

Dynamic Analysis of Subgrade and Bridge-Subgrade Transition Section of High Speed Railway under the Vehicle-Subgrade Coupling Condition

【作者】 马学宁

【导师】 梁波;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 高速铁路以其速度快、运能大、能耗低、污染轻、占地少以及安全舒适等综合优势,在世界各国得到了迅速发展。但随着列车速度不断提高,随之而来的轮轨系统的动力作用、行车的安全性和舒适性、线路结构的安全性问题也越发突出,而这在我国尚缺乏足够的理论研究和工程实践。本文在简要回顾国内外高速铁路技术发展以及车辆-轨道-路基动力学研究的历史与现状的基础上,建立了整个大系统的耦合分析模型,并对高速铁路有砟轨道/无砟轨道路基结构以及无砟轨道桥路过渡段动力特性进行了数值仿真分析,主要取得了以下几方面的研究成果和结论。(1)建立了二系悬挂条件下车辆-轨道-路基垂向耦合时变分析模型,模型针对列车走形的实际情况,将车辆-轨道-路基系统分为车辆、轨道-路基两个子系统,通过轮轨位移协调相容实现两系统的耦合。以轨道不平顺作为系统激励,采用Newmark-β法对系统运动方程进行求解,得到了影响车辆舒适度与安全性的计算指标,同时,该模型能够充分反映车辆对轨下基础及轨下基础对车辆的相互作用,为更好地解决轨道交通下部结构和上部车辆系统的体系匹配问题提供了分析基础。(2)以前述车-路耦合模型得到的轮轨作用力作为荷载分析前提,建立了有砟轨道/板式无砟轨道-路基三维动力有限元分析模型,考虑了不同单元之间的连接方法,并采用粘-弹性人工边界模拟路基无限边界,还考虑了轨道路基结构材料非线性,借助大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,利用其二次开发功能实现了轨道-路基动力响应的仿真分析。并通过与文献数据及现场测试数据对比验证了模型的正确性和有效性。(3)以客运专线轨道路基参数为基础,利用建立的车辆-有砟轨道-路基动力分析模型,分析了列车速度、轨道不平顺、道床刚度和厚度、基床表层刚度和厚度、路基刚度以及地基刚度对系统动力响应的影响,为客运专线有砟轨道路基的设计和施工提供参考。(4)利用建立的土质路基上板式无砟轨道-路基分析模型,采用高速铁路/客运专线板式无砟轨道的参数,分析了列车速度、轨道不平顺、板式无砟轨道系统动力学参数等对车辆的运行品质、无砟轨道和路基结构的动力响应的影响,为客运专线板式无砟轨道的修建提出了部分轨道、路基参数的合理取值范围。(5)以建立的土路基-刚性基础无砟轨道过渡段动力分析模型为基础,分析了折角不平顺和余弦形不平顺情况下,路桥过渡段动力特性及其对行车性能的的影响,为客运专线无砟轨道路桥过渡段的设计和施工提出了合理的建议。(6)在全面总结论文工作的基础上,提出了本课题有待于进一步研究的若干问题。

【Abstract】 With its comprehensive advantages such as the high speed, large transport capacity, low energy consumption, light pollution, less occupation of the land, high safety and confort performance, the high-speed railway has been developed rapidly all over the world. But, with the increasing of the trains speed, the corresponding problems like the interaction forces between trains and tracks, the safety and comfort of the running train, the reliability of tracks and subgrades are even more conspicuous and these problems still lack enough theoretical research and engineering practice in China. This thesis briefly reviews the domestic and abroad technical development of the high-speed railway, the history and the current situation of the vehicle-track-subgrade dynamics, on the basis of which, the coupled model of the integral large system is established, and numerical simulation is adopt to analyze the dynamic characteristics of ballast-track/ballastless-track subgrade structure and road-bridge transition section of ballastless-track of high-speed railway, the research work has been accomplished with following achievements:(1)The time-varying vehicle-track-subgrade model of vertical coupled system under secondary suspension is presented. According to the practical instance of train running, the vehicle-track-subgrade system is divided into two subsystems, which are vehicle subsystem and track-subgrade subsystem. The couple of two systems is achieved by displacement compatibility of wheels and rail. With track irregularity as system excitation, using Newmark-βmethod to solve motion eqution, the compute indexes which affect the vehicle comfort and safety are achieved. The model reflects enough the interactions of vehicle for foundation and foundation for vehicle. It provided an analyze basic for better solving system match on track traffic and vehicle.(2) Premising the wheel-track action force which is achieved through vehicle-subgrade coupling modle as the analysis loads, the 3-D dynamic finite analysis model on ballasted track (slab ballastless-track) and subgrade is presented. Considered the connection way between different elements and the material nonlinear of track and subgrade, and applied artificial viscoelastic boundary simulating the infinite boundary of subgrade, the simulation analyze on dynamic response of track-subgrade is realized by the secondary exploitation based on ANSYS. The correctness and validity of model is validated by contrasting with reference data and observed data.(3) Based on the parameters of tack and subgrade for passenger dedicated railway, and with the dynamic analyze model for vehicle-ballasted track-subgrade, the effects of train velocity, track irregularity, rigidity and depth of track bed, rigidity and depth of subgrade surface, rigidity of subgrade and ground on system dynamic response are analyzed. Reference for designing and constructing subgrade of passenger dedicated railway is provided.(4) With the analyze model for slab ballastless track-soil subgrade, and applied the parameters of ballastless track for high-speed railway (passenger dedicated railway), the effects of train velocity, track irregularity, dynamics parameters of slab ballastless track on vehicle , ballastless track and dynamic response of subgrade are analyzed. The reasonable assignment range for parameters of track and subgrade of passenger dedicated railway is proposed.(5) Based on the dynamic analyze model for soil subgrade-rigid foundation transition section, under the condition of fold angle irregularity and cosine type irregularity, the dynamic behavior of bridge-subgrade transition section and its effects on train operation are analyzed. The reasonable proposal is provided for designing and constructing bridge-subgrade transition section in passenger dedicated railway.(6) Based on comprehensive the dissertation, some problems which need more study are presented.
