landscapes planning in urban public spaces involves in series of complicated subjects and systematic contents, such as urban planning science, planning and designing science on landscapes, urban cultural science, sociology and so on. For a long time, to seek for a suitable way on the research of urban cultural characteristics and urban public spaces is of great difficulties. It might be the key to know the loss reasons of urban landscapes characteristics and the methods to solve it.Cultural ecology supplies a new way for us to know the urban public spaces landscapes and urban culture. Only through it could we deeply understand the soul of the city and people living in it, and the necessity of urban public spaces as well.According to different functions, urban public spaces could be divided into several parts as urban parks, urban streets, urban squares, pedestrain streets for shopping and waterways. They are the windows to the outside, the main ways to reveal the urban cultures, and the places residents and travellers facing most frequently. Their development process is most representative in urban landscapes in future. Thus, research on it is of great necessity.Tianjin city and NanNing city were selected as two research objects in the paper. Tianjin city lies to the southeast of BeiJing city, for its unique location with complicated historical culture, many army forces were interested in it since years ago. As the colony of nine foreign countries in the opium war, communications on culture were significant. For their unique development history in geography, cultural environment and urban culture, they would supply us the special characteristics and great values in the development process of urban public spaces landscapes.This thesis avoided the defficiencies of traditional limitations by the topics. Cultural ecology theory was adopted to indicate the evolution process on urban culture and public spaces landscapes in Tianjin city and NanNing city originally. It could show us the development process of urban public spaces landscapes from series of documents. As the core of this research, effect on public spaces landscapes caused by urban culture could be indicated from all aspects as well to guide the future development trend precisely.Based on systematic research, following results were achieved:1) In the study, "public spaces and cultural ecosystem" was established as well as theoretical models on urban cultural ecosystem firstly with the theories of "urban landscapes on public spaces", "urban culture" and "people" based on the theory of ecology.2) By using historical investigation method with plenty of historical and urban documents of Tianjin city and NanNing city, urban yearbooks, development strategies and planning documents in bureaus, the develpoment process on urban landscapes were achieved.3) With systemic combination method, check out the persuasive documents on historical development process from series of documents and main elements on landscapes constitution, such as architectures, water bodies, terrains, plants, society, culture, economy, techniques, ecology and so on, rebuild the develpoment process on urban landscapes in public spaces.4) Discuss the related historical documents systemically by theoretical analysing method. Urban cultural and public-spaces landscapes characteristics and evolution process in Tianjin city and NanNing city were mentioned from aspects of public spaces, cultural characteristics and landscapes evolution process. Landscapes styles, fromation process and reasons of functional characteristics were suggested. Also, problems were studied on urban public spaces landscapes in Tianjin city and NanNing city. Urban cultural characteristics and improving strategies were concluded to assess the development trend on public spaces landscapes and urban cultural characteristics. They were all representative and persuasive and consistent with the history.5) According to the historical development process, comapre the development succession process on urban landscapes in public spaces in two cities, common aspects and different aspects, and problems existed in the development of urban landscapes in public spaces were concluded. Then predict the development trend and characteristics on landscapes culture, introduce the strategy and devices to improve them.6) Lastly, take parks landscapes planning in Tianjin city and NanNing city as examples, apply related theory into application, and give certain suggestions on reconstruction of urban landscapes in public spaces, especially on aspects of local cultures and traditional cultures, to guide further research.
