

Passenger and Environment Interaction Theory of Urban Rail Transit Hubs

【作者】 张琦

【导师】 韩宝明;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通网络作用的整体发挥,依赖于线网与枢纽的协调配合。城市轨道交通枢纽的设计与运营水平直接影响城市轨道交通网络的运营效率与服务质量。在当今城市轨道交通线路网络化与客流条件复杂化的趋势下,枢纽的设计与评价,急需引入对枢纽环境与乘客行为交互作用的综合表现。本论文通过对城市轨道交通枢纽时空交互机理的分析,建立乘客-环境交互模型,研究枢纽设施及组织方式与乘客行为的作用特征;从保障乘客需求与提高运营效率出发,构建以乘客-环境交互关系为核心的枢纽服务动态评价方法体系,为枢纽规划、设计与运营方案的制定及实施提供理论基础与方法支持。论文首先在分析城市轨道交通枢纽设计评价现状的基础上,阐述了乘客-枢纽交互理论体系的内涵与意义。提出从微观、中观、宏观层面研究乘客活动与枢纽交通环境的交互作用,并应用于枢纽服务的衡量与评价。通过对既有行人行为理论及其在枢纽设计评价应用的详实评述,论文分析了枢纽乘客、设施与组织方式交互作用的机理。提出基于势能场协作的建模方法,构建了枢纽乘客-环境交互模型。该模型通过环境势能场与个体势能场的定义与作用,实现枢纽环境作用下乘客行走、节点及路径选择与乘降行为的建模。应用数据对比方法,从群体行为、自组织行为与特定行为特性三个方面进行了模型验证。结合乘客-环境交互模型与仿真手段,论文提出典型情景试验方法,研究枢纽环境与乘客行为的作用特征。通过对乘客疏解、换乘、拥堵行为的表现特性与变化规律的分析,提炼出对枢纽交互作用主体之间协调关系予以影响、反映和衡量的要素;提出枢纽乘客流在流量、密度与速度方面的镇静效应及其作用方式。以乘客-环境交互模型及作用特征为基础,论文提出并研究了枢纽服务动态评价方法体系。构建了涵盖设施利用、时效与便捷、通畅、安全和协调五个考察水平的动态评价指标体系;引入枢纽集散条件分析实现线网与枢纽关联作用的动态表征;提出了针对指标取值特征的评价数据分析方法。以理论研究为基础,论文开发了基于Agent的动态评价工具,包括设置、核心、监控、分析与输出五个功能模块,集成了乘客-环境交互模型与评价体系。最后,论文分别就改扩建枢纽和新建枢纽两类评价对象,以北京地铁宣武门换乘站和北京新南站地铁换乘区为实例,进行了实例应用分析。

【Abstract】 Effect of urban transportation network depends on the coordination and cooperation of transport corridor and transport hubs. Design and operation level of urban transport hubs has direct effect on the operation efficiency and service level of urban transportation network. Currently, urban transport system is becoming a network with complicated passenger flow condition. Therefore, interactive effect of hub environment and passenger movement must be introduced and considered as factors in the hub design and evaluation. In this dissertation, on the basis of passenger and environment interactive mechanism study, a passenger-environment interactive model was developed and the dynamic interactive effect between hub environment and passenger movement was analysed. Then, a dynamic evaluation methodology based on passenger- environment interactive relationship was presented for the purpose of meeting passenger demand and improving operation efficiency. The study in the dissertation provides theory and method support to the scheme making and practice of hub plan, design and operation.First, on the basis of current situation of urban rail transit hub design and evaluation, the concept and importance of passenger-hub interaction theory system was proposed. Study on interaction between passenger movement and hub transportation environment should be done on three levels, and be applied on hub service evaluation.According to detailed statement of art-of-work about pedestrian and passenger theory and hub service evaluation, interactive mechanism of passenger, equipment and organization was studied. A passenger - environment interaction micro-simulation model was developed by potential field theory. Environment potential field and individual potential field were defined to model passenger walking, route choice, alighting and boarding movement. According to mass movement, self-organization and specific hub behavior comparison, experiential data, theory description and field data were used for the model verification and validation.Combining passenger-environment interactive model and simulation, typical scenario experiment method was proposed for the study of interactive effect between hub environment and passenger movement. According to the analysis of passenger circulation, transfer and jam performance, factors and rules which influence, reflect and measure the coordination relationship of interactive objects were studied. Hub passenger calming effect of intension, density and speed was presented as theory basis for optimization strategy.On the basis of passenger-environment interaction model and effect characteristics, a dynamic evaluation methodology was defined and presented. An evaluation index system including 5 service function aspects was established, which were facility utilization, efficiency and convenience, flowing, safety and cooperation. Hub circulation condition analysis was introduced in the dynamic description of network and effect between hubs. Analysis method for index characteristics was applied on the data disposal.On the basis of theory study, a dynamic evaluation software based on Agent was developed. The software was composed of 5 function modules: Setup, Main, Control, Analysis and Output. Passenger - environment model and evaluation system were integrated in the software.The last but not least, Beijing Xuanwumen metro station and Beijing south railway station were selected as case study. The two cases represent continuation hub and new hub. Cases study was presented for theory application.
