

Study on the Characteristics of the Spatial Distribution of Agglomeration Logistics Demand

【作者】 葛喜俊

【导师】 刘凯;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化的迅速发展,城市形态从孤立、分离的单个城市向更大范围的城市区域形态拓展,一些地理位置相近,经济联系紧密的数个城市集聚形成了经济发展中的城市群现象,城市群已成为全新的国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的基本地域单元。在城市群形成发展过程中,规划和建立起适应城市群建设和发展的科学合理的现代物流系统,对于提高和改善城市群经济运行质量与环境,促进城市群经济健康有序发展具有重要意义。而研究和把握城市群物流需求规模、结构、水平、分布及发展趋势是建立城市群现代物流系统的一项重要的基础性工作,对城市群物流需求空间分布特征进行深入研究具有较高的理论价值和实践意义。城市群物流需求空间分布特征研究主要包括城市群区域单体城市物流需求在空间上的规模分布关系、相互作用关系、网络化结构关系等三个方面的问题。论文围绕有关问题展开了研究,主要内容包括以下几个方面。(1)城市群物流需求基本理论研究首先,从一般意义上分析了物流需求的结构、特点、影响因素等,研究了城市群物流需求空间分布的构成、特征、生成机理和影响因素。然后,利用灰色关联度分析方法解决了城市物流需求当量值(关联量)的技术问题,通过定义节点贼市物流需求关联度、节点城市物流需求关联量等参数,构建了城市群物流需求空间分布规模测度模型,为研究城市群物流需求空间分布规律提供了技术方法。(2)物流的区位特征研究利用区位论、交通区位论、经济区位论等理论分析论证物流区位存在的客观性,对物流区位特征、区位条件、区位因子等进行了深入的研究,并提出物流区位结构的三大要素:物流区位点、物流区位线和物流区位环。通过物流区位条件分析,论证了物流需求具有物流区位因子的特征,物流需求条件是物流区位的决定因素。(3)城市群物流需求空间相互作用理论研究利用区域经济理论与方法,分析物流需求空间相互作用的条件和基本类型,通过空间经济联系的有关因素分析,研究了物流需求空间作用的基本模式,在此基础上构建了城市群物流需求空间相互作用的静态模型和动态模型。(4)城市群物流需求空间结构特征研究分析了城市群物流需求空间结构的基本概念、构成要素及分布形态,应用城市规模分布理论、分形理论和异速生长理论对物流需求空间结构和分布形态进行研究,构建了相应的数学模型,并以长江三角洲城市群为例进行实证,验证城市群物流需求空间结构的分形特征和异速生长特征。(5)城市群物流需求网络结构特征研究主要研究城市群物流需求网络化趋势的特征。提出物流需求网络结构的点、线、网三大要素,并构建其测度指标。在此基础上,建立城市群物流需求网络结构熵模型及计算方法,并以长江三角洲城市群为例进行实证,分析近20年来物流需求网络结构熵的变化趋势及影响因素,验证网络结构熵理论及计算方法在物流需求网络结构研究中的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the economic, the urban morphology has been expending from a single and separation city to a wider urban area morphology. Some cities, which are geographical proximity and with closer economic ties closer, have been gathered into a urban agglomeration with the quick development of economic. The urban agglomeration has become a new basic geographic unit to participate in the global competition and the international division of labor for a country. In the process of urban agglomeration forming and developing, it is therefore tremendously significant to plan and establish a scientific and rational modern logistics system adapt to urban agglomeration construction and development, for the meaning of enhancing and improving the quality and the environment of economic operation, or promoting economic health and orderly development of urban agglomeration. It is an important basic job that research and grasp the logistics demand, size, structure, levels, distribution and development trend of urban agglomeration for seting up a modern logistics system of urban agglomeration, also it has high theoretical value and practical significance for in-depth study of the spatial distribution of urban agglomeration logistics demand characteristics.The research of the spatial distribution of urban agglomeration logistics demand characteristics includes the spatial distribution relations of the logistics demand characteristics, the interaction relationship and network structure of the single city in the urban agglomeration. This thesis focuses on the related research issues as the followings.(1) Research on basic theory of urban agglomeration logistics demandThis research begins from the analysis of the structure, characteristics and influences factors of logistics demand, then carries out the research on spatial distribution composition, characteristics, formation mechanism and influencing factors of urban agglomeration logistics demand. After that, by using gray correlation analysis method, the paper solves the logistics demand associated volume. Through the definition of logistics demand correlation degree and logistics demand associated volume of node cities, the paper advances a method to analyze the spatial distribution law of urban Agglomeration logistics demand.(2) Research on location characteristics of logistics The paper analyzes the existence objectivity of logistics location theory by location theory, traffic location theory, and economic location theory. The paper also furthers the research deeply on the location characteristics, location conditions, and location factors of logistics. As the result, the paper proposes the three major elements of logistics location structure, such as logistics location point, logistics location line and logistics location circle. Through the analysis of the logistics location condition, the paper demonstrates that the logistics demand with the characteristics of the logistics location factors and the logistics demand conditions are the determinants of the logistics location.(3) Research on spatial interaction theory of urban agglomeration logistics demandBy regional economic theory and methods, the paper analyzes the conditions and the basic types of logistics demand spatial interaction. Through the definition of the relevant factors of spatial economic contact, the paper studies the pattern of logistics demand of spatial interaction. On these bases, the paper builds the static model and dynamic model for spatial interaction of urban agglomeration logistics demand.(4) Research on spatial structure characteristic of urban agglomeration logistics demandThe paper analyzes the basic concepts, constituent elements, distribution patterns of urban agglomeration logistics demand spatial interaction. By building a mathematical model based on city-size distribution theory, fractal theory and allometric growth theory, the paper studies the spatial structure and distribution patterns of logistics demand. Finally, the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is taken as an example to verify the characteristic of spatial structure and distribution patterns of urban agglomeration logistics demand.(5) Research on network architecture characteristic of urban agglomeration logistics demandThe paper mainly studies on the characteristics of urban agglomeration logistics demand trends. The paper proposed the three key factors, including points, lines, nets of network architecture characteristic of urban agglomeration logistics demand,which the paper also put forward the indicators to measure it. Base on the result, the paper set up mathematical models of network architecture entropy of urban agglomeration logistics demand and corresponding computational method.The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration demonstrate is taken as an example to analyze the trends and influencing factors of network architecture entropy in the past20 years. The example verifies that the network structure entropy theory andcomputational method are effective in research on network architecture of logisticsdemand.

  • 【分类号】F252;F290
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1671
  • 攻读期成果