

【作者】 荆琦

【导师】 周积寅;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 中国画论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 温肇桐是中国现代著名美术教育家、美术史论家之一。论文较为详细地介绍了他的生平事迹,概述了他在美术史论研究中所取得的多方面成果,并且就温肇桐中国绘画史治学方法、绘画史学史观以及美术目录编排分类方法进行了深入地分析与论述。温肇桐在进行中国绘画史的研究时,编辑画家史料、撰写评传与编制详细年表是他所采用的主要方法。这一研究方法突出表现了其在研究过程中强调资料收集重要性的观点。同时,文章还论述了他是如何采用一分为二的研究方法,结合历史、社会、经济、政治等因素,从而辩证地认识古代绘画艺术遗产。温肇桐明确提出“绘画史学史”的概念并为其科学地划分阶段,同时将前人的史学史研究经验借鉴到绘画史学史的研究中,认为研究者必须具备史才、史学、史识、史德四个方面的基本素质。论文对于以上问题进行了论述,并分析了他通过《中国绘画批评史略》的写作探索实践绘画史学史观念的过程。收集、整理、编辑美术书目和美术专题资料也是温肇桐美术史论研究的一个非常重要的方面,出版有多部美术书目著录和资料目录,广为国内和日本的美术史论研究者重视和采用。论文从目录学知识入手,试图分析他的美术目录编排与分类方法,阐述其“类例既分,学术自明”的治学思想。通过以上内容的论述,文章力求全面整理温肇桐的人生经历和美术史论研究成果、方法与观念,正确认识他对于中国现代美术史论研究所做出的贡献,由此明晰其重要的历史地位。

【Abstract】 Wen Zhaotong is one of the most famous educators and theorists on art in modern China. In this thesis, the author let readers know all Wen Zhaotong’s life and his highly effective research in many aspects on art. The author analyzed Wen Zhaotong`s methodology and idea of the history of Chinese painting, expounded his classification on art bibliography.In the course of the study, Wen Zhaotong used historical data collection to write comments and make chronology for ancient artists. In addition, he also used research methodology of Dialectical Materialism to treat historical and cultural heritage.In China, Wen Zhaotong was the first person to put forward the concept of History Painting. He believed the Chinese history painting included three stages. Because the study of the History of Chinese history had obtained outstanding achievements, Wen Zhaotong considered that we must refer previous research experience to request the artists to improve their qualities. In Criticism of the history of Chinese painting, he put all his ideas into practice.Wen Zhaotong’s another important research result is to edit catalogue of art information. In this aspect, he had published many books and achieved wide-ranging implications at home and abroad. The thesis tried to analysis his methods in order to elaborate the idea that both sub-category of cases, academic self-evident.Based on the above, the author wants everybody know Wen Zhaotong comprehensively, including his ideas, his research methods and his great achievements on the theory of Chinese Art. It is very urgent to resume the historical status of Wen Zhaotong.
