

Studies on Community Structure and Optimized Tactics of Urban Forest in Suzhou

【作者】 余继宏

【导师】 吴智慧;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 家具设计与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在我国家具行业的飞速发展的同时,越来越多的家具设计师都感到家具设计理论对于家具作品创作的重要性。然而由于各种原因我们对家具设计理论方面的研究还不是很充分。一个优秀的设计师若没有一个科学的设计观作为主导就很难设计出优秀的作品甚至陷入创作的危机中。因而我们有必要吸收能引发创作的新的设计理论来指导自身的思维方式从而指导家具设计实践。本论文的研究目的就是力图从符号学理论角度研究家具设计中的形态符号问题,期望探讨符号学设计理论在家具设计中的应用研究问题。本论文首先简明、系统地介绍了符号学的一些基本概念和符号学的理论体系。在这个基础上提出家具形态具有符号的特点;进而分析了家具形态符号的构成要素和符号学的分类;并对家具形态符号的语义进行了细致的解析,从信息传播的角度对家具形态符号的传播过程进行了一定分析。在这个研究的基础上尝试提出了基于符号学理论的几种典型的家具设计方法,并运用这些方法进行了相关的家具设计实践,以形成一个完整的家具设计符号学理论体系。本论文是属于家具设计中创新设计理论与方法的应用基础性研究。通过研究,本论文得出以下结论:1、把符号学的设计理论引入家具设计形态研究中来,使建立在感性形式基础上的家具设计活动发展为建立在认知科学基础上科学的符号学的设计活动,使家具设计从审美设计的灵感趋向符号学理论指导下的形式创造的科学性。2、在设计符号学理论与家具形态设计之间建构一座桥梁,即把家具设计的形态要素(形态、色彩、材质)作为家具设计的符号构成要素进行研究。在符号学理论的指导下,详细分析家具形态符号的特定语义。同时,将家具形态要素从审美形式创造上升为符号学意义上的语义创造,实现了设计符号学理论与家具设计具体实践的结合。3、通过对符号学的相关理论的研究,把设计中的视觉符号按照符号能指与所指的关系分成图像符号、指示符号、象征符号三个大的类型,并用这种分类方法对家具形态符号进行了一个大的归类分析。4、从符号学构成的角度,把家具形态符号的语义分成了功能性语义、指示性语义、象征性语义、审美性语义、情感性语义和表现性语义,并分析了这六种家具形态语义之间的关系,为我们今后分析家具形态的意义问题提供了一个参考的标准。5、把家具设计过程和传播学的传播过程进行联系对比,提出家具设计过程是个形态符号意义的传播过程。通过类比的分析,把家具设计过程分解为传播学意义上的设计信息的编码和解码的过程,使设计过程形成一个精确的家具形态符号传播过程。6、在对家具形态符号学研究的基础上,尝试提出新的基于符号学理论的家具设计方法,用这些符号学理论的设计方法来解决家具设计过程中功能和意义的问题。如通过关联性的设计方法解决功能性为主的家具设计问题;通过隐喻和文脉主义的方法进行情感性和文化意味表达为主的家具设计问题。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of our furniture manufacturing and design industry, more and more furniture designers find out the importance of the design theories to the inventions of their works. Owing to various reasons, the study on the design theory is still insufficient. Without a scientific sight of design as the lead, it can be difficult for even an excellent designer to do any creations, and will get into the hot water. Therefore, it’s necessary for us to make use of the new design theories to change the way of thinking and then to the actual practices of furniture design. The purpose of this paper is to study the modality symbols in furniture design on the view of the semeiology, in the hope to make up of a more integrated system of furniture modality semeiology.First of all, this paper concisely introduces some basic conceptions and theories of semeiology system. After that, it brings forward that the furniture modality has the feature of symbol. Furthermore, this paper analyses the inscapes and classification of semeiology, and has detailed analysis about the semantics of furniture modal symbols and also the spreading processes of furniture modal symbols on the view of information spreading. On the basic of formal researches, this paper attempts to put forward several typical design methods on the bases of semeiology, and some related design practices with applying those methods. Finally, it attempts to form an integrated system of design semeiology. This paper attributes to the applied basal study on the creative theories and methods in furniture design. Following are the innovation parts of this research:1. Inducting the semeiology into the study of furniture designs; to make the aesthetic creation activities based on the forms of sculpt elements grow into the semeiology design activities based on the cognitive science; to make the furniture design from the aesthetic inspiration trends to scientific creations under the instruction of semeiology.2. Setting up a link between the semeiology in design and the furniture modal design, that is to study the modal elements of furniture design (modality, color, material) as the inscape of symbols of furniture design. Under the direction of semeiology, detailed analyses the special semantics of furniture design symbols. At the same time, making rise to the semantic creation of modality elements from the formal creation based on the semeiology, to realize the combination between the theory of design semeiology and the practice of furniture design.3. Through the study of related theories about semeiology, to classify the vision symbols in design into three types as: image symbol, direction symbol, symbolic symbol according to the relations between signifier and signified of symbols. On this way, to make a classified analysis to the modality symbols of furniture.4. On the view of semeiology composing, this paper classifies the semantic of furniture modality symbols into functional semantics, directional semantics, symbolic semantics, aesthetic semantics, emotional semantics, and expressional semantics. It also analyses the relations between these six modality semantics of furniture. Thus, it supplies a referenced criterion for us to give further analyses on the meanings of furniture modality.5. With the analysis the relations between the process of design and spread of furniture design, this paper brings forward that the process of furniture design is a spreading process by the meanings of modality symbols. Through analogical methods, the process of furniture design is divided into the coding and decoding process of design information by the meanings of spreading. In order to form an accurate spreading process of furniture modality symbols in processing design.6. On the basis of study on semeiology of furniture modality, this paper attempts to bring forward a new design method based on the semeiology. In this way, to solve the problems of functions and meanings in the furniture design processes. Such as, the problems in the functional furniture design can be solved under the use the method of association; the problems in the emotional and cultural furniture design can be settled through the methods of metaphor and contextual.

【关键词】 符号符号学家具形态语义传播
【Key words】 SymbolSemeiologyFurniture modalitySemanticsSpreading
  • 【分类号】TS664.01
  • 【被引频次】38
  • 【下载频次】2166
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